Icade for ipad *stick related!

They are Yenox buttons, 1.125"

The switches are from Zippy.

Sorry for the delay, I have taken pictures, but just a quick update:

  1. Kept the Yenox buttons. I tried to replace them with Happ Competition buttons I purchased from Lizard Lick, but the Happs are too long and do not allow the case to close. I replaced the Zippy switches with the switches that came with the Happs; the buttons are much more responsive now.

  2. The joystick was a Sanwa JLF, or a cheap knockoff, as it had a lot of wiggle dead zone before it came in contact with a switch. There was no branding on the plastic. I replaced the stick with a Sanwa JLF-TM-8T-SK Joystick, removing the mounting plate to install it. Resoldered the wiring to the switches, and bam, works so much better now.

It’s too bad they couldn’t spend a little extra to get quality parts, but then Mad Catz did the same with the SEs and that didn’t stop us from modding it to arcade spec!

Neeeeeeeeeeds pictures!

Well, by popular demand, here are the pics I took:


I got one of these for my birthday and was going to look into modding it too, thanks for the pics! By the looks of it, I’m guessing a Seimitsu stick wouldn’t be easily mounted in there would it?

No personal experience with Seimitsus, but looks like different mounting holes, so you’ll have to drill some holes. Not worth possibly cracking the plastic, but that’s just me.

So has anyone found an easy way to mod it with better stick/buttons yet?

Kinda-sorta. I started tinkering with mine.
I decided to go full-Sanwa: OBSF-30 buttons and a JLF-TP stick. Ordered, not here yet (I’ll add photos when it’s done).

For the buttons, I’ll use a bit of sandpaper to slightly enlarge the holes (tried it yesterday on one hole, with a Sanwa button I had left), and for the TP stick, I’ll use a screw terminal to connect the wires from the PCB to the ones in the 5-pin connector.
I have also other customization plans (adding a marquee, creating a slit on the side(s) to have a better landscape mode than the current groove, maybe some Bluetooth-connected speakers in the new marquee), but right now, it’s buttons, stick and a bit of artwork.

Sounds interesting.
Please keep us updated!
(And post some pics)

Okay, got the hardware on Saturday, and upgraded right away.

First, enlarging the holes: the sandpaper worked fine, and having a Sanwa button alongside to test, I managed to do the 8 of them in about an hour.

I also enlarged the hole for the stick a little bit (it was a few mm too small), and most importantly, I rotated the PCB 90° (a plastic part was blocking it).
I put the terminal on top, but you can also choose to direct it to the bottom (just invert the directions in the next step).


For the stick cables, I checked the cables, and put this terminal:

Black cable of any direction is used as the common ground (that’s how it’s done on the PCB), and white for each direction.

Then, voilà, it was done!

I also spent the weekend on making a template for the sides, the panel at the bottom and the control panel. I’ll do another post when those are here.

@neomatt good stuff. i want one but no funds atm.

http://www.thinkgeek.com/files/11-10-03-icade-template.pdf template for icade.

Damn, that would have been easier.
And useful, since I messed up my measurements for the part on the bottom. :frowning:

Also, the stickers for the sides are too washed-out. The panel is OK though (just a matte black sticker with the NeoGeo logo on the bottom left).

I’ll probably go with paint later on. But now, it’s a quest to find a wood router and make trenches on the inside to allow for a better landscape mode.

sorry man found that just after you posted yours. at least you have one for future reference now.

Actually, Wiimotes don’t work perfectly on android, with many phones yes, but any that don’t use stock android builds(AOSP) generally will not work, this includes Samsung Galaxy Phones, All HTC Phones(he used cyanogenmod, a custom rom), LG Phones, and quite a few others(if it isn’t the stock UI it isn’t stock android). However, if you truly want it to work, you can always install Cyanogenmod/Oxygen Rom/other AOSP build on your device and it will work.

Got mine today for xmas. Thank god I got iMAME before they took it down.

Got a chance to see one of these boxed today. Has anyone used an LCD with one other than the iPad?

will this work with sf games from capcom not emulated games?


Bed Bath and Beyond currently has these on clearance for $49.99. Sign up for emails and get a printable 20% coupon bringing it to $39.99!!!