Id like to replace the music on the TvC disc. Anyone want to help figure this out?

See: the topic. Id like to burn a copy of my legit copy of TvC but with the music files replaced. A bounty to anyone who can help me solve this mystery.

If your wii is hacked then it’s possible.


You don’t need a hacked wii now, but the method to do coding without a hacked wii is with snapshots, and Brawl. So dunno.

The music is actually fucking great in TVC, unlike Marvel.I can’t see why you’d want to get rid of it but each to their own.

On the topic of TVC music does anyone know if the remix of Jazzy NYC 99 is in UAS?I need that song.

They replaced all the music in UAS with generic techno stuff.

My wii is softmodded. I can play a burned game. Help me replace the music.

Generic techno is lose.

Yeah I guess you’re right some of the stages have pretty generic music.I’m a fan of Les Vegas and a few others and I always choose them so I guess I don’t experience any others.

Yeah JP version is still superior though,purely because of Jazzy NYC.

Keits, although I hate to say this, you’ll want to ask the guys at Smashboards who have already replaced Brawl’s music.

You’ll need to be able to apply SD codes, so make sure you have a backup launcher that can apply them.

If anything, I’m not sure if SD codes are really necessary or will even work with this particular game.

Instead, just use wiiscrubber and replace the brstm files on the ISO. Most people have written guides about it for Brawl, its the same concept.

Yeah, I would go look into what they did for Brawl. Those guys have done some crazy hacks around the Wii.

By the way, do you want to just replace stage themes? Or do you want to make it so that when the characters switch in the theme switches too? That may be more difficult.

Just replace the music. Something easy.

There’s one guy who works on it on the GBATemp boards :

For now it’s just with a predetermined-pack but he will make a tutorial for replace music as you like after.

I would like the 3rd select screen music for this games select screen. I downloaded a brawl + mod that does such.

I don’t think something like this is possible for Tatsunoko vs Capcom for now. If custom music is what you’re going for.

TVC and other Capcom Wii games use a .SRT for the header and a .SSD for sample data.
As far as I know, there have been no public tools to make custom SSD files.
I know because I wanted to do this for the Japanese Version.

If you were to ask some people, I would recommend asking at the HCS Forum because that’s where I learned about it.
Ex 1 ,EX 2 (Find ‘zwsrt’)

A little offtopic, Brawl and other Nintendo Wii games use a .BRSTM file, which can easily be changed so long as they are not multi-channel brstms (you can, but the songs will fade out when using those channels.)

don’t hate on smash. just because it’s the biggest fighting game community in america. no reason to hate.

Now now, Dastrn. No need to argue with them about that. You’ll only end up wasting your time, really ^_^’’

There is zero hate in the post he quoted. Back on topic please. Take your smash-vs-whatever talk elsewhere.

I wonder if these sort of hacks will make Capcom flag you when you go online. Reminds me of the Conduit online hack days…

I’d love to be able to do this too. Only songs I really like are the space station one and the wasteland song. Everything else I’ll just put my own shit in. if anyone figures this out, please post up!