Ibuki Combos and Glitches


Welcome! Ibuki is a character with many possible combos (most likely). In these first few posts we will strive to keep up-to-date with Ibuki’s most damaging, stunning, and tactically advantageous combos. There will be combos that players from beginner to advanced level will find useful to know for playing Ibuki effectively.


Command Normals



Ultra I

Ultra II


Here you can find an Ibuki combo tailored to your needs. They will be categorized by meter use and prioritized by damage, stun, and whether the combo causes knockdown, a reset, or leaves your opponent neutral. There will be combos listed as follow-ups for overhead, lows, kunai, juggle launchers, focus crumple, and jump-ins as well as character specific combos as they become necessary or available.








1 EX Bar:




Corner Only


2 EX Bars:






Corner Only


3 EX Bars:






Corner Only


4-EX Bars:






Corner Only


I hope you guys don’t mind if I take the liberty of doing the combo thread. Combos are one of my most favorite things about this game. I love figuring them out and finding the best ones for all possible situations. I plan on keeping up with Ibuki’s combos and updating with combos that maximize her damage/stun but also keeping practical combos for beginner to intermediate players.

If you guys have any comments or suggestions, feel free!


Loving your initiative! Good stuff.

Please use commas to denote links instead of ‘>’

That way you’ll be wiki compliant :tup:

nice! i didnt know the names of the specials, this will help out my ability to talk like i know some shit!


A correction for the OP, Kubi Ori (neckbreaker) is HCF + P in this game… unless they changed it at the last minute, but I doubt it.

I changed the notation for links to “,” so that it’s consistent with the Wiki and fixed the Kubi Ori command…

I made up some combos just for the heck of it. Obviously I don’t know if all of them work, but I just wanted to try a format I think might work out.

Wait, these combos aren’t confirmed to work? =(

Here’s a glitch for you:

Wakeup roundhouse.Dash will get hit only once from an oki fierce.Shoryu from Ken. So you take the first fire animation hit and stagger a bit, but Ken will continue to sail away to the stars by the time you recover to plan whatever you want to punish.

I tested all of them at least twice, so the numbers are good.


Focus Crumple * Maximum Damage
Lvl. 3 FA , Cl. HP , Far MK xx HK Kubi Ori
Dmg: xxx Stun: xxx
Knockdown: No quickrise
I don’t think this one works because the 3 hit combo text shows up before the cl.HP recovers.


Cr. LP xx Cr. LP , Far MK xx HP Neck Breaker
Dmg: 194 Stun: 355
Knockdown: No quickrise


Cl. HK , HK Kazekiri
Dmg: 220 Stun: 280
Knockdown: Quickrise

1 EX Bar:

Cr. LK , Cr. LP , Far MK xx EX Tsumuji , HP Raida
Dmg: 253 Stun: 475
Knockdown: No Quickrise

The 2 and 3 EX bar combos don’t work because you can’t FADC Tsumuji at all.

4 EX Bars:
Cl. LP xx MP (2 hits) xx HP SJC Super

Dmg: 434 Stun: 198
Knockdown: Doesn’t knockdown

I was more concerned about this one:

Hammer Kick , Cr. LK xx HK Tsumuji FADC Cr. LP xx Cr. LP , Far LP xx MP xx Cr. HK xx HK

Dmg: xxx Stun: xxx

I didn’t know you could cancel roundhouse.Tsumuji from c.Short. Nor did I know you could chain combo s.Jab -> s.Strong -> c.Roundhouse -> s.Roundhouse o.o;

I think the last part is a target combo.

Im really feeling Ibuki…1st time usin her

Thanks for taking the initiative on this :slight_smile: looking forward to some good combos

Could somebody test to see if Ibuki has a meterless FADC a la Viper’s, and if we do if its of any use whatsoever - I won’t get it for another week :frowning:

Hit-Confirm Ultra:

c. Jab, c. Jab, St. Jab, St. MK, SJC, Ultra

Feel free to omit a jab or two.

i tested it, i wasnt able to get it out because she has so many special moves and due to the shortcuts/negative edge, you will end up getting a special move instead of the meterless FADC. You probably can though

EDIT: yes she can! but its quite difficult though because of the said reasons above.

Thanks former - does this mean we’ll have some mirror matches next week?

If she can do it let’s try to find a use for it!
I guess we can very occasionally throw out a level 2 focus from it instead of dashing, might provide a good but infrequently used way into U1 if they stick out a counter.

Maybe I’ve just been watching JibBo’s Gen too much though!

oh snap i didnt realise it was you man. guess we will have some mirrors when the game drops next week! im particularly dissapointed in the lack of options that she has to combo into ultra outside of the SJC but it is early days so only time will tell! her focus is pretty GDLK though