Are tiger uppercuts useful? I am having trouble with the timing. I would think players would use the H version of it to beat projectiles, and you get a wallbounce.
my original combo was w/ X-23 and Wesker but X-23’s Weapon X Prime was too hard to combo into but now that Jill is out, her :dp:+:atk::atk: is really easy to combo into, making DHC trick a lot easier with Wesker. The timing of the c.M after the low Samurai shot is tricky because it’s not the same as you would do in a normal combo.
dammit i thought for sure i was the only wesker/x23 player
Quick question with Tiger Uppercut: Medium version is for low attacks and Heavy version is for anti-jump ins, right? I have only used light Tiger Uppercut because of the blue hand. :3
Well :l: Tiger Upper is for highs, is for lows and :h: is for projectiles.
:h: is for PROJECTILES? I gotta use that more now.
Doesn’t that one have a shitty range for it aka your not going to be countering oh say Magneto disrupter spam from full screen? I dunno I have never used it yet and I am at college so can’t hit up training to see.
Just theorycrafting here but it may be possible to gunshot into another teleport (or simply another teleport) since your counter will finish during his recovery animation. If I knew how to use record mode I’d test it out
Mind sharing what you’ve figured out? lol.
Also, after watching the tutorial in the combo thread on how to Cobra Strike -> OTG :d::h: -> cr., I have never dropped it. At first I was trying to double wave dash and would constantly miss the OTG gunshot, but that isn’t necessary at all.
And record mode is as easy as setting one button to record and another to playback.
So what kind of mix ups/resets/teleport shenanigans do you guys try and go for? This thread is all about combos so far lol
It’s in the button config (for training mode only), strangely enough.
Cool story bro.
Translation: I come to a discussion forum to tell everyone I’m smarter than them and I’m not gonna tell them what I know. I’ll just prance around saying I know best and I don’t want you to copy. LOL.
Ijust posted this in the Q&A thread, but Id like to know if you guys have any option other than :df::h: cr:m: after the Rhino Charge DHC trick
refer to post #70 in this thread.
Yeah I read it, and it implys that there are other option but you are not revealing them, so I dont really feel like Im asking you; Ya Know!
Obviously I dont need anyone to reveal to me that calling an Assist then doing :df::h: allows you to continue a combo. Obviously im looking for other self OTG options.
Akuma12169 says, “PLZ refer to my previous post where I dont actually list any notation or actual combos:razzy:, but simply state that I know more than everyone else”
thanks sorry I had to be a dick to get my point across, but clearly your on some type of rage spell.
Probably just all the Sentinel puttin everyone on edge
Obviously I can continue my combo with self OTG assist but that clearly wasnt what i was asking.
But hey… now I know. And dont worry If I find a way to do it I certainly wont insult your omniscience by sending you the memo
There needs to be more talk about this. Wesker has some insanely good movement options. I remember watching Detrimantix use several double teleports (backwards and then forwards) while calling an assist to barely cross people up. Personally, I also use Dante (@ Weasel Shot) not to follow up my OTG, but late so that they’re forced to block it and I can either use :l:teleport or :h:teleport then go for a crossup low.
Also, @akuma31, we appreciate you trying to help, but you are coming off like an ass. If you come on here just to tell us you’re keeping your secrets, don’t come at all. And if you’d rather not share, I’m sure that’s fine with everyone, but if you keep acting that way, we’ll keep calling you out.
I’m only acting that way because I’m being treated like shit for basically giving people the ability to do so much on their character. I dropped by to give fellow players the idea of what you can do, you asked me what it was, I told you and now I’m fucking being pissed on for it. Why am I helping you guys get better again?
I felt compelled to help because the initial BnB’s and trag’s combos were so helpful in starting me out with Wesker. I thought that players reading are competent enough to know what causes wallbounces and shit like that, to where I didn’t need to notate anything (which takes a ton of time and lots of explanations). Let me tell you something, I’m not going to cater to your random idiot that just wants to copy information to their own benefit.
I like to mix it up after the OTG. Sometimes I will just extend the combo with an assist. Sometimes I will dash once and go for an air throw. Sometimes I will dash (wavedash) twice so I do a ground cross up go for another combo. Sometimes I will call an assist (like I use Dormammu black hole) then go for a throw after the dark hole or go for a ground cross up.
There is a decent amount you can do with Wesker’s OTG… especially in the corner. Just remember to mix it up and be creative.
Yea his teleport is insane honestly 5 minutes a day in training mode I will just repeatedly do teleports over and over 1 after the other. It really helps for situations where you just want to absolutely mindfuck someone by zipping all over the screen. Doing this constant teleporting in training mode has helped me to be able to do teleports very fast and always know where I will end up on the screen. This makes Wesker very hard to block because your opponents will lose track of you after a while it feels haha.
So what you were saying with Detrimantix he would teleport backwards call an assist then forwards and cross someone up? Could you explain it a little more clearly at all? Because it sounds awesome I just can’t really picture it in my head right now.
With Dormammu black hole assist. sometimes what I will do is a combo into Cobra strike then dash and Samurai Edge OTG and right after I OTG… I will call Dorm and as soon as I can teleport forward. This seems to always catch them blocking the wrong way and I get more great damage
Another thing I like to do on occassion (definitely not all the time) is to combo cr l,m,st. h, samurai edge->teleport H, S, cr. M, H, into Cobra strike and then you have all sorts of shennanigans all over again.
My goal with Wesker against most characters is to literally always make them guess and NEVER end a combo in Maximum Wesker unless it will finish off the character. Maximum Wesker is a waste of meter IMO unless you are using it to finish someone off (even then you could probably finish them off without this) or to DHC. It is also useful in full screen punish situations too of course.