Aw man!! How did I miss bo rai cho? GOOD call. You can have a cool costume AND get drunk. If anybody beefs, put dat infinite on 'em!! :tup:
Aw man!! How did I miss bo rai cho? GOOD call. You can have a cool costume AND get drunk. If anybody beefs, put dat infinite on 'em!! :tup:
What about Gluttony from FMA?
King Hippo from punch out
It would take some feat of engineering, but the same could be said about the guy who made the transformers suit. Plus it gives you an excuse to paint yourself gold, and have hot girls rub your belly. Win Win
Best choices imo: - SF
Rufus - SF
Bob - Tekken
Majin Buu - dragonball
Fat usopp - one piece
Chang - KOF
Cheng Sinzan - Fatal fury
Axel Hawk - Fatal fury
Karnov - KR
Earthquake - samurai showdown
King boo
Mr Hart - HNK/fist of the north star
Alfred - Fatal fury/RB
Donkey kong
I got an idea for a fat cosplay
I googled “Fat Guy Cosplay” and came up with this.
and this…
Gan from Rival Schools.
gragas from league of legends
Here’s an idea for fat guy cosplay:
Don’t be a fucking fat guy cosplaying. You’re never as in on the joke as you’d like to believe.
Comic Book Guy
best cosplay eever!
god. that’s actually a very good one.
I’d still love to see Snake though
KoF Raiden.
I would LOVE to do Raiden (I don’t play KoF at this time, but I hope to get into KoF13), but I wore a wrestling mask for an entire convention before…as fun as it is to intimidate people who call you Rey Mysterio, or to start name-calling with Deadpool, its really uncomfortable. Though I suppose if I could get someone to help make the mask from scratch, maybe it’d feel better…
wow, google is really loosing it’s touch.
people pretend to be the characters they cosplay? as if cosplaying weren’t wack enough…
boomers from left4dead