^Yeah. AFAIK you pop “behind” the mecha after tech-hit.
maybe we’re doing some thing wrong , but when we tech it, it happens after the bounce and we jump a little into the air. Morrigan can DP over him, or ryu can hurricane over him, and so on, but we were doing PTX mirrors and nothing seemed to stop this once it got started, you couldn’t get over him with the other PTX.
is there something im missing? It seems character specific how you get over him. Or are we just not teching right or something? I just mash f+C and then DP or whatever when I see the little jump.
I think PTX has a lot more potential that is showing right now. He just needs more love, that’s all.
And also, people need to start using Baroque more. 9_9 The giants need it badly in order to succeed.
i really like his down C, it seems extremely anti air. anyone know of any combos yet? ill record some videos with my capture card if someone has found anything worth noting.
edit, 2C not 2b
Please test to see if PTX’s missiles are unblockable. Kiets said that he seemed to find that they were while he was playing PTX.
Also, we really need to figure out how to use baroque effectively.
Well, I tried to research this character a lot because, eventhough I know this character sucks badly, I liked the design so I wasted many hours trying to play with him against my pals.
Here are my discoveries:
- YES!!!, the missile is unblockable, so what that means is, you always start with an unblockable projectile, so, the first projectile super you do is also unblockable as far as the first missiles, the second missiles he gets after the first part super are not, and if you get another missile launcher when you summon other weapon is also unblockable, with the standard machine gun as the number 2 weapon in the super, even if the opponent super jumps trying to avoid the super, they get hit for a decent 14000+ damage, and they still need to try to avoid the second part of the super or use advancing guard. If by any chance you get to missile launchers, the super does insane ammount of damage, 25000+.
So, with this in mind, there are to main forms of pulling this super in a hard to avoid/jump way, cancelling after the 4 charge 6+B and after the third hit, blocked or not of the 2+C move. Also if you do baroque cancelling after you launch the missile, it does the full baroque damage percentage you had, so you always have a little chance to pull a comeback after someone is beating you, if its near, you just do the motion then after PTX puts the knee down, baroque and here the opponent scream if you had a large red area. If you are far, do the projectile, then hit A and baroque the wiff move so the baroque is active before the missile hits the oponnent for the bonus damage to be activated. Also, I discovered that you can fire th two guns consecuently one after the other in the same animation, just do 236+attack after 214+attack, or viceversa, this is very useful to get decent cheap damage with the two machineguns, and if they get hit, it does a lot of damage, also if you have the unblockable missile, you can fire it after any other weapon makig i hard to avoid, or doing a trap, by throwing the B missile first, and doing the C (upward) secondary weapon after, limiting the opponents ability to super jump it.
As many of you have notice, the throw sucks, not only you can tech hit with very poor reaction timing, but also you cant block air supers after that, Batsu’s air supers rapes you after a tech hit, the game is so badly made that PTX can even start walking backward while still getting hit by the super. This needs a patch badly, if it weren’t because of the late tech hit, and being unable to block after it, this character would be at least usable, even with the fact that its almost imposible to win agains Chun-li and the Character with the dog (sorry for the names) and any other character that can fill the screen with projectiles and things that hit you.
His main strategy is, if opponent jumps, dash in hitting standing A for multiple hits, on hit they do decent damage and fills your super bar, do the two consecutive projectiles for away characters, and do 2 charge 8+A to keep away from you, it recovers very fast and does decent cheap damage, and leaves opponent away from you, in order to keep doing the two consecutive projectile moves. If they are close, you can do 3+C into air B,B for a quick BnB combo but hit C after those hits to force character to block, and you can even hit another C before touching ground. His main game is the baroque, remember that you can baroque every unsafe move, and if you block any special move, that gives you baroque, so in theory, you have always baroque to make any unsafe move safe.
My main combos are if opponent near you: 2B, 2C (baroque after last hit), another 2C, practice the timing because its a bit tricky to get, but trust me, it is a combo. And if the opponent its jumping you can do 2C as anti-air (baroque after the third hit) and to instant dash to 5 or 6 consecutive standing A jabs.
This is all for now, I hope you low-tier users get at least some new ideas to use and test your skills against the top-tier whores out there, take care.
I was messing with PTX today and I found that theres a move done with 4B, and you can only imput the move in the first frames of 6B (the chainsaw normal move), he does a back dash that hits low (at least if you put the opponent to guard all, the character blocks crouching), it can be comboed after 2B ( so the actual input is 2B, 6B~4B), I dont remember if you can chain it after 2A but anyway, its a new move I guess no one knew AFAIK. So this move its a new tool to get away while hitting if the opponent is near you, and do the double projectile strategy mentioned before.
