If it will please the jury: the phoenix wrights team thread

Wow, I did not know Wright doesn’t get pushed.

Does anyone benefit from Break the WItness pressure? It might not be invincible anymore, but neither is Shopping Cart.

In turn about, with all the chip you should get a meter right away, but your evidence and papers can push block you, I haven’t really messed with that assist, but I prefer using the paper assist. Especially with she hulk, after a knock down. Either dash back or just wait and call paperwork make them block. It since it active for a while and if they press a button they’ll get hit, and if they block I have a chance to guess right and anti air hyper or command grab, plus they have durability, can help you get in with other characters if you’re getting camped hard,

Also after a command grab, hard tag to Wright and call she hulks clothesline assist, you can get 3 evidence and then launch and plink Maya, so 4 evidence, and Wright can combo into her assist too. I’ve also been using rocket racoon I the team too and he can combo into she hulks clothesline then set a net trap, hard tag to Wright, they fall from net, plink Maya and combo and plink her one more time, so that’s two evidence!

I’ll make a video of it soon, I just need to getting better with the coon

I personally prefer BtW because it gets a fairly easy follow up if you land a hit, and it’s easier to use in combos.

This has probably been asked before, but how well does Tron/Wright work? They seem to do well together, but I want to know the benefits of using them.
I’d also like to know how well those two would do if I had Ammy on anchor or Vergil on anchor.

No idea about Tron/Wright, but Wright loves Ammy. For cover, for plink followups, for THC objections, for slow raw tag combos, everything. As for Vergil, not too sure.

anyone have an opinion on modok/pw/doom? what do you think about the chemistry and anyone have any experienec with either of the cahracters?

I think it can be a good team, with Modok and his good keep away game, plus you got Doom to further his keepaway game and help Wright out. You’re probably not going to use Wright’s assist much unless you find out a combo extension with missile. You could probably try Modok (Barrier or Psyonic Blast)/Wright(Missile or PTW)/Doom(Missiles)

As much as I hate this Idea thinking about switch my Wright(get em missle/Haggar(lariat)/Doom(Hidden Missiles) to Wright(Get em Missile/Dante(Jam Session)/Doom(Plasma Beam). I mean I like Haggar but most people just run away from him :(…

If I saw some insanely buff dude running at me with a pipe, I’d probably do the same thing.

I’ve wanted to use Tron with Wright also, but I don’t think it’s meant to be. If you’re going against a heavy zoning team for example, Tron doesn’t really deal with that as well as most characters. That’s why you gotta have an assist to help her get in. Vergil and Ammy probably could aid in that, but then if you do get a hit, none of Wright’s assists help that much in finishing her combos.

Maybe try switching Doom to Rocks or Beam? It’s much easier to run away from Haggar with Missiles than his other two assists.

what do you guys think about Zero, Wright, Vergil?

You don’t have a solid cover/get-off-me assist for Wright with that team. I’d honestly not play Wright on that team. Maybe Zero/Wright/Akuma or Dante.

Thought of that was using Missiles to help wright get evidence.

Rapid slash is good tho don’t know what assist is good for Wright with zero…

He could always use Ryuejin as an anti-air, or Hadengeki + Sogenmu for a projectile. I actually tried using that team. My problem with it is that I have a glass cannon, followed up by a high risk character.

If you have a pretty good Zero, the team probably works pretty well (I’m sure there’s some Zero/Wright stuff).

That is a good idea, but at the same time Beam could help get evidence, since it blasts everything in front of him which can give him well needed breathing room. Rocks is kind of like that only not as good and slower (which helps get evidence time though).

Was going to tell myself that I am going to switch between the 2 since beam won’t help against a Trish who keeps super jumping and flying in the air(I hate her…BADLY!) and Wright with no cell phone or Haggar won’t help.

I don’t use Zero…tho I wonder if you could order in the court with wright then xfactor switch to zero and do said combo into lighting loops?

Picking between Haggar and Dante to replace Frank as a counter-pick. Thye both have good assist, but not sure which one is better.

Phoenix Wright(Press the Witness)/???/Akuma(Tatsu)

Tatsu isn’t that good for Haggar IMO since it pushes the opponent too far to get combos midscreen, so I’d say Dante is the better of the two. Plus this way you get the PW/Dante THC to get loads of evidence time.

Might learn both when I get the time. Did forget about the Dante/PW THC. But then I have to learn Dante combos… Might learn Haggar first. Or tag out Akuma sometimes…