If it will please the jury: the phoenix wrights team thread

You should try adding Vergil to the Wright/Dante duo. Great anchor, good THC for Wright, good assist (not great, but still good), good DHCs and could probably use the dog for left/right mixups.

OTGs are great because you can pick up more evidence during combos (Crystal, for example, allows 3 easy pieces of evidence off of a knockdown). I just wanted to know if it’s as good in the neutral as Jam Session.

Crystal is alright in the neutral as it puts a decently sized projectile hitbox in front of Dante, but it pails in comparison to Jam Session. Jam Session eliminates projectiles, covers a huge vertical area to stop any kind of approach from the front, causes a lot of blockstun, and pushes the opponent out on hit or block. That said crystal is clearly better mid combo, Wright benefits a ton from an OTG assist and I don’t really know how he would use Jam Session at all to extend his combos. Personally I would go with Jam Session if I had to pick, because the pros outweigh the cons imo but it all depends on your preference. If you have a different assist to protect Wright anyway you may as well go with crystal I suppose.

Doesn’t Crystal nullify projectiles? Or did they take that out for his assist?

Actually…I’m not sure if Crystal eliminates projectiles or not. I suppose I shouldn’t assume things before I post here sorry about that. Either way, I believe Jam Session would still be better in this regard since it has a longer duration and covers an angle that Maya can’t already protect.

So looking through the thread I couldn’t come up with a formula for the perfect PW team. I know that he needs a great shell around him, one that works like, Doom / Vergil, or whatever because his team needs to function without him, much like Phoenix. I guess that’s why he’s PHOENIX Wright. huhuhu. Bad jokes aside, the only good team I see that’s centered around PW would be UglyWhen’s PW / Spencer / Wesker. The grapple assist helps with standing dizzy, and the OTG / Low hit helps with a lot of other extensions and such.

I want to make a team with PW and RR together, and I have several characters I can use for the final character. I’m just not sure what the formula should be for him. I’m not good w/ Spencer either though :frowning:

Wright/Chris/RR might not be the BEST PW team but I am having fun with it, even tho it is a low tier team I don’t mind it.

Pretty much, though I don’t think Doom/Vergil is a great shell for him, unless you consider Vergil + missiles to be optimal, which I don’t. I prefer missiles for Wright, but plasma beam for Vergil (since Vergil isn’t great at air control) so I see a small issue with the assist you pick for Doom.

I think that Wright May Cry (Wright/Dante/Vergil) and X/Wright/Doom (X being a character that’s good on point, builds meter quickly, works with hidden missiles and get’em missile and offers some way to assist Wright) are his best teams. X imo = Spencer, MODOK (he works with missiles, and can use the dog assist to zone or go for high/low unblockables; he also has two assists that can help Wright (psyonic blaster and bomb)), Magneto (same reasons as MODOK, but he only has one assist that can help Wright and he can use the dog in the middle of his Hyper Grav combo, and after launching the opponent. I will post more combos with Magneto when I get back from China) , and maybe Zero (see Phampy’s matches if you can find them and his combo videos). Hulk works too (as Polt demonstrated), but I prefer the other four above him.

Wright/Dante/Vergil is incredibly well rounded. I saw a guy use this team (unf, it was online), but he still impressed me because he had nice combos with this team, he protected Wright really well, and he had good movement and set ups with Dante and Vergil.

Wright/Dante :
Jam Session is useful for all of Wright’s modes
THC with Dante gives Wright time to pick up evidence or land an Objection
Dante works well with the dog, since he can get unblockables with it and combo off of it after an air throw
DHC from Order in the Court to Devil Trigger is good and from Maya to Devil Trigger is good (since you can set up unblockables)
Essentially a very good assist character with weak DHCs.

Rapid Slash isn’t as good as Jam Session but it’s still decent and offers Wright some horizontal protection
THC with Vergil doesn’t give Wright as much time to pick up evidence but it’s still sufficient and if it hits, the opponent is put into a hard knock down state
DHCs from Maya or OitC into Spiral Swords or Devil Trigger are good
Vergil can use Round Trip on an incoming character and then use the dog assist in conjunction with his teleport to go for a left/right mix up. I think this works better with Devil Trigger since he has an air dash.
Essentially an okay assist character with great DHCS.

And Dante/Vergil is a good shell and both Dante and Vergil are sufficient anchors.

That’s my two cents.

I suggest playing characters u enjoy playing rather than forcing theories into your gameplan. It’s more important to feel comfortable with ur team (especially when playing PW) and to have fun discovering synergy, or u simply won’t be motivated or confident enough to make it work. Spencer/Wesker was my shell from vanilla, and it wasnt until post nerf that i decided to pick up wright for the dog assist primarily. Months later i learned about plinking and to this day I’m still learning new tricks, but i never really considered my team ‘optimal’. That was the reasoning behind me doing that cmv so i could explore wright’s potential with other teams. I was surprised to find more efficient (albeit more difficult) combos with assists that are superior to mine in the neutral game and have better dhc/thc options as well. But in the end i realized i couldnt use these teams effectively in a match setting because i would simply be too uncomfortable with them on point. Also my combos with wright tend to fall apart without wesker’s otg, but i digress my point is that you shouldn’t get bummed out about ur team comp if u already have a functioning plan. Instead look for specific answers to ur bad matchups so u can adjust on the fly.