I will keep posting my findings, if any.
I’m glad to see people still researching this character even though we all know he sucks. ;_; I hope that the arcade version of the game will give him the buffs that he needs to compete, because he’s a great idea and a cool character.
So basically, rules for PTX are:
Don’t use his throw
Fish for missiles
Use lots of Baroque
Remember that just because you have SA, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t block.
when in doubt, low jab to get some room.
Try to only use his level 1 super when you have your back to the wall so opponent can’t SJ over you and punish before you’ve fired the last missiles
EDIT: Ok, I know nobody cares about PTX, but after watching this [media=youtube]08lBt-MRsIg&feature=channel_page[/media] (and yes, I know the opponents are all CPU) I noticed that he appears to be able to rush down to some extent with jet booster pressure at least. I also noticed that his level 3 does INSANE damage if it lands, which got me thinking, is it possible to hitconfirm this off something if you use baroque?
I mean like, I don’t know PTX’s attacks (there aren’t enough vids of him yet) but can’t you hit the opponent with some high-stun move, then baroque into level 3 super?
Another fun thing I noticed was that if you grab the opponent and they tech out of it, you can megacrash immediately to knock them away before they can attempt to counter you (and possibly follow up with something, I don’t know…machine gun shot?)
I’m going to answer your questions, no, it doesn’t do that much damaged compared to other level 3 supers and even some level one supers ( in Ryu it does 23620; Casshern L3 does 25552 Alex 25960, Tekkaman 26945, Ken 27902, Polymar 30179 and Doronjo 30400), in the video the damage is set to 4 stars, 1 star being the default setting.
Once again, no, you cannot rush/preasure opponent like in the video because if they block, advancing guard send you to the other side of the screen, not literaly but you know what I mean.
But at last, yes, you can hit confirm various moves to combo into super, even without baroque.
In mid screen (not in the corner) you can cancel 2 charge 8+C in any of the first 7 hits to the level 3 super and it will combo, the easiest being cancelling after 5 hits. Also mid screen you can cancel the first hit of 5C into level 3 super and once again, its a combo.
In the corner the most damaging combo, without baroque and throw, its 2 charge 8+A, Level 3 Super, it does 27500 to Ryu, which is more than half of the life bar in an average strengh character. You can also combo 4 charge 6+A or B into either Level 3 super or 623+AB super.
If you do the level 3 super, you will lose all your sub-weapons (you will need to re-summon them from the sky), so if you were storing an unblockable missile for a special situation, you lost your missile do to the super.
As far as damaged, the first part of the Level 1 Projectile super goes like this (second part varies as well as the first one but it goes to 18376) :
#####This is done in the corner in order to get the most hits possible)
Two Machine guns = 4365 (which is less than a regular machine gun which does 6560, a double machine gun shot is 9670) so AVOID USING THIS SUPER!!
One Machine gun, One Shotgun = 10761
Two Shotguns = 17041
One Missile, One Machine gun (unblockable) = 13400
One Missile, One Shotgun (unblockable) = 19610
Two Missiles (unblockable) = 26624
The Level 1 Chainsaw super does 15020
#######Last Postc Update#########
Yes, you can combo 2A, 6B~6A, you need to cancel the move extremely fast, but once you get a grip in the timing, you will get 2 hit confirmation very easily.
Keep watching this thread, I will be posting everything I found with PTX-40, take care.
And please, change the name of the thread to something like, The PTX-40 thread, or something more formal than the actual name.
So I think it’s safe to say that PTX-40A CAN deal a lot of damage quite quickly and does have some options. But how are we going to deal with counterpick characters and people who play defensively?
The unblockable missiles are very nice indeed especially paired with his level 1 super, but the fact that the grab is so useless is disheartening.
If he is to compete even at a low tier level, we have to figure out ways to deal with characters like Alex and Casshern.
thats stupid there too big to be grabbed :mad:
I think it’s only command throws, but I’m not too sure about that.
Anyway, they can break throws just like everyone else, and throws in this game are quite easy to break, I hear.
There are at least5 char. with command throws… i see PTA getting owned mostly by Alex, Morrigan, ''guy wit dog, And ‘‘Fat Buu geanie’’ looking guy
watching Alex climb to the top of the robot just to head butt it…rofl
You’re spot on. Alex and Casshern (dog guy) Are PTX’s biggest enemies at the moment.
Besides throw characters, the giants also suffer from projectile users like Megaman and Saki. Lightan has a reflecting move but it’s not too great. PTX can’t relfect, but he does have projectiles of his own.
If PTX is going to be any good, we really need to start coming up with ways to deal with these characters.
