Ibuki Safe Okizeme Setup

justin did a very similar set up. is it the same? sorta… exactly? no…

this one has a super jump in it :slight_smile:

From what I remember, Blanka’s ground ultra 2 was able to connect after a kunai crossup setup. The lp mp hp target will whiff if blanka is crouching too.

LOL all this random hate and talking about Jwong.
Sigh, srk never changes.

Good shit OP. Put on your hater blockers and hold back.

This is pretty hard to do consistently =/

Not sure but I don’t think this works against grapplers like Geif and T. Hahk, I got keep on getting command grabbed after this setup

I think it might be just a bit more strict on timing. It is kinda weird. I dont really try ot vortex them to much anyway.

And for the person who asked if it works on hakans U2…Nope i ate it like 3 times so far since ive had the game just forgetting it was anti air.

I hate Blanka.

me too man…with a frikkin passion…his hitboxes are stupid…i hope that ish got changed in super …imo he just needs to be bigger or fatter i guess…he’s too damn small…he looked frikkin huge in other games

so bison(u2) and balrog(u1) can ultra u from fullscreen if you whiff kunai. whack as hell…

Makes sense, I believe Blanka is projectile invulnerable during ground Ultra 2.

Well it’s not like kunais do a ton vs. them any ways. They’re both practically projectile killers.

EDIT: Yep, it did end up being partially timing and partially where I placed the kunai. If it hit high, it’d cause all sorts of issues (as stated) but if it hit low, about 75% of the time I could continue the TC. So I just need to improve execution!

Now another question. If perhaps I screw up the timing of it, what are some of the better options to get out/recover?

Could you answer the question? Does the SJ make it safer?

^It does.

So what should we do if the target combo gets blocked. Peoples instincts are to block low. Any suggestions?

f.MK is a really good move, try that?

I usually just super jump away.

Trying to get some more tools in the Ibuki vortex here. I have the timing for throwing meaty comboable kunais off sj after sweep and nb, but after nb I’ve found you can also do a probably non-cross up meaty kunai(though decidedly less meaty I think) from a normal jump. You throw the kunai similarly to when you throw the SJ one(ie before you cross over them) but due to being lower to the ground I’m pretty sure it will hit as a non cross up. Going to try to program the computer doing it on me to test its safeness, but all things considered could be pretty beast if it turns out to be fairly safe since you could probably use this off forward throw, and if you need more options for oki you could always just not throw a kunai and go for a cross-up jump in. Basically I’m just looking for more tools, because in a couple of days sj cross up kunai is not going to be pwning people like it is right now.

Be back to edit this after some more testing

I normally target combo (lp mp fp SJC backwards) just like DevilJin said. Gets you straight back out into safety where you can pick your places.

Hintalove: The Kunai vortex is going to be working for a long time running. Its very very ambiguous, her game IMO is played completely like vanilla SF4 Akuma. Zone zone zone, knockdown, vortex, mixup, vortex, mixup, run away, zone zone zone. This is how I’ve been playing her and it’s been working incredibly well. She’s very very mobile which allows for you to avoid playing footsies with characters who obviously have much better pokes then you.

most crouching opponents will get hit by the s.lp but whiff the s.mp. under normal circumstances using the s.hp, c.hk. s.hk TC is a better choice since it hits crouching but the problem is that it’s not quick enough on startup to make this setup safe on block (never tried it on hit, could be nice, IDK).
c.lk, c.lp, s.lp, c.hk is probably a good setup for crouching players and/or blanka. it’s a hard frame link but it’s possible to do it consistently with practice and it’s a KD so you could go for another setup.
other obvious setups are tick throws or quick normal into command dash into shenanigans.

also, it’s worth noting that j.lk forces the opponent to standup (I think this applies to the j.lk, f + mk TC as well) so if you want to cross up someone and you’re afraid they’ll be ducking you can use this to your advantage. it doesn’t apply in this situation though. these are all preliminary notes though since i’ve only had the game for a couple of days and I could be wrong on a number of issues but the tests seem to corrobrate my theories.

scratch that, blanka is a special case and none of this holds for blanka… the only TC that seems to hit reliably on a crouching blanka is lk, mk, hk.