Icade for ipad *stick related!

Been watching this controller/stick for a while now… Seems it didn’t come out as I had hoped.

Oh well… I might get one and mod it with some decent parts :slight_smile:

Icade for iPad

Hmmm…Bluetooth pcb… I wonder what toodles or some of the crazy modders here could do with that…

I just wish it was an actual dock, instead of just using Bluetooth. Still looks like a neat little case, though.

JLF knock off it looks like, but that could probably be swapped for a JLF without a mounting plate easily.

This is one of the times and reasons I wish JLF-TMs were still in production :sad:

And it’s 8-button, so much Dick :sad:

The buttons don’t look 30mm, so it will probably require grinding to be able to accept Japanese buttons. But, at least we could see the insides. If all else fails, buy it for the PCB!

I can’t tell if they are 30mm or not… They are certainly close together though… Might be kinda fun to use… IF it gets support for the few fighting games that are out there.

dock is a no go. most likely cause due to ease of BT connection and all the BS you have to go through to get made for mac certification. plus no charging while playing in that case. and yes a mod on the icade would be needed to charge.

I must say that the concept is cool and all, but I would rather spend the $100 on a TE stick or on mod parts/ materials. Sweet post none-the-less! :tup:

Looks like it’s got a weird mod to the stock JLF form factor going on to allow the screws that keep it in to fit.

I am thinking there should be a cheaper blue tooth solution.

After some googling This is what I found, I do not know if this thing is common ground or not.
$24.28 - MSI BGP100 Bluetooth Gamepad (1*AAA Battery Included) - PC Game Controllers

Pad hack this baby, ans you got a bluetooth stick for iPod, ipad, Android Phone and PC.

The question is, how much are the parts/case worth.

Does that baby have confirmed support for iOS & Android? What good games other than emulatos i can play with it? How about Cave shumps on iOS?

that looks cool, I might have to get one for my laptop gaming needs.

Haven’t seen it in person, but a buddy actually told me that he got his TvC Stick to work via piggy-backing off a WiiMote through Bluetooth. He says it registers as a classic controller. Can anyone confirm?

Wii classic contoller & original wiimote works perfectly for both android & iOS. I think TvC stick works fine too.

I have Wiimote, but i dont want to padhack my classic contoller. I want to use my fighting stick with MC Cthulhu + good converter from any Cthulhu supported console (like PS2) to Wiimote. Are there any good converters for affordable price on market?

Two problems I see with this:

It only comes bundled with a few Atari games, which means you’re going to need to jailbreak your iPad just to be able to play emulated games you already have in your collection on PC/Mac.

Now I realize that many people that are probably considering this device have already jailbroken their iPads for the emulator support, but the other problem is that the device utilizes a brand new API, which means you’re going to have to wait for developers to implement it before you’ll be able to play other games using the iCade. Existing emulators already have support for Wii controllers, and for $100 you can easily get a Wii remote and a decent arcade stick, and you can leave your iPad on its charging dock while you play.

We don’t even know if the parts being used in the unit are any better than the Hori/MadCatz/Exar sticks for Wii. So at $100, I don’t think the iCade is worth it.

We actually DO know that the parts are crap (follow the link, picture 4).


You’re forgetting that for $100, you can get a Wiimote & stick, BUT NOT a cute little cabinet.

Which is the whole point of this.

So the parts are crappy, the dock itself requires two AA batteries to run the controls, and you only get 10 free games with the device, while the rest of the Atari classics are going to cost you another $15. Oh, and for some strange reason the dock will only allow you to play your games in a scaled portrait mode.

But wait, it has cheap generic retro designs stuck to the sides! I can hardly contain my excitement!


I could understand the price point if it had fancy limited edition artwork from a famous game artist, but it doesn’t. It’s just a couple pieces of MDF and a bunch of cheap knockoff parts. I’m sure this kind of thing appeals to collectors out there that have more money than sense, but I wasn’t expecting anybody in Tech Talk to think this was actually a good idea.

Had a limited amount of time, but I opened up mine. No pro here, but here’s what I saw:

  • Buttons are Yenox with Zippy microswitches. Sanwa 30mm will not fit without grinding away plastics
  • Not sure what brand is the joystick, no name on the switches, but this is screaming for a Sanwa or something. Too much deadzone on the stick before registering a click.

Works great with MAME on the iPad, has a few quirks, but the developer is working on them. It’s wetting my appetite to get one made that will support a mini PC inside. Sure, its a novelty item, but its fun, and even if I have to mod it after, who cares? I see it as a Madcatz SE stick: it’s got potential!

Pics pls.

What size are the buttons anyway? It’d be pretty silly to go through all the trouble of modifying anything to force in 30mm Sanwa buttons if it’s perfectly well suited to take in 24mm buttons already in my humble opinion. Yeah it’s a bigger area to press but in such a cramped space, do you really want that? Seems like a good way to hit accidental inputs to me, since it won’t be an official arcade layout…

Toodles makes something called a PiiWee you can get here on Lizardlick. Is that suitable?

I took a couple for reference, but I’ll do a proper teardown this weekend. Would like some opinions on replacing the joystick, so pics would help.