That said if i had to pick two characters that afford wright the most number of options, I’m going to give it to dante and ammy. Both offer combo extensions, strong neutral assists, dhcs, and thc setups. U can check the last couple combos in my cmv for some corner plink combos using cold star/jam sesh, but they are quite hard, and an otg assist would make those significantly more practical. R. Raccoon has a lot to offer wright as well, and u can even watch wolfstreet and basic sausage to see what they have come up with. Its fine to have several teams too, as long as u understand their strengths and weaknesses.

Hey would Wright/Haggar/Raccoon be a good team? Using Wright/Chris/Raccoon right now and was thinking of maybe switch chris out with a haggar who can give me more protection then what gunfire can, tho a zoning team could beat the wright/haggar/raccoon team…


Well that team is good if you’re facing a rushdown team since they both provide good protection but it might be difficult to comeback should Wright die. Even though that team has a difficult time against zoners, you could either try to find a way to handle it (I mean no team is invincible there are ways) or learn another team to handle the situation.

Like Uglywhen says it’s okay to have several Wright teams if one team handles a situation better than the other. It’s tough to find a perfect Wright team since he has a lot of gaps that needs filling which is difficult with only two assists.

Yeah I was thinking of that using Wright/Chris/Raccoon against like Morri/doom and other teams that can zone my haggar team out and use Wright/Haggar/Raccoon against rushdown teams. Also while I like Pendulum with Wright and chris also thinking of using Wright/Chris/Dante even tho Dante anchor is not the best. Also another team question would Wright/Raccoon/amaterasu with cold star be a good team?

Just saw the PW character stats on Eventhubs: http://www.eventhubs.com/images/2013/jun/22/eventhubs-stats-preview-ultimate-marvel-vs-capcom-3-image-3/

Don’t understand the high amounts of PW/Frank West teams. Can somebody explain how that’s supposed to work? Both need to be on point for at least once to get good, so I never thought putting them both on the same team made sense.

Never used Ammy on a PW team, but RR/Ammy is arguably the best RR shell.

^^Yeah Ammy is pretty good for Wright, its a decent protection assist, but its good for keeping people in place, sometimes you’ll get lucky and the cold star hits someone, plus the THC is so good too.

I guess people like Frank cause they think it’s a good horizontal get off me assist. (IDK I think its better at lockdown rather than protection). And also Chris G when he played Wright he used Wright/Frank/Dante because Dante’s THC helps both Wright/and Frank well when the opportunity arises.

I think Andres used Zero / Frank / PW or something like that? He seems to have been doing well with it.

It could be due to Chris using it but theoretically it’s a decent team. It’s more of a frank team though. Wright most of the time forces the opponent to come towards him so you can set up a shield and go for the tac. If you get the tac then free lv 4 for frank and if you don’t and maya’s shield is still active, the glitch triggers and you don’t get pushed and get to go for another mixup into another tac. Also if they break your tac while maya’s not out there wright gets knocked back almost full screen. Wright has good assists to help keep people away, and if wright gets ko’d then one mistake with frank/dante can lead to instant lv 5. The only real terrible downside is that if you touch wright, snap in dante, and take him out…that team probably won’t win.

Sigh, still don’t have my wright team…I just don’t know who to use been going through alot of characters D: . I want to use Wright and Haggar, just cause I really like those 2 BUT I don’t know who should be anchor.(Don’t really want to use Doom)

It’s alright these things take time. You could try Sentinel since the drones are good for them both. Or Strider, Vergil, and Strange.

The problem there is most of the characters I like are medium to low tier, sadly outside of Doom but he is on EVERYONE’s team and not the best anchor.

Well, who else do you have in mind? (Dante anchor on your one team seems decent) Even if the character is low or mid tier some players make it work, Kusoru and Wolfstreet use Raccoon and as anchor, and he’s not a strong anchor, Angelic uses Shuma who’s considered low tier as an anchor and if you look at the UMVC3 battle log some people have the guts to play Thor and MODOK on anchor.

Yeah Doom is on almost everyone’s team and is not the best anchor but the thing is his assist contributes so much to teams. I know you don’t like Doom and want to be unique (who doesn’t) but sometimes you have to give up a favorite character to make a team better and more efficient. I mean it’s hard enough to win with Wright already so why not make it easier for Wright and Haggar by giving them a good assist? I mean when UMVC3 first came out I wanted to use MODOK, Wright, and Deadpool but I needed more synergy for Wright so I learned Doom and Ammy and made it a bit easier to win with Wright.

Well, take a look at the UMVC3 log for anchor searching.