I thought of this the other day and thought it would be cool to see it happen in Street Fighter V.
Obviously - it will take some time after the game is released for there to be any famous matches, but here is the idea:
On the loading screen, similar to how SF4 currently shows the CPUs playing before you fully load the game (at least it does on the PC version, i don’t have a console but I’d assume it’s the same) - it could replay a famous match (such as EVO Grand Finals or some other hype match that happens). Not (necessarily) a replay/recording of the stream itself, but Capcom/Sony takes the replay file from the console it was played on, and loads it up into the game. It would be cool for new players to fire up the game and see some crazy high level play, even if they have no idea that’s what they’re looking at. Over time they could add lots of matches to this, and the game will play them at random.
Well I’m not sure it would be interesting to the casual audience, as they would have no idea that it was a “famous match” if it wasn’t straight from a stream recording. It would look like just another (perhaps more complex) match that the game was loading. In my own personal experience, people tend to skip through everything that the game tries to load before you can actually get to the game (such as the attract mode, or gameplay demonstrations) as soon as they can, so there’d be very few people who would even notice it was there. It seems like a waste of time for something most people wouldn’t appreciate.
This is a great idea but imo since we’re going to be on ps4 and pc, it would be nice if SF5 put some focus into minimizing loading times as much as possible; especially after you push “rematch”. I’d be content with a little spinning icon on the bottom of the screen which is the standard right now; anything else like say if it were interactable would be a bonus I think.
Yup exactly. When you start up the game, if you leave it for a bit and don’t press anything, it will start showing a bit of CPU play… the idea is to replace the CPU play with an actual replay, but just… higher level play. I know a lot of people don’t see that but every now and then I start the game, walk away for a bit and come back and see it playing - but the CPU matches it shows are always super boring lol. Also I guess it would be like a cool little ‘hidden gem’ type thing
I think that’s a good idea, but how many people will sit back and wait for attract mode? How many know of it? Perhaps having an option to put high level replays in the menu background instead of art or something.
Just have a SF-TV mode where those who WANT to view those famous matches can at their own time. Loading Screens are sacred and should only ever consist of the lines “Loading…” or “Please wait…”. Anything else is sacrilege.
The problem with loading top tier matches during a loading screen is that you’ll create a loading screen for the loading screen… the game will have to load all the assets for the match during loading and then load all the assets for the match you’re going to play. People want to play, not wait for loading screens for loading screens. This is why I think it would be better as an attract mode or something else like a background played during menus. Otherwise, no one wants to wait for loading on top of loading when they want to get their fight on.
Wait are you talking about Loading screen or the The Main Menu screen if you leave it inactive for a while? I am in full support for the latter. Its better than watching some random CPU do scrub shit. Plus its not really that expensive to upload some replays.
The loading screen is really fast between fights anyway.