If Lucia isn't top tier, then this Popeyes Chicken Sandwich might be

Ratchet n Clank was one of my favorite games as a kid.


I haven’t, but I’ll take a look. Thanks!

The select screen for this game is still god awful. Just make it like this.


This is along the lines of Dark Souls right?

If so, is the combat much different than DS1 Remastered? I played that, and tbh, wasn’t too fond of it.

Akuma, Cammy, Guile, Laura, Balrog, Rashid, Ibuki, Mika, Urien, Necalli

Most old S2/S3 lists had Akuma/Cammy/Guile at the top. And going into S3 IIRC it stayed fairly the same.

S2 was a bit of a table flip from S1, but S2 to S3 also saw some characters drop but most importantly a lot of new ones introduced. Can’t remember if Urien had +0 EX Tackle in S2 or if he lost it in S2.5.

Bison and Birdie also decent, but Bison’s VT2 seems to be the thing really tipping him over the edge atm. Birdie was always solid.


Yea, definitely not the best char select screen. I rarely see it anyway though, so I dont really care either way lol. Only time I see it is if I go into training mode

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The scrolling really is kind of ass, if they made it like smash with the chars grouped by series it would be better.

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Stop spreading your lies!

So you mean there’s more?

Bring the torches and pitchforks boys! It’s time to burn nerf the witch!!!

Giving Bison a command grab was no different than making a deal with the devil. :man_facepalming:t5:

ahh… if you didnt like DS then your probably wont like BB.

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I dunno, BB is very different from DS. :thinking:

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Anyone played the games on this bundle? I want cop it for Mind Zero

If KingCrimson hasn’t played BB he should be IP banned


Bb is very different from ds to me. I feel like it’s way more offensive based than dark souls. Parries are replaced with shooting you’re gun when the enemy is vulnerable. And plus the game is way faster and more fluid than dark souls to me.


Okay, then I may like it.

After a while DS1R’s combat seemed to get very boring for me against non-bosses. It’s been a while since I played it, but I always felt like I was just guarding, parrying, and thrusting.

I loved everything else about DS1R, but yeah, the combat just seemed a little linear.

Yeah you might like it then. I know what you mean the rhythm in bloodborne is pretty different. There’s not even a shield outside of the board or whatever which is a joke. Give it a shot it should be dirt cheap.


Got some Poison



The best single player game is ps4 is Bloodborne, and it’s cheap too.

After that, probably God of War and AC odyssey. Spider-Man and horizon are solid but suffer from open world-itus so just go in ready for that.

The Ratchet and clank remake is pretty mediocre overall. Not bad but probably the single worst Ratchet game outside of secret agent clank.

As far as final fantasy games go you can get 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, & 15.

9 & 10 are probably the best place to start for old school final fantasy. 12 & 15 are a different formula. All of them are good though and remarkably different from one and other.

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Horizon Zero Dawn is the game of the generation as far as I am concerned.

Awesome characters, world, overall plot is fantastic and its incredibly fun to unravel the mystery all while slaying robo-dinos.