hmm, my memory is VERY foggy about this since it was like 7 years ago but I think pre evo 2k2 where ro got 2nd, not sure about the year, he placed 1st in a shgl tournament that was capped @ 128 players? I remember it being big news because nobody heard of him just yet.
Not sure if there were vids but there was definitely a tourney results post. The SHGL stuff was usually put online as well since I clearly remember the evolution of strider\doom. Going from s\d\capcom and s\d\ken to cable\s\d and eventually team clockwork played by alex.
Row wasn’t out of nowhere, Seattle’s core of players were known about. Shady and Genghis had just started to really hit their stride in tournaments, and were the first to start implementing unfly into Sentinel’s game (“stompometer” they were calling it) and then Genghis went up to play Seattle, then Seattle came down and Row beat everyone. I remember Shady even had a post on here about “Row is no fluke, he beat me convincingly.” Then that was the Evo where it was Row/Justin in finals, and it ran hella long, and it had to be just two sets single game and then everyone was kicked out. But regardless, Row was not from nowhere.
Neither was whiteknight…people had HEARD of him even though that was before youtube meant every single match ever was online in a day. The point I was making about unknowns in a previous post was that no one comes from a vacuum. Row didn’t sit in his basement playing training mode by himself, he had plenty of good players in their own right to practice with, and ditto WK.
With the internet and online gaming the way it is, if you’ve got 4+ good players together somewhere, enough people to really help get a scene going, they’re not going to be unknowns. That notion is over with and it was never really there to begin with. Madtitan was implying someone could be sitting in training mode in Russia with no comp and be better than the best. Nonsense.
It hasn’t happened… probably won’t ever happen. Didn’t