now before i start, this is not a “my game is better than yours thread”. so please dont accuse me of such. i got serious about fighters in 09 because of SF4(watching youtube). i finally bought super in 2010. but since 09 till now ive watched haters of SF4 ridicule the game because of its mashing, and random elements. they made it seem like this was exclusive to sf4, and of course i didnt know about better. 2012, ive bought KoF13(LOVE IT) and i now read the entire fighting game forums to get to know other potential fighters i might want.
Let’s start with mashing. There is a thread in the SkullGirls forum called “The Mashing MetaGame”. so SF4 is called garbage due to mashing, but the same thing is meta game in SGs? seems a bit bias to me. BEFORE you respond, im not trying to start a flame war, im merely pointing it out as im confused why its ok for 1 game to have mashing being overlooked but being deemed a major flaw in another. Anway SGs looks really exciting. i love the energy from its players.
I’m a beginner in KoF. my mentality is to learn and approach this game like SF4. i started off with a 6 Wins 100+ Losses. Im no quitter and I dont mind losing but the manner in which i lost or lose games is being randomed out to death. i am better and outplay these players, but i lack knowledge of the engine. i dont find it anymore HONEST(real honest) than sf4 with Random or wake up supers EVERYWHERE. the damn random supers in KoF are way worst than random ultras in SF4. if i whiff light punch or i meaty on opponents wake up, i will recover to block a random ultra in SF4, but in KoF? forget about it. The start up on those things is like 0-1 frame making random crap extremely powerful. its a catch 22. play experts and get brutally beat and learn nothing, or play novice players who run away all day, as soon as i get close the radomness starts. you probably want to say bait it but i want to learn the game. Learn my normals, frame-traps, space specific pokes etc… but how can i learn this if i cant even press a button because of a mindless scared opponent. i dont mind losing, but im learning nothing. super’d out of a block string arggg. Anyway, i absolutely love this game. before you misunderstand me, please read the title again.
Its the cool thing for elitists to hate SF4. Or scrubs who got owned in it and say it sucks as an excuse. The truth is i too, hate the mashing in SF4, aided by the damn shortcuts on motions. i hate the large stages when playing run aways etc. but it’s flaws are not exclusive to it alone. MY MAIN point is at average to n00b level all this random and mashing is in other games NOT JUST SF4, but as you get better you meet better players which -ups- the quality and enjoyment of the game. thats where the real growth starts. MY MAIN point again, playing n00bs online is not challenging, REGARDLESS of what game, but playing honest players is. Even if they are less skilled. i added a friend in KoF who is real honest like me. so no panic reversals, we are learning the mechanics and ive never had so much fun. This and SF4 are my main 2 fighters. i even find kof13 more enjoyable than 3sOE.
Do you now see why this is an honest and sincere post, and not a hate thread?? Can you do the same and be constructive without hating on me or any game involved? so my fellow SF4 players, why do people who hate this game act like mashing or random stuff is exclusive to SF4?