Ibuki Q&A Thread: Ask simple questions here!

I was just wondering if Ibuki needs her 1-frame link combos to be effective.

Answered this in the other thread, but I guess I’ll elaborate some more.
Short answer: no
Long answer: the only way you’re going to get an FA crumple off is if you lvl 3 an opponent or frame trap/counter hit an opponent. Afaik, none of the characters in the game can even combo into an FA crumple.

No, but being able to use 1 frame link combos for more knockdowns is always a good thing. More knockdowns = more vortexing = more crossups = more dmg = more winning.

Hmm, thanks for the answers. I’m new around here so I probably don’t know the correct term for it, I was actually completing some trials for my other characs and a few examples of the FA combo I was asking about were Juri’s Trial 24 (where it’s possible to connect the FA and crumple the dummy), Ken’s Trial 22?: EX Hadoken -> FA crumple -> Ultra 2, I think there was a Chun FA combo as well in one of her trials. I think it’s possible to pull off of a move that gives frame advantage buy I don’t really know everything about Ibuki yet so I’ll try to research some more.

If Ibuki jump cancels cr. hp, she can combo into lvl 1 focus. I don’t think Ibuki has anything that gives her enough time to charge lvl 2 focus. None of her normals will allow that, she doesn’t have a fireball, and the only special she can cancel is kazekiri which knocks down. Maybe if someone traded a jab with a hit from her ultra, maybe she can combo into lvl 2 focus…

Q: How to counter Raida (command grab) and ultra 1? I read somewher Raida can be blocked? But I is very confused, and for the ultra 1 is jumping away the only option?

Just try it out in training mode. Have the opponent be Ibuki and record her doing a raida. You’ll see u can block it. Raida beats a lot of attacks though and from I hear can beat throws so if you are pressing buttons you’ll get hit. You can block it or jump away for free.

Against Ultra 1 as long as u don’t press any buttons Ultra 1 can’t touch u. It only works offensively in frame traps where people force the opponent to press buttons. If u just sit there and wait for her to do the ultra u can jump after the Ultra flash. If your character has a good airborne uppercut like Ryu or Sagat u can uppercut your way out of it too though of course that’s kinda risky. Basically dont press buttons when u think she is going to do it then jump after she does it. If u neutral jump the fireball wont even touch u and u free punish her.

Could someone explain how to do the Meaty Kunai’s? As well… How do i cross up with the Kunai’s and what Kunai’s would I use to cross up?

Just wanted to say thanks DevilJin 01. Finally found a consistent way to land ultra 2. I used to do a full 450 on the dpad, but didn’t come out everytime.

No problem. Eventually all have a lot of stuff on the front page once things get put together.

[media=youtube]B1jcbtwl99Q[/media] Watch this video.

Also read the first 2 pages of the kunai vortex thread. The jist is to land a LP kunai with a regular or safe jump so that it hits the bottom of their body just as they wake up. Forcing it so that u get the most frame advantage and making it so very few characters can do anything other than block it the right way. The opponent has to block your character so mix up your jump angles so it’s harder for your opponent to tell which way to block. It’s Ibuki that crosses them up not the kunai. The kunai just keeps them from doing any reversals.

Oh something just came through my head, since we’re talking about LP kunai cross, was wondering if you can charge a lvl2 FA on landing. I’ll try this out sometime later when I have time if no one has tested yet. Hehe.

EDIT: I fail.

And for people practicing the vortex thing, I suggest you try it out first on a Tsumuji sweep or just normal sweep -> SJ ASAP -> LP Kunai right before peak of jump -> Combo. Once you get used to this, Neckbreaker cross is nothing.

hey guys,i was doin some random stuff in training room,the last 3 hours.
and i find something,maybe some1 doesnt know yet:

after knocking down with neckbreaker->sjAir Kunai u can combo into Raida AND u can combo straight after Air Kunai into U2!
my thought was:maybe its possible to combo sjAK->U1 (cause Raida works to…i know,raida is no throw…but maybe…)

i cant figure it out now…i have problems with the motion of U1 xDDDDDD

Possible cause of the quick start up of U1, this may be what I’ve been looking for, I have no probs with U1, gonna try it out in a bit. Exciting. Lol

RESULTS: Negative, doesn’t grab and only sends out the ball, it whiffs just like the 2nd hit of ageman during crossups. IMPORTANT EDIT: I forgot to test it on bigger characs. I tested it with Juri. I’m dead tired, someone test this in the morning.

GOOD NEWS: I found a way to combo U1. It’s just like U2, except you end with b/u.

e.g. TC s.LP MP HP xx SJC U1

Sad thing is, it doesn’t grab and damage is kinda halved but still awesome. Lmao

I actually prefer this better than U2, when U2 whiffs you’re kinda dead meat already.

is there a thread somewhere about keeping pressure in corners? I lack imagination

Comboing into U1 has been known from since the beginning. Nobody talks about it because it is stupid and pointless. If you want to combo into ultra you use U2. Pretty dumb excuse to use U1 over U2 because you don’t want to “risk” U2 whiffing.

hmmm,i got a problem with comboing into U2.
im able to do the sjc,but 8/10 times the EXkaza comes out oO

any tips?

Do it a little bit slower. That’s what I’ve heard to do if EX kaza comes out.

found this in the vid thread.
has anyone tested that last combo from 2.18 onwards? does it matter which strength kazegiri you use to be able to fadc under the opponent?
also does it work on every character and do walls stuff it up?
i really wish my copy of super arrived already so i can start testing this stuff too.

Quick question: can c.MK link/cancel into anything?

nope except for s lp?

