It is good to use both as Haggar/PW work very well together. The closest thing to Akuma Tatsu assist Haggar can use is FW Shopping Cart, and FW on anchor is pretty ass…but do whatever you like.
If you’re wanting to use Wright, have the dedication to learn a character that’s hard if it helps your Wright team
I currently use PW(PtW), Rocket Raccoon(Log Trap, duh), and Viewtiful Joe (Voomerang)
I collect as much evidence as I can, then switch to Joe and Ageojoe, TACing into a Bridge to the Turnabout. However, my RR is… lacking. Does anybody know of a good character that I can 1. Easily learn 2.Use Ageojoe technique 3. Use as a good “Get off me assist”?
[]fairly simple BnBs
[]good DHC opportunities, which are superior to TACs
Iron Fist’s rising fang assist is sort of similar to log trap.
I think I’ll use Akuma. His tatsu stays on the screen long enough for me to get a combo with Joe.
Would still use TACs to get wright into turnabout mode
Yeah, but you’re running a 1/3 chance that you’ll fail. Given you’re using WRIGHT, I’d rather spend two bars for a guaranteed Turnabout Mode, rather than a 2/3 chance for a free Turnabout Mode.
Question would Wright/Haggar/Dr strange(bolt assist) be a good team?
…I guess… but Dr. Strange is known to be a really wonky anchor. Can do stuff with XFC, but can’t really open people up by himself. And the beam is slower than most others, so you can’t just call it out whenever you want. But yeah, I guess it could work.
Well I’m using Doom anchor right now with beam just wanted to know if strange could work
Makes more sense to use Doom between Doom Anchor vs Strange Anchor.
I used to run that team for a little bit to try. It works but it wasn’t really my cup of tea. Try it and if you like it stay with it.
I mean as much as I like Doom on anchor just was looking for someone with more options to do stuff solo haha
In case that I’d actually say to stick with Doom. Strange is a very weird (AKA bad) character to run with nothing backing him up.
Ya just going to stick with it but need to work on my hit confirms with him
I’d like to throw out before asking that I’m fickle and bad at decision making, which is what stops me from figuring simple things out on my own. Also, I’m bad at execution. Now that I’ve said that -
I’m really liking Wright/Vergil together, simply because I can DHC into anything Vergil has with Wright and back (especially OitC -> Spiral Swords and Maya -> Spiral Swords or DT). Disregarding the negative things that make me a bad person, what would be the best anchors for these two? I feel like I have lots of options that I’m not looking at yet, so I’d like some thoughts.
Strider Hiryu of course. He fits on pretty much the end of any team. Either that or you could just have an assist character like Sent, Haggar, Akuma, Doctor Strange, etc.
Is Arthur/Wright/Assist or Wright/Arthur/Assist more effective? I really want to make a team of Wright and Arthur, but holy hell that gets blown up so easily. There is literally NO room for mistakes unless there is a good assist or some awesome trick I’m missing.
You could use Doom hidden missile assist really helps wright with evidence since you are using daggers with arthur I assume.