If Lucia isn't top tier, then this Popeyes Chicken Sandwich might be

Poison is love. She is best girl even though she once had a dick.
She is too awesome and too hot. Girl owns.


The jokes weren’t even that good just potientially offensive or something. Like I’m supposed to laugh at the fact what he said was fucked up instead of the fact it was funny.

Like yeah it was pretty good but yall acting Jesus himself wrote these jokes. This was low effort for him.

She got rid of her dick? O:
Btw, men owns, we are even better at being girls than the real deal :slight_smile:

Depends of whether or not you left the game in Japanese.

Your trash taste doesn’t stop at food I see. :relieved:

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gotta agree with Vhozite, I enjoyed watching that special but it wasn’t anywhere as offensive as I expected it to be after what everyone was hyping it up to be


Brah the Jussie Smollett joke alone was fucking hilarious. God damn you!!!


In my small ontario town we are getting a popeyes

I will finally get to know what this hype is all about


If you make a vid about it, don’t spit the thing on your table.

LTG is disgusting.

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It’s fried chicken… on bread.

That’s it…

I like how i didn’t even call it bad and yall still upset.

It just felt low effort and…old? Like some of these jokes felt like they were 10 years too late.

Was LTG good at SF4 or something?

I legit can’t understand why he has more than 10 followers or subscribers. I don’t really understand why I even know the man’s name. Shit’s bottom of the barrel.

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That would be why my friend.

Also, he got his shit pushed by Viscant. You’d really hate to see it. I’ll fetch a link.


And that’s a good thing

So, he really is famous just because he’s a loud mouth scrub?

Yeah, I still don’t get why anyone gave him a platform.

Was the SF4 era hurting for good content or personalities or something?

You’d need to consult the elder gods to find that out.
(Basically some old fart who remembers the SFIV era, @Pertho is a good bet)

As far as I know, LTG is known for not being able to wash the taste of Viscant’s dick out of his mouth and being a salty loudmouth.

SFIV era did have some personalities, or at least Excellent Adventures, which is far more than SFV can claim. Fuck eSports.

And speaking of drought of personalities, I guess that’s why he’s still “relevant” today.


What? What do you mean? We like old jokes now?

I don’t know, I don’t think we really need personalities, but maybe others don’t feel the same. Just give me some good matches, content, tech or tutorials and I’m happy. The only personality I watch for kicks is Smug.

Anyways, in other news, the BB Tag reveal stream seems to have had a time change…



Individual streams werent as popular as now but weekly tournamemt streams were way more popping.

Rip Team Rush Hour. Chris Hu and AquaSilk were a great duo.

Honestly the best part about it was that eSports wasnt as cemented. Weekly broadcasts still had some leeway to be wild. There’s a youtube account called Stream Monster that would clip parts of streams and upload them to youtube.

New kids dont have Based JaHa on commentary. FGC is poorer for it.

Edit: the account is BasedMonster


SFIV and MvC2 weeklies were a different type of hype. Commentary was off the hook like modern warfare voice chat.

Shit was simply an era that can no longer exist.