I Thought Mashing & Random or Wake-up Reversal/Ultras was exclusive only to SF4?

im not good at linking, so i have a tactic where i try to link 2-3-4 hits then block, baiting the other guy to mash dp. mashing, no mashing, it pretty much all comes to mind games

Everyones already mentioned it. But its all mind games and setups baits etc. If your gonna play a person that mashes your setting yourself up for a dp in the face lol. Dont get mad learn from it. Bait out a combo string and focus into it. Or setup a few well paced jabs and wait for the dp and punish the hell out of them. Its all about adjusting to the player on the fly.

Ive been there and I still find myself getting frustrated. Just take a step back. Analyze. And start using it for setups. If they win and you fall for it think of it as a lesson learned. Every fighting game has people mashing. And someones already spoken the truth. Alot of people will even randpmly throw out an ultra. Why? Well a wins a win. And its all fair game if the persons dumb enough ti walk into a wake up ultra then they need to start anticipating and watching the ultra meter along with knowing the actions of that ultra.

Takes a while to get used to but if you start doing that and punishing for those spammed dps people start learning not to spam it. You learn and the other player learns.

Just learn to BAIT and keep your blockstrings tight, plink if you want to as well. Most online players from Scrub to average players (0-3,000) pp will usually have no respect for your combos or especially blockstrings… Make them realize you don’t drop max damage combos, so they feel totally out classed and even their best friend mashy can’t save them. After you teach them that mashing doesn’t work on you, blow them up with command grabs or throws:D
But yeah like everyone is saying, get a better mentality.

Nice first post.