I Thought Mashing & Random or Wake-up Reversal/Ultras was exclusive only to SF4?

now before i start, this is not a “my game is better than yours thread”. so please dont accuse me of such. i got serious about fighters in 09 because of SF4(watching youtube). i finally bought super in 2010. but since 09 till now ive watched haters of SF4 ridicule the game because of its mashing, and random elements. they made it seem like this was exclusive to sf4, and of course i didnt know about better. 2012, ive bought KoF13(LOVE IT) and i now read the entire fighting game forums to get to know other potential fighters i might want.

Let’s start with mashing. There is a thread in the SkullGirls forum called “The Mashing MetaGame”. so SF4 is called garbage due to mashing, but the same thing is meta game in SGs? seems a bit bias to me. BEFORE you respond, im not trying to start a flame war, im merely pointing it out as im confused why its ok for 1 game to have mashing being overlooked but being deemed a major flaw in another. Anway SGs looks really exciting. i love the energy from its players.

I’m a beginner in KoF. my mentality is to learn and approach this game like SF4. i started off with a 6 Wins 100+ Losses. Im no quitter and I dont mind losing but the manner in which i lost or lose games is being randomed out to death. i am better and outplay these players, but i lack knowledge of the engine. i dont find it anymore HONEST(real honest) than sf4 with Random or wake up supers EVERYWHERE. the damn random supers in KoF are way worst than random ultras in SF4. if i whiff light punch or i meaty on opponents wake up, i will recover to block a random ultra in SF4, but in KoF? forget about it. The start up on those things is like 0-1 frame making random crap extremely powerful. its a catch 22. play experts and get brutally beat and learn nothing, or play novice players who run away all day, as soon as i get close the radomness starts. you probably want to say bait it but i want to learn the game. Learn my normals, frame-traps, space specific pokes etc… but how can i learn this if i cant even press a button because of a mindless scared opponent. i dont mind losing, but im learning nothing. super’d out of a block string arggg. Anyway, i absolutely love this game. before you misunderstand me, please read the title again.

Its the cool thing for elitists to hate SF4. Or scrubs who got owned in it and say it sucks as an excuse. The truth is i too, hate the mashing in SF4, aided by the damn shortcuts on motions. i hate the large stages when playing run aways etc. but it’s flaws are not exclusive to it alone. MY MAIN point is at average to n00b level all this random and mashing is in other games NOT JUST SF4, but as you get better you meet better players which -ups- the quality and enjoyment of the game. thats where the real growth starts. MY MAIN point again, playing n00bs online is not challenging, REGARDLESS of what game, but playing honest players is. Even if they are less skilled. i added a friend in KoF who is real honest like me. so no panic reversals, we are learning the mechanics and ive never had so much fun. This and SF4 are my main 2 fighters. i even find kof13 more enjoyable than 3sOE.

Do you now see why this is an honest and sincere post, and not a hate thread?? Can you do the same and be constructive without hating on me or any game involved? so my fellow SF4 players, why do people who hate this game act like mashing or random stuff is exclusive to SF4?

why does it even matter. sf4 is like the most popular fighting game ever and you cant please everyone

mashing in other fighters usually refers to throwing out the fastest light attack you can in the middle of strings

in sfiv it’s usually associated with invincible reversals

pros and noobs “mash” all the time either way + the above (well i dunno about EVER but, haha.)

also mashing is not “metagame” in SG, you should probably read that thread in full

Then you are not better.

You will never get anywhere playing KoF13 with the same mentality as SFIV.

Stop caring for what other people say about the things you like.

ANOTHER mashing-hatred wanker…

Straight to the point…I m offended reading your post. I’m a big fat masher…and I’m proud of it, wanker!

You see son, the excitement of the game would be taken away
if there are more so callled “honest” player like you…around the globe.
Players who think they’re good but in truth, they sucks like monkey.
They think they were honest and pro by guessing the pattern of their opponent but actually,
to tell you the truth…this is not a puzzle game. No such thing as intercepting pattern of offense and defense, regardless what kinda fighting game series you on
( sf classic, alpha, 3rd and 4th installment, darkstalker or even crossover series)

The same thing happen to those who are turtling or flowcharting,
these mindless wimp thought fighting game is all about patterning your moves.
Most of turtlers or flowchart scrub i had encountered before, endup the match by TIME’s Up,
regardless whether I won or lose. Thats why i hate these type of scrub
(from the way you describe your gameplay, I bet you are one of them),
coz apparently, these people had turn the game to be dull and too monotonous.

