If Lucia isn't top tier, then this Popeyes Chicken Sandwich might be

SFV has been out for 3 years compared to SFIVs 7. Kinda dumb to keep expecting the same number of changes when one was out much longer.

Not to mention the balancing in IV was not as game changing as you keep making it out to be. Hella stuck on nostalgia.

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S2 top 3
Akuma Rashid Ibuki
S3 top 3
Akuma Rashid Ibuki
S4 top 3
Akuma Rashid Ibuki

Heavy fluctuation indeed

Wonder how many iterations of SFIV had Akuma, Cammy, Fei sitting at the top. :joy:

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Akuma didn’t drop till the end of S2 i thought? So that isn’t really fair to list him there. Also 2.0 had the S1 DLC crew (besides Alex) doing work. We didn’t really hit this stale patch till 2.5 imo.

Agree with the overall point but lets be fair here.

Ibuki was not top 3 before season 3.

Akuma was the 1st character of season 2


Also mentioning S2 and you got the gall to not put Laura nor was ibuki busted yet.

I won’t stand for that revisionist bullshit.


Word i knew i forgot to mention someone. S.mk bot even i was on that train lmao

Also yeah you’re right Zio im misremembering

You fucking what now? VT1 Ibuki, not top tier. Midscreen 50/50 reset Ibuki for 1 bar, not top tier?! Is your memory messed up or you’re just doing your schtik?

Seriously did you all forgot S2 Ibuki?
As per Laura, she was strong (so were Urien and Boxer btw) but not top 3 strong.


Laura was easily top 3 in S2 and I’d definitely argue boxer and Urien were better than Ibuki before they got kneecapped.

We gonna forget about Mika, Guile, birdie and necalli? Top tier was not that cut and dry in S2.


I hated S2 but there definitely was a healthy amount of contenders. Can’t really wrap up the whole meta with just the top 3

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Ibuki became top in S3 when they buffed her frame data even more and gave her the VT2. VT1 was too slow against stuff like VT1 Rog putting you in a guaranteed one-hit stun guess scenario.

Her VT1 is probably better now than it was pre-VT2 purely because nobody knows how to play against it any more. But regardless, Cammy > Ibuki.

Forgot cammy lmao. She was definitely above ibuki in S2.

The problem with bomb was (is) that it’s 3 bars. It’s grimey af but you could rob her before she pops it, especially with all the unga running around in S2.


it was also not guaranteed damage on the mix. First bomb activation was good damage, but you spent the remaining bar on the possibility of opening up, OR you had to drop a lot of meter in order to get that second bomb to combo.

VT2 says fuck it, drops one bar off of VTC cost, kept your +oB if you fucked the confirm up, and bulky damage without having to drop multiple bars.


I’m not saying we need good players only or we don’t need bad players. I’m saying when you go to a tourney , you should set the bar slightly higher and fail, rather than set the bar low and just accept that you suck.

You will quite literally , always suck with this attitude.

There’s more than just skill that defines winning and losing.

  • Can I be more confident than this guy? Is he super nervous ?

  • Can I frustrate him with a style that may give me a slight chance ?

  • It’s FT2 , I can random him out first match, let it roll and see what happens.

It’s two matches. It’s SF5.


What did you find in that shit show remotely good?


So if this translation is right, this person wants Capcom to fix Kolins post KO freeze frame because the EX version doesn’t linger on her ass.

We’ve reached the peak of Capcom please


Adam Driver as Kylo carried that movie on his shoulders for me. Dude is a good actor and without that helmet obscuring his face we can actually see him emote. Ren went from a joke to my favorite SW character after TLJ.

In fact I’d go as far as to say that him and Carrie Fisher were the only characters i liked in that movie.

How are ya’ll forgetting the sheer dominance of Ibuki in S2. She had Marn looking like someone that could take tournaments. @DevilJin_01 i summon thee, remind these blasphemous fucks.