If Lucia isn't top tier, then this Popeyes Chicken Sandwich might be

Not with Twitch Cops and ESPN sitting next to you having the gun loaded and the finger on the trigger.


Wow, we really out here comparing esports with gentrification? Even though less than 2% of the community even has any involvement with esports? (I’m talking esports players, tournament organizers, sponsors, etc)

If anything, I feel like esports is making fgc folk act out even more than before. Messed up shit happens in this community all the time but it doesn’t always get talked about. In fact, I would almost argue that the fgc is becoming LESS of a community and more of just a gathering of people. Just looking at these people getting roofied at evo, it’s clear that this isn’t just a “community”. Pretty sure mostly everyone would be against that kind of behaviour. But alas, the community presents itself as a gathering of people for debauchery and sketchy shit to happen.

Anyways, eSports is not gentrifying even slightly. I’m assuming this wasn’t meant in terms of race/ethnicity, but more so as becoming a corporate entity rather than gathering of fighting game enthusiasts. I always like to make the comparison to a community like CSGO which is almost certainly ran by esports. Everything from equipment, to strategies, to the social aspect revolves a large part around eSports.

Nigga please. Shitty things have been going on behind closed doors and you just never heard about it. Stop acting like trash human beings didn’t exist cause drama or fucked up shit wasn’t being aired on Twitter/Facebook in the past.


I wonder how people are bringing up kids nowadays.

Got fucking backstabbed by a 12 yr old new trial student.

I teach piano in a school on a part time basis in a school. I was assigned this 12 yr old kid on Friday evening. I asked her to play something for me to gauge her level. Girl played really well but there were a few bad habits that I had to sort out or she’ll sustain an injury in her thumb and ankle.

Sorted them out in 5 minutes. Girl is learning well. And fast!

I played 2 songs for her to listen. I played the first one. She smiled and said that was beautiful! I played a second one. She smiled again and said. Beautiful!

I said OK great. Let’s do the second one as its easier.

As a teacher I hate spoon feeding my students. I ask them questions to get their creativity working. I don’t give a shit about playing the right notes. I care if you’re playing without expression. I asked… In this bar over here. Should we go louder? If so until where? Ok try it out on the piano and see if it sounds good.

I also get them to close their eyes and imagine a scene or to describe how the song makes them feel. A lot of high level musicians do these. They have an image in their head and you see them drifting off, lost in the music as they play.

I did all that. The lesson went great. She was smiling. I told the mum she played very well and I could tell she’s talented and hardworking.

Next day. I received a text message from my boss.

She said the girl cried after the lesson and will not continue. She said I only showed her songs that was very sad and it made her very sad. She wanted to play fast songs with a strong rhythm. Why the fuck did you not say that you didn’t like the songs I proposed? I’m the teacher anyway. I entertain song requests, But you jolly well play what I get you to play because there’s things I need to teach.

She also complained that I taught too many things and I asked too many questions. So am I supposed to leave her bad habits unchecked? Am I supposed to spoon feed musical directions without making them think about it? If you’re a beginner I’ll be spoonfeeding. But the girl was around super platinum level in terms of piano skills and should start thinking critically about musical direction.

These are the 2 songs that I played. Give it a listen. These songs make you very sad?? Seriously?

This girl gonna grow up and sleep with a guy and decide to report the poor guy for rape the next day because she feels like it. I’ve been teaching piano for many years. This is the first time I’m encountering such shit. What the fuck are kids made of nowadays?
How do you develop such a treacherous behaviour at the age of 12? Girl looked innocent as fuck too.


Not to mention that a lot of people involved with fgc events now aren’t even there for the competitive side of things. Shit went downhill when tournaments became more for the viewers than the competitors.


Something soft and weak. Like paper maché. Or Raditz.


This dude really trying to act like esports didnt have shady shit going on. Girls getting trains ran on them just to hang out with pros , players taking pills before matches, managers taking the tournament winnings and leaving the country sending an already depressed player to suicide(thankfully he lived) players installing aimbot on a PC through a USB in the middle of a match. these are stuff off the top of my head but esports didnt effect the shady shit lol


Look at it this way: she’s 12, so at least she has some kind of justification for being and acting like a total dumbass considering her age.

That’s a justification most adults don’t have, and they will still regularly act like complete dumbasses.

As an example, just look at Cipher. You probably wouldn’t be able to tell looking at the stuff he writes, but I’m fairly sure that he’s older than 12.


The shade thoooo





I was waiting for a “sad” moment in both those songs. Not one existed. I don’t care if I sound judgy right now, but that little girl? I ain’t gon talk about her… BUT HER PARENTS??? They are the used dried bloody tampon psychos that make doing what you do hard.

I am so disgusted.


Sf5 is truly the most scrub friendly fighter in a long long time



I’m oddly ok with this.

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Tfw I want Poison’s story costume but I’m running low on FM :sweat:

Inb4 low tier/character is bahd jokes

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That costume is so damn good and sexy, it is not fair.
Capcom was unfair to make it her story costume.

E-sports in pretty much inevitable. I don’t think they intentionally killed that old vibe. But it just kind of came with the territory.

Plus everybody uses twitch and some of the old shit talk and jokes would probably be twitch bannable. Then on to YouTube demonetizing your shit. Etc etc.

It’s a necessary evil at this point. I’m glad people can get paid off this. But I ain’t gone lie I can’t stand cpt event commentary. They sound like NFL commentators “now here’s a guy…” . That shit is wack and the rest of the time they’re awkwardly trying to make jokes without saying anything too spicy. Take me back to somebody asking Chris hu about the nigga special from the Chinese restaurant. :joy::joy:


I’m fine with esports as long as the commentators aren’t forced to censor themselves too much. The only event that felt ‘too esports’ was E league. I couldn’t even watch it despite all the big names and money on the table. It was so cringe.

The regular CPT I’m cool with. Sometimes it seems like Zhi is holding back a bit but it is what it is.

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I remember when chris hu couldn’t pronounce nigga so he’d often say niggr so when sanford came to play chris said I hate dis niggr and sanford just glared lol.

Chris wouldn’t survive 5 secs in the esports commentary world with his broken English


I don’t like how they force you to play on CPT stages and cant choose costumes with revealing parts. I remember they had to stop fuudo and tell him to switch costumes during evo :joy:

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Didnt they allow Idom to play with Laura’s bikini costume and had some Cammy players play her with the default costume recently? Or was it not a CPT event?

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