I need ideas for fat guy cosplay

fat gotenks/gogeta (dbz)
karnov (fighter’s history dynamite)
Mr. Heart (hokuto no ken)
chouji (naruto)

dammit, go big or go home (still big, lol).

Bob from Tekken is definitely one I’ve considered. I don’t play Tekken, but I would enjoy a fighting game character above an anime I haven’t seen or something common like Super Mario…

I wish I could ban you for this…

I’m a big guy, and one of the best costumes I’ve ever done (for Halloween, not a con) was Penguin from Batman. It was just popular enough that most people understood what I was but I went to a huge Halloween event (literally thousands of people) and no one else had the same costume.

He’s fun to act like too, I kept a black umbrella over my shoulder, waddled around, and gave shit to every Batman I saw.

Photo, if the link works: http://photos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v344/243/64/12806751/n12806751_34655870_7972.jpg

Was just some random hot Batgirl lol

What no Rufus yet? For shame SRK.

Blob from the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, Mojo (X-Men).
Big Bear/Raiden, Cheng (Fatal Fury series).
Fat Buu (Dragonball Z).
That fat guy from Lost (Lost).
Comic Book Guy (Simpsons).

He mentioned Rufus in the OP lol

So he did, no one supported him though.

What about Iroh from Avatar the last Airbender?

I’m used to that…but anyways. The issue I see with Rufus is that I have no experience in making costumes and that jumpsuit would be tricky, methinks.

A friend of mine recommended Banjo/Kazooie and Servbot. Those would be kind of cool, but I can only imagine making the heads of them would be difficult.

Bastion Booger, bam bam bigelow, earthquake, typhoon, one of the nasty boys

honestly a bastion booger cosplay would be hilarious

are you white, asian, latino, or black?

Black=cat woman
white=barbwire pamela anderson version
latino=pregnant c. Viper

I am 100% serious.

since nobody else said it, I say give going as a fat ninja a try. chances are you’ll be one of very few, if not the only one. Maybe even Jason Vorhees. Real blade optional. Either that, or get an orange jumpsuit and go as the scary convict who escaped. Just walk up behind some small people and go,“Aw yeah. I’m gonna bust dat ass clean out tonight!” :rofl: i’m guessing that would probably scare the shit out of a few of them. If all else fails, A giant zombie = the win for the big men. Please, for the love of God…No fat faye Valentine!! I had to have that part of my brain surgically removed with a hollowpoint bullet. :wasted:


What about bertha faye?

Mr. Incredible

king kai from dbz
or dodoria
or majin buu

you see the trend here

A boomer.

No really, everybody loves a boomer. Make sure to wretch loudly at random.

bo rai cho

from mortal kombat


Wow! Some of you guys are real pricks.

Anyway, I came in to suggest Iron Tager from blazblue, then I saw you are a newbie but the hardest part is probably his hand blocky things. I think they could be made out of polystyrene or papier mache.

Chouza Akimichi?

Earthquake from sam sho would be easy.

Or how about zac efron in high school musical with the wig

honestly oxymoronic fat guy dressed as pretty by skinny guy is hilarious.