Mirrors would be nice. I still need to learn a few things. Another quick question if you don’t mind: when is a good time to do her knuckle move (don’t know the exact name).
LOL. According to some people NEVER. Honestly, her spin knuckle is bad… I don’t mean just, oh its not that great, I mean its BAD. It’s really only useful for getting through fireballs at full screen because any closer and even the jab version is going to get a walk up sweep for free. But it does have its uses as a surprise, and spacing is so important. I find that you never want to use it for two hits, but you always want to space it so that far edge of the hitbox on the second hit would barely touch your opponent. I mean you can read the Cammy thread or even the rebalancing thread to see how bad of a move it really is, its pretty much unchanged from ST and it was terrible in ST (except for the motion is obviously easier…)
Let’s definitely mirror up sometime. For some reason, I’m terrible at the mirror, but it could be that I’m mirroring against Mr. Jangara all the time… and he is, admittedly, better than I am… (Definetly since i started using this stick… I’m so terrible…)