If Lucia isn't top tier, then this Popeyes Chicken Sandwich might be

Dudes in going out a tourney

“I did ok considering I’ve not practised for weeks”

Fuck off why did you go then. I hate this style of comment and mentality. It’s a losers statement. A born loser.


My fault I should’ve worded that better cause I definitely didn’t want the esports thing to happen and I’m sure half of us didn’t want it either.


ESports isn’t entirely to blame, SFV left a soure taste in most peoples mouth, you can see it that a lot of people have started to try other games out and actually enjoy them.
SFV did way more damage than only the Esports part of it.
And you can turn it like you want, but only Capcucks would blame the people for it.

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I loved how everything was raw and organic back then, but if E-sports means players getting paid/sponsored and are also able to win bigger cash prizes, then I’m all for it.

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If you ain’t got time in your life and are rusted it’s not that big a deal. You’re a dad so I assume you know how it feels to go a long time without playing and then get stuck in after a few weeks break.


For the record we had Capcom pro talk, we had excellent adventures Capcom killed them, not esports, yes Mike blames e-sports but I bet you whatever you want we’d still have him if Capcom didn’t treat him like shit

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If I only could have another non eSports Sanford Kelly stick breaking moment in this weirdo SF5 era… sigh Street Fighter V isn’t worth breaking sticks apparently.


sounds pretty good


darksydephil syndrome, people just wanna see the trainwreck.

at least as tainted as it is, DSP did get that 4th at evo and become “the best north american SF2 player”

LTG has nothing lol.


also in DSP news, he’s now under fire for saying Racist jokes are OK, just grow some thicker skin. But do not make fun of him for having the gout, that’s fucked up and mean.


I’ve been watching these videos called down the rabbit hole that retell the story of internet train wrecks (has one on DSP) that I think you’d enjoy.
There’s the final fantasy house, wings of redemption and some more

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I never blame that shit on “not practicing” though. I’ll go 8 days without a game because of work then into a local on a Sunday with maybe 2 nights worth of play time. I’m still going there to win. I believe I’m going there to win.

What I’ve noticed , and this seems to be everyone. It’s always “just training” “just learning” “happy to win one game”. Fuck that. Again, what you training for? What you learning? So you train to train more?

It must be a FG thing. I’m not sure other game codes going around saying "not played for a week, guess I’ll enter this FIfa tourney and get washed! Or “I’m pretty shit at this call of duty , but here’s my 20 bucks, hope I get a kill!”

Setting goals is fine. You don’t wanna go 0-2 first tourney, perfectly acceptable, but if you smash that, the next goals gotta come in. Then the next one.


Damn I just realized there’s a new GG coming in less than a year but I’m not even past trash level in Xrd, and everybody’s gonna abandon that game very soon

Guess I’ll have to start leveling up

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Funny because Sanford called sfv, stress fighter 5 on that No Frills podcast lol. He actually explains that whole incident and talks about the pick a top tier.

Also, bbtag character reveal tonight! Trying to not get my hype levels too high to then just be disappointed


What was the name of that SFxT reality show/stream that had aris and sherry drama come out of it and was an overall train wreck

Also there were more Sanford rage moments in the past but seeing it in person is another experience lol.

I remember when I went to Chinatown fair and this was when SSf4 came out and CTF had imported arcade cabs I saw Sanford on a winning streak bodying people left and right then justin wong walks in with mike Ross and gootecks (idk why they were there) justin picks Chun Li and beats sanford. Sanford was suppose to let another person get on to play so when a dude walked up to the cabinet Sanford sorta pushed him out the way and inserted a dollar to play against justin again, same shit happens, justin beats sanford even when he kept switching characters.yo… I along with everyone including justin saw the rage building up on Sanford’s face and lip he straight up Bionic arm’d the cabinet where the buttons are and managed to crash the game. the owner had to reboot all the cabs just so they can sync up again. Sanford storms out and everyone including justin burst out in laughter truly one of the funniest arcade memories you had to be there. to top it all off I saw a mysterious hooded figure passed the fuck out drooling on a Daytona USA arcade seat with a power glove on him only to find out a month later that was triforce


Cross Assault

The drama was about Aris and Miranda, not Sherry


I do remember some weird buzz going around about Aris asking sherry to lift her shirt or something? Idk I have weird memory retention and adderall doesn’t help it lol.

here might be helpfull.


Only thing I know is Aris pointed the camera at Miranda’s feet lol


Fucking aris man lol

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