One suggestion of mine is to try to predict when they’ll fire the projectiles, then use a long-ranged move like PTX’s railgun or chainsaw to interrupt them, or perhaps even the riot tackle. You want to try to punish the opponent every time they attack.
I’m going to play around with him more tonight but one thing I found (nothing major) but his L3 combos off his Saw (the charge down, up + attack). Since he has so few combos, every one (esp. into heavy hitting moves) is a good thing.
I consider that pretty cool to know. His level 3 is a good finisher. How is the damage scaling off the saw?
I think you should look at ways he can interrupt certain attacks. For example, Megaman running and spamming machine gun arm. Can PTX blast him with the railgun on reaction and still hit him before he finishes firing?
Well, I’ll probably do the general “By the Numbers” for him soon, but since you asked, I decided to do some digging.
The L-P is actually an interesting move in that the very 1st hit doesn’t add to the combo meter and the majority of damage comes from the last 4 hits (which were already scaled to the max so you don’t lose any of that in a combo). By itself, the L-P does 23620 in damage. The break down is this:
Hit 1 - Initial Collision (Does not add to the Combo meter) - 5200
Hits 2 through 16 (Which show up as 1-15 on the combo meter) - 528 per hit. The first 2 hits are full damage. Scaling starts after that
Hit 17 (the last hit from the spin) - 880 scaled for 308 actual.
Hits 18 and 19 (the sword slashes) are 10800 per hit scaled for 3780 per hit actual.
Hit 20 (the last collision with the opponent) is 14400 scaled for 5040 actual.
Oh, sidebar. The damage scaling formula that was listed in another thread needs to be slightly corrected. The game truncates any decimals. With most moves it’s not an issue but in this case it does matter if you were trying to calculate exact damage. Anyway, back to the breakdown.
So as mentioned, if you do the L-P by itself, it registers as a 19 hit combo doing 23620. As for the Saw, the :snka: version does the most damage per hit, but this combo only works in the corner (same with :snkc: as far as I can tell. I did it once where I got both hits into the L-P.) The other Saw moves work about anywhere, though you have to be pretty close and interrupt it around the 6th hit otherwise they’ll be too high and you’ll charge right under them.
For this example, I’ll use the Jab Saw. It connected for 5 hits doing 6480 and then I canceled into the L-P. Since the Combo meter was at 5 already, the game viewed that initial collision as the 6th hit even though the Combo meter stayed at 5. So the first hit of the L-P did only 4160 (instead of 5200). Because the combo meter was still at 5, when PTX-40A started spinning around, it viewed the first of those as the 6th hit again, so the scaling started there (80% in this case) for a total of 3952 in this part. The last 4 hits were already scaled as far as possible originally so they still inflicted 12908 making it a grand total of 27500.
Incidentally, when I did connect the :snkc: -> L-P, since that was only 2 hits that did 6708, the final total was 29380. Hey, just finally managed to do it again. That 2nd hit has to hit late and you need to cancel immediately in order for it to work. The timing is a little tricky. Easier is :df::snkc: xx L-P.
Also, if you were crazy enough to do the Barrage Super (where both guns go ablazing and then the Missile Launchers drop down and you fire those) and by some crazy luck the missles connect and juggle your opponent, you can then do the L-P and it will connect even from full screen.
One other bit that’s good to know. These combos are very difficult to get off on the small characters (Rock, Roll, Joe). The :df::snkc: is the easiest.
Lastly, completely unrelated observations. Even though most people will tech hit out of his throws, his throws will combo when you are close enough in the corner. Even when they won’t, you can throw them against the wall and catch/throw them again before they land over and over.
If you have the Rocket Launcher and do the Barrage Super, the Rockets sometimes can be blocked (if you were blocking the Shotgun / Machine Gun shots, you’ll block the Rockets). If the Rockets are the first to reach you, then those will be unblockable.
I’ll figure out the other things you were talking about later. Kinda hard to do some of this since it’s just me here.
I thought that when the opponent techs out of his throws, they can use an attack while they’re airborn?
lol…useful for stalling perhaps?
Anyway, good work with all this stuff. Seriously, PTX has potential…somewhere inside him. (probably near the radiator). More people need to play the giants.
Interesting find with the barrage super, too. I wonder if having a missile on the right/left guns have anything to do with it?
It could be worse, they could have left Dhalsim or Akuma in the series
Yeah they can attack. I was meaning if they don’t tech out, PTX can just keep catching and throwing them before they can land. Quite funny actually.
Oh, also, I’ve been testing everything in 16:9 Widescreen. While I doubt it would change anything listed about him, if you do notice anything different in 4:3, post it up.
alright tomorrow ill hook up my wii to my cc and see if i can do those combos.