I dont think I'll ever make it to EvO

You missed a few hugs didn’t you? Cheer up, the world is a happy place.


i dont know lol

F-bombs? Really?

This thread is ridiculous.

Here’s a start: stop watching Naruto.

Watching shit like that makes you suck at fighting games. It’s a proven fact. It also ruins the awesomeness that ninjas once had. Hell, ninjas used to be so cool that they could appear in a movie titled “The Last Samurai” that stars a white guy, and they could still make it an awesome movie. Now, ninjas are a loud, comedic internet joke and a bright-colored fashion show, all thanks to Naruto.

Believe it.

and where is this proven? i’ll watch whatever anime i feel like watching. I dont apply stuff from naruto to mvc2, obviously that doens’t make any sense. so i dont even know why you brought that up.

Instead of fighting video games… You could do real fighting… You could be awesome, just like these guys in this video…


It’s almost like button mashing. You can go out with a blaze of glory… and be on you tube for the rest of your life. Just make sure you win…

I hate wrestling

It’s not wrestling when they are bashing the crap out of each other for real… mma…

oh and naruto is shit btw. and if you want to improve. you have to stop watching Naruto.

What the fuck is wrong with you? No, seriously, man…You’re way too angsty for a 26 year old. Instead of wasting time here, go fill out online applications for fast food joints so you can get some $$$ or do…like…seriously, something else. Who’s making your car payments and shit? Where do you live? There are more important things to worry about than whether you’ll make it at EVO. :arazz:

I feel a lot more angry about this because you live in the same town as me. Not that your loc. says anything about you or me or anyone else, but for some reason it just makes it worse.

go to his house and cut him

cut him for making a shitty thread

You are a whiny, bitchy dude.

Look here. You live nearby some of the best comp in the U.S. You have access to so many match videos and wikis that you’d die before you’d seen them all. You’re a member of SRK, home of some of the best players around. Yet you waste your time posting this garbage? It’s no wonder you can’t compete.

Here’s what you do. One, you shut the fuck up and go to any number of high level arcades within an hour or two of you, and count yourself lucky. I’m three hours from decent comp. I’d choke a bitch to have access to the people you do.

Two, you stop watching Naruto. That shit rots the brain faster than pure crystal meth, and four out of five leading doctors agree that Naruto may lead to a Smash Bros. addiction. You don’t need that: you have enough problems.

Three, you take your losses like a man, put in the hours, and EARN YOUR WINS LIKE EVERYONE ELSE ON THE PLANET.

Four, you go to Evo, you hang out with people, you have a good time, and you don’t worry about placing top eight, especially if you haven’t put in the time and effort to get there. Tournaments are about the community first, and placing high second, at least in my experience. If you keep plugging away, you’ll get there. Crying like a twelve year old on a message board full of strangers isn’t a good way to up your game.

Follow these simple steps, and you too can beast fools and have sex with real women for free. Four out of five doctors agree: posting shit like this on SRK leads to bowel cancer, Smash addiction, and inflamed urethra. Don’t be a fool: be a MAN.

I fucking love this thread. A+ guys, would read again

i love '08 :woot:

wtf, what does watching naruto have anything to do with playing mvc2? you think i base everything off of naruto? if u think that, you should get to know me better before making that kind of comment. assuming shit. I dont base what I do off of anime or anything else, its irrelevant.




dont tell me what to do. for your information, i was laid off, i’ve been applying for jobs ever since last october, NO ONE BUT STUPID SCAM JOBS HAVE BEEN TRYING TO CONTACT ME I applied at different places and followed up and did everything in my power to try and get a job, and for what, so that they can tell me “oh we’re sorry, that position is already filled” bullshit, they didnt fill shit. I also applied for walmart, target and all these other places and they rejected me countless times. dont assume shit you dont know. Also, i have my parents helping me out with bills cuz clearly, IF YOU HAVNE’T NOTICED, NO ONE IS HIRING!!! Hell, they even helped me get into school, so don’t be saying shit like Im only angtsy for going to evo and what not. I was just wanting to try it out. whats so bad about that?

What is the point of this thread though?
What do you want from us? It’s not our fault you don’t have the dedication to practice.If you want a simple game go play with the Wii, if not go into training mode and stop complaining about useless shit to us.

Someone complaining about comp in CALIFORNIA? For serious?