If Lucia isn't top tier, then this Popeyes Chicken Sandwich might be

Eskills thinks the Last Jedi is a masterpiece I can’t trust this nigga on anything.


Again, the argument is not how much money there is, it’s where it’s being made, I’m talking about incentives. If all Capcom makes their money from is selling characters and costumes that’s all you’ll be getting. You’ve agreed with my point in indicating just how much of those individual character purchases you have to make to stay up to date with the game despite the game itself remaining relatively stagnant.

How much has SFV as a game really changed since launch? Throw loops nerfed, AA jabs nerfed, DP’s losing frame 1 invul, VT2’s added, VTC scaling… that’s one major update worth of changes, yet these have been stretched out over 3 years because Capcom hasn’t been monetarily motivated to update the game itself.

Don’t put words in my mouth ya bitch.

I just don’t think it’s the dumpster fire you and your YouTube cuck brigade say it is.

My investment in SW is low when it comes to the movies. I like the book muchhh more.


ff7 is alright but the best Final Fantasy game is, always has been, and always will be Final Fantasy Tactics.


FF6, FF7 and Tactics!

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Those were added through the course of several updates and half of those things are balance related, not gameplay inclusions or extra content?

I actually enjoyed TLJ more than TFA. Both of them are ass Star Wars movies though.


Not talking about extra content, talking about how little the actual round-to-round gameplay has changed since launch.

Is this implying SFIV changed it’s core gameplay or…? I’m unsure why the comparison to SFIV was drawn, the content for gameplay related additions is like 1:1 across the updates.


You’re gonna have to give some examples on this.

Lol, the Blitz Tank in BB Tag can fucking jump

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If I need to produce a list of changes then that’s going to take me some time, but the game we were watching and playing between Vanilla SF4 and SSF4:AE was very different. I remember characters getting brand new moves or cancel properties that changed how they played, Dudley for example went from bottom tier to high mid on the basis of his EX Duck changes alone.

The closest example in SFV is Ryu in terms of attempting to update how he’s played with new moves and properties… and nobody plays him.

But again, my dude these are balance chances? I must be misunderstanding something because character tiers have fluctuated heavily in SFV as well, S1/S2 to S3/S4 are like a table flip. So you’re upset about the state of balance or is it something else?

Sim got a brand new low, Ryu got his donkey, Gief got his parry, Cammy got her air throw, FANG got flight etcetc. New moves have been added, and not many were added to either IV or V.

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SFV from launch to SFV now feel like it’s one update separated. We’re stuck at SSFV.

That would be because we are, the only title update received has been SFV to SFVAE, it has not received a third title revision, but we’re getting new content put into AE.

What are yall even arguing?


I enjoyed Last Jedi…


I’m trying to figure that out

Overall, so did i. But i also pirated it so…

If i had to pick one thing i really hated it’d be Canto Bight. I have other but that entire subplot should’ve been axed.