No, not a cr HK, either crMP or st HK
I like Poison X Cody… Not sure why honestly. Though they’re both Final Fight characters, and that’s nice, on paper it doesn’t seem like a good team. Ah well, I enjoy playing the team. Poison’s low damage and weak mixup game are offset by Cody’s high damage, good pressure, and her ability to reliably tag him in using Boost Combos and tag cancels. I also like Cody x Bryan, since Cody makes a solid point character, and paired with Bryan deals massive damage. He also fills some of the gaps in Bryan’s game, such as close-range offense and zoning (somewhat anyway).
I’m really liking my team of Cody x King. Tag canceling CU to Kings knees deals some mean damage and is just too damn fun.
that seems to be the only thing cody can do now tho. x)
I’m currently looking into getting a full fledged frame data for Cody done. except for active frames and recovery - just dunno how to calculate that or to be more precise split them.
I have found that Cody X Paul could work pretty well , even though i think i am having more success with Poison X Paul .
My vote would go to Poison x Paul because Poison is good at dictating the pace of the match from the beginning, allowing Paul to get in fast. Cody X Paul is also decent though - they can more damaging combos together than Paul and Poison can.
I’m doing Cody x Julia.<div><br></div><div>his cr.jab x MK Ruffian buffer will destroy a good 80% of the cast. He gets in for free with it off a max range counter poke.</div><div><br></div><div>Once you get in abuse his frametraps and setup tick throws. combos into itself so it’s really good to end block strings with (, it frame traps or combos if the first one connects. End block strings with lp.CU sometimes. That shit is safe if its spaced right, even vs a Vega. </div><div><br></div><div>CADC is a strong tool on block to get a throw, just don’t abuse. On their wakeup try to get meaty If they roll it autocorrects into a which will catch them meaty on the other side.</div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div>my strategy revolves around building meter for Julia then tagging her in an getting a kill with her Super.</div><div><br></div><div>HP CU is a great move to tag off of because they can only escape it by using an alpha counter. cr.hp xx EX rocks is a good counter poke from max distance cause it combos on counter hit. Don’t do it on block though, waste of meter</div>