I notice you also hate guerillas playstyle (hit n run, poke n flee)… listen kid. Nobody gay enough to walk forward, submit ourself to the opponent …and watch our character got beat up senseless.

Please feel free to bash me, next DarksydePhil !

You can mash in any game, it just works better in some games than in others due to mechanics. KOF is way faster paced and more offense oriented than SF is and it rewards offense and pressure more. Turtling doesn’t work as well in that game.

As annoying as it may be, its still apart of the game. Its not against the rules. If you know they are mashing jab or something Frame trap them and if you know they like to mash invincible moves like ultra or dp, bait them. Leave room in between your untrue blockstring to block to see if your opponent mashed something out. I know this is easier said than done but thats really all I can tell you when it comes to dealing with mashers.

I’m glad some of people around here still able to accept masher. thank god…kudos for ya two.

Actually, other than spamming reversals on wakeup, mashing buttons in SF4 will surely get you killed every time. It’s the game that rewards mashers the least.

Spamming them during pressure and during your opponents links work as well. It isn’t a mashers paradise though. Not THAT bad.

It’s a game of rock paper scissors.

Option 1: You don’t touch anything while blocking knowing your opponent is trying to frame trap you.
Option 2: You tech every hit to avoid getting grabbed if you know your opponent is going for it.
Option 3: You Mash DP to beat a player who has bad links and sometimes it’ll punish a frame trap as well or grab.

That’s pretty much how it goes throughout the match. Most people that complain about mashing are the ones that don’t have solid links and get mad when they get DPed out of their combo after finally landing a hit.

Thats more like it…i agree with NIL. Rock, Paper & Scissors - a simple, short, plain but straight n full of explaination what is ssfivae is all about. Kudos to you…

Actually most scrubs thought their solid link was perfect as JuriHan’s Tandem Engine…but actually they not! LOL !!

you reminded me of an interview of a pro player (Grannis). he didnt like SF4 due to the randomness you mentioned.
he fared much better in Blazblue and Soul Calibour V though, which are his favourite games.

well, there is a game for everyone. I dont like SF4 that much either. I had played a couple of matches with a guy (3000 PP) and lost all of them. then we played a few Vampire Savior games and I beat almost 2/3 of the games, despite not knowing the game that well except the basics.

so better forget KOF when playing SF4, thats a totally wrong mentality.

Play to win son, you don’t get rewarded for playing clean, if the other guy has shitty block strings, uppercut the fuck outta him.

Mashing buttons, randomness, and doing too many reversals on wake up has been a part of the fighting game scene as long as there’s BEEN a scene. Scrubs mash buttons because they don’t know what they’re doing, randomness (even at high-level play) makes the other opponent feel like he never quite knows what’s coming, and reversals on wake-up (present even at Evo top 8) is a quick way to convince your opponent to play more conservative and to keep them on edge.

flashback to 1991

Holy shit! Check out this new game! It’s called Street Fighter 2! It’s got sweet ass graphics and characters and shit? Who the fuck is this ugly ass green monster looking fucker? Let’s pick him!

Round 1…FIGHT!



And thus, the FGC was born

another ass clown got rolled up by blanka, got electrocuted and got slashed,
and now here srk forum has turned out to be her punching bag…
seems every one here got smash in da face with violent buffalo post.

can’t predict random moves? get lucky…practice againts more online peeps…
can’t accept fighting againts no pattern style opponent? then get a life…"beach!"
you hate people pulling out wake up reversal ultras? then get classic…play street fighter1,
you demand your opponent to stop mashing? then get a skirt and play hopscotch…
you want forgiveness? then get religion (quote taken from spiderman 3)

I can’t tell if that was just a poorly-written verse in a Rap track, or you’re just high off your mind right now.

Another scrub trying to mask his scrub mentality with a wall of text. If you lose, you lose and if you win you win. If you like playing the game, play. If you don’t like playing the game, then don’t play. Crying and whining about how your opponents don’t play to your predefined rules is scrubby to the core.

nickmal is cracking me up lol

but that terrybogarde topic starter are more hillarious…