I don't see a PTX-40A Thread

Why has this guy gotten no love? If you ask me, he’s a lot better than Gold(Silver) Lightan, except that the idea is to play keep-away rather than close in.

Special Moves:

Right Weapon shot:
Light will fire at a downward angle, Medium at a straight angle, and Heavy at an upwards one.

Left Weapon shot:
Light will fire at a downward angle, Medium at a straight angle, and Heavy at an upwards one.

Note: After firing the shotgun/gattling gun 3 times (or the rocket launcher once), it falls off and inputting the command again will get you a new gun at random. The guns you start with are also randomized.

Riot Tackle:
PTX will charge towards the enemy after a short delay. The Heavy version acts as a Snapback (very important move IMHO).

PTX whips out a chainsaw and swings it upwards, bringing the opponent with it.


Barrage Shot:
PTX whirls around, and has weapons on his shoulders regardless of whether or not they had already been burned out. He then fires a barrage of gattling ammo and one of the other three weapons (you can control this by having weapons already mounted) until both weapons fall off. After a few seconds (in which you are open as hell), two special rocket launchers land on his shoulders, and fire at the opponent, which explode a bit more heavily after a bit of delay.

Tactical Blitz:
PTX takes out his chainsaw and swings it up, and then down. If the opponent is caught, PTX grinds him/her into the ground for a bit.

L-P Only at Level 3
PTX charges at the opponent like the Riot Tackle and if not blocked, part of his armor flies off and wings emerge. He then flies up with the opponent in a spiral, cutting him multiple times, before hitting him 3 more times for heavy damage at the peak of the flight.

I haven’t gone into normals a bit as I can only remember a few and don’t have the game with me at the time of this writing. Thoughts so far? It’s my first time trying this sort of thing. :confused:

About time! D:

Anyway, it’s nice to see someone thinking that PTX is better than Lightan, although from what I’ve seen Lightan is way better.

Still, I hope that PTX doesn’t turn out to be an unusuable character. It’s just way too cool for that.

Don’t want to sound like a fanboy but why do you say he’s not as good as Lightan?

So you can’t really tell the weapon he “equips” eh?

Well I’m basing it on what we’ve all seen of him so far in vids, and also what people who’ve played him are all saying (I haven’t yet)

But essentially, lightan is much faster and has more options even at mid-range. PTX has less range on his normals, and his keepaway moves are quite limited and are telegraphed and easy to see coming. He can’t poke at people with a low punch like Lightan can either.

PTX can’t even really keep away too well because he’s so slow, and his guns fall off after every 3 shots. His gatling gun seems to have trouble actually shooting anyone because of it’s large deadzones, and the missile is so slow to start that anyone can see it coming and just block it. I don’t know how good the shotgun is though.

Lightan’s supers are also just…better.

I really hope I’m wrong though, because he’s my favourite character.

A little but probably obvious tip. Against Yami (Boss) every hit against you, even blocked, will give you a bit of red bar for baroque. Since most of PTX-40A attacks are slow, you can attack and baroque cancel into guard. Also, since Yami’s grab supers always connect, be sure to have Mega Crash ready.

Good PTX match where he actually wins: [media=youtube]NFcm3IwC8Cc[/media]

IMO, PTX is better than Lightan,
just because I have a lot harder of a time playing against the CPU PTX than I do playing against Lightan in arcade mode. That’s my only experience with either of them & it probably will remain that way because I don’t know anybody with the balls to actually use one of them seriously. lol

The problem here is that the Karas/Saki team isn’t that great (or they don’t know how to fight one of the giants, at least)…and he shouldn’t have wasted a level 3 on a 10% Karas, though snapbacking Saki out to eat Karas’ read health was a good idea. The good thing about PTX’s snapback is that it’s very hard to prevent; with Lightan, Alex, and Hakushon, you have to have better timing.

Also, after reading the Shoryu wiki (and subsequently updating the OP), it seems that depending on what button you press after trying to fire a burned out weapon, you’ll get a different gun. That being said, starting Barrage Shot with a rocket launcher seems to be a really good idea, as it does more chip and will launch the opponent with explosions, preventing them from getting a lot of damage on you as you wait for the second part of the super.

But as for the youtube, the guy does seem to know a bit about normals which is good, that’s what I’m lacking I know that cr. HK is that spin with jets which does excellent damage and can be Baroqued - that’s exactly what I used on Yami. J. HK has similar effects but is good for hovering (to avoid ground supers or mess with people)

Has this chaingrab been confirmed?


You for real? This isn’t smash brothers, you can tech throws.

you can mash out of the grab, even after he grabs you

basically makes it worthless

and the weapon that you get with ptx is totally random. even at the beginning of the round. missile launcher is by far the rarest. shotguns are fairly rare. machine guns are dime a dozen

and yes, you can tell the weapons apart by just looking at them

hes playing against the CPU…

wow, that’s embarassing

edited accordingly

Oh well. At least it shows off some of PTX’s moves.

I mean, there really aren’t enough videos of him out yet.

On a funny note, I got my first Tatsunical when PTX coincidentally has both shotgun shoulders… lol

See, I think what people don’t realise is that the giant characters actually won’t be taking as much damage at once, since they can’t be comboed, and most characters rely on combos to do big damage. I guess if you’re playing PTX or Lightan, you should really be waiting for your opponent to attack, then use your super armor to counter them if they try to commit to a combo.

And always remember that they can still block!

There’s not enough of an opening after the tech? They’d still be in range, right?

Nope, you pop up when you tech the throw (if I remember right). There’s a video of a guy teching a gold lightan throw and then midair hurricane kicking. So I think you should be able to do something like that.