After an approximately four month break from HDR I’ve recently come back. For the most part I’ve retained all my skills I had back then but I’ve been hitting a plateau if you will. Basically in that break I’ve been playing other fighters and when I came back to old fighters I played way back in the old days, I had a whole new understanding of the game. I think in general I’ve become more adept to fighters, any of them.
Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for HDRemix. I’ve been losing to stuff I know I shouldn’t and I think it’s time to go overkill. I’m asking the SRK HDRemix community to help me out. I need the top 3 players for each character on XBL to face me in a first to 5. I think this will help me improve my understanding of matchups (since I’ll be playing every character at their highest potential) and improve my skills.
So post your gamertag here and what character you’ll be using. If you have any suggestions for really good players that you think I should play post them. I’ll try to get everyone in but I don’t know how busy I’ll be.
This is just a quick pick of some of the most active players online in no particular order that you can almost count on being online quite frequently. I can’t vouch for everyone that I listed are volunteers that want to play you but they are always in joinable casual rooms.
Of course there’s a lot of great names I left out but they are not online consistently. This list is a good start in case no one else volunteer to help you fill the void. Peace!
I don’t know if I’m top 3 but I could play Cammy for you. Of all things, playing SF4 (Because of its noobness and general easy mode and reliance on combos, my game has actually improved quite a bit, but I’m also learning how to use a stick now soooo… its like 1 step forward 6 steps back…) has improved my game a little bit so if you want to go sometime, let me know.
Hey I played. And I took a matchup that’s supposed to be 7-3 Cammy to 3-7 Gief… Of course, that was actually helpful for me because it taught me that I can’t be hyper aggressive all the time… I still struggle with that. If I had more patience, and was willing to just outpoke gief and use the timer, I’d be alot more successful in that matchup, but then I get stuck in the corner, and its green hand into tick SPD, into tick SPD, into failed reversal into SPD… oh I was dead 2 SPDs ago? Oh sorry about that…
We need to run it back after I learn how to use this blasted device thingy with this weird ball stick thingy…
Oh gosh. ST. MK is so under rated. Probably because Cr. MK is so good, but have you looked at the hitbox on St. MK? Those legs are like doing a little Dhalsim trick on that bad boy…
I actually played you, you decimated my Deejay (and that was the peak of my SF career so far).
Anyway, I’m deciding to main Cammy now so I’ll still play some of you guys. I just need to get away from the random lag/scrubiness of player matches and play some reliable people.
If there are any Cammy mains, I’ve been playing theory fighter and it seems like a medium hooligan roll (cancelled w/ kick of course) corpse hop can be great for tricking the opponent into doing a reversal. Anyone ever try this?
To answer your question, Medium Hooligan Cancel is useful, but I don’t know how often its really going to bait a reveral from someone who knows what to look for. I mean I baited DGV into throwing an SRK once with a jab hooligan and took the round. For the record in 6 games, that’s the only round I won. He picked it up pretty fast. I personally don’t use hooligan cancels so much baiting reversals as I like to use them to close in versus fireball traps. With Cammy’s footspeed, if you can get past 1 or 2 fireballs (Cancel past one, take a step or two back, cancel past second) you’re in normals range and then you force your opponent to knock you back off…
Bold moving moving TO Cammy. If you want to do Cammy mirrors, let me know.