I'm gonna bite your FACE! (official blanka thread)

A F’n + to post #263. Tons of effort and great info. + Rep.

So having finished a solid 24 hour HD session with some mates, I’ve come to some very interesting revelations.

Let me start the story that I’d seen this technique employed by multiple blankas. Thus I know I’m not responsible for “discovering” the trick, but I’d like to write a full post on my findings. Anyways, there’s this one trick, that never really looked that fancy, but would come up every so often. it’s a s.short low roundhouse trick. usually on reset/wakeup scenerios. I know nohoho did this a lot in one tournament match I saw, I’ve also soon komoda do this, and AFO does it in this vid: http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=-bW26v6rTac at 3:43.

Why s.short c.roundhouse?

I never really understood til I had the opportunity to go into practice mode and LOOK at s.short. I knew it was good intuitively and that it would beat tons of shit in tons of scenerios, but I never properly understood HOW.

Here’s how s.short works for anyone too lazy to fire up practice mode and look at it themselves:


roughly speaking. blanka’s body is entirely blue and vulnerable. his extended leg however is not. the end of his short is all red, and there’s a space in between the short hitbox and blanka that has no hit box whatsoever.

aka. Blanka has an INVINCIBLE leg.

how invincible is it? IT HAS NO VULNERABLE (BLUE) HIT BOX whatsoever.


alright, so I do some testing,

vs. fei long reversal fire kick you can meaty s.short and beat reversal flame kick CLEAN. CLEAN!

holy shit. it’s like a free safe jump.

s.short into l.roundhouse or grab or block mixup on any advantage scenerio.

too easy.

probably works vs. sagat as well (but doesn’t come up much, cause against sagat I’m usually doing j.jab low forward blanka ball combos all day.

probably works well vs. ryu (from the right distance) and maybe ken. You can probably space them to the point where even if they do uppercut, you’ll get a whiff and then grab the whiff uppercut.

works the same in ST.

so yeah.

for peeps having issues with fei. here’s a dirty dirty trick to add to your arsenal. For anyone else, experiment! let’s hear what you know. I’m gonna go experiment.

EDIT: you can whiff punish fei’s low fierce with slide/low roundhouse if you’re good.

nice post khiem

i was massing with the st. short, usually just to try and get fools to not block low, but that is a much much better use of an excellent normal

Very very nice Khiem. You are my favorite poster. Keep it up.

BTW, my ghetto Blanka vid tutorial is finally done. It includes special guest vocals by my 1 year old daughter lol.

Here you go:


Keep it real. Blanka FTW bitches.


Good shit in that video. I love cross up rainbow roll. So fun. You really emphasize the way I would like to play Blanka. Lots of baiting and forcing the wrong move out of players. It was pretty funny how a lot of the people you were beasting on were the same people I play on XBL on the regular. We should do some mirror matches sometime.

There’s been one thing I’ve been wondering though. How do you do forward command dash into super. Like where you activate super as soon as the command dash ends?

Also…I can’t figure out how to juggle people right with his super. Like I’ll hit them out of the air but then I’m not sure how long I should hold the Blanka ball to get it to juggle. I’ll either let go of the ball too soon and they fly over the super or I do it too late and they just fall to the ground.

I think the one trick I liked most in that vid was the jump over ken’s fireball with jab into electricity to anti air the j.roundhouse.

stupid question: what’s good, simple strategy for playing blanka in a mirror match? honestly, that is probably my own personal worst matchup. should be obvious i know, as i know the opponent’s move set inside & out… but i find myself 2nd guessing everything.

i end up playing on my heels which ends in disaster as often as not.

Great video.

yoooooooooooo I never knew that shit about blanka’s standing short kick. :looney::wow::wow::amazed::nunchuck:Level up time. I have to use that shit on wake up’s now!:wgrin:

great vid sir. Your blanka is way better than mines when your doing that against players online in a real fights.:pray::karate::tup: The main thing I like about your use of the rainbow ball is on wakeup cross up joints. I still think the rainbow ball in someone face into a grab will only works against scrubs and it will fool pros maybe once at the most. That cross up rainbow ball was tight! Which one are you using to cross up or does it depend on ranges of you to the characters you are fighting against? Like I said before, I don’t know everything about blanka and i’m always willing to learn new shit. I know the rainbow ball is good against blanka in mirrors matches.

the s.lk tactic is something i’ve been using for about a month now.

against o.ken, the s.lk will whiff against a DP and you get a free sweep
against o.ryu, his fireball one wakeup will get hit, but yo’ull get hit by the fireball too
against ken, you will have teh same advantage as o.ken, but sometimes you’ll hit him out of dp
against ryu, you will hit him out of dp almost completely.

just watch out for hurricane reversals… they’ll smack you (ken’s wont, but you’ll be susceptible to kneebash.

i now love this move.

great for poking and stuffing.

need to test vs. them dj low strongs/jabs then we might be able to make the matchup more fair.

stuffs sagat on the regular.

probably a good counter for drill kicks too.

Having problems with Chun-Li and Guile…More Li though.

Any general tricks of the trade for her? She is, right now my arch-enemy.

j.hp beats her j.lk (straight up)

umm… block her fireballs… hop forward

you need to bait her to jump, hop forward and vertical ball.

I have named BLANKA’S standing :lk: the “PUSSY FOOT”!:looney::rofl: I was playing against someone on psn and I was starting to use and abuse the standing :lk:. It’s an annoying little kick to people playing against it imo.:rofl:

I am pretty embarrassed to ask this - but I’m having a tough time landing the bite. In practice mode I can land it. I’m often shocked online to see a s.hp come out rather than the bite. Can you only bite (or any throw) when the opponent is in some neutral or blocking state? If they are starting some move with slow startup, is there no biting then?

I’ve started to take up Blanka, and I’m curious who the top American Blanka player generally is? I know that Komoda (SP?) is one of the best Japanese players. Thanks.

nice vid decoy, thx for the heads up. I’m still of the opinion that the rainbow roll is complete crap (especially for gettin in over fireballs), but it’s nice to use once in a while for throw traps. pretty unsafe though. A lot of the time a hop or jab ball make more sense.

vs chun: st. hp beats her jump ins nicely. It’s a tough match for me. It ends up me just jumping in for the throw and hoping they don’t have upkicks charged and suck at reversals.

I’m surprised people only now are clocking the st.lk, the neutral j.lk is exactly the same, which is what i use to crush people, especially fei long.

There is none.

Komoda, AFO are the two best Blankas I’ve seen so far.

If I had to put a “best” on it…


but he doesn’t win majors (I don’t even know if he goes), whereas Komoda and AFO have won majors.