how about Peter Griffin or Homer Simpson?
How about Weather Yellow from Astro Fighter Sunred
Pizza the hutt
Sanman from Fighting vipers
Rosie O’Donnell
Nothing quite like a fat guy stepping it up to become a cosplayer also.
That is like having a rocket but deciding it isn’t fast enough so you put awesome spoilers on it as well. Both to make it go faster and also to look rad while going faster.
you could always use an armor set from Monster Hunter one of them is made for larger guys
Porky/Pokey Minch (Earthbound/Mother 2)

Zeke (Infamous)
Carl (Aqua Teen Hunger Force)

Chowder (Chowder)

Coop (Megas XLR)

Dr. Eggman/Robotnik (Sonic the Hedgehog)

The Kingpin/Wilson Fisk (Spiderman)
Uncle Ruckus (The Boondocks)

GI Jose (Family Guy)
Theres really nothing I can recommend that hasnt been recommended already. But just go as w/e you want. The point is to have fun with it, yes, true no one likes seeing fat people go as hot characters. But your fun is all that matters.
How did I forget these 2?

Yajirobe (Dragon Ball Z)
Android 19 (Dragon Ball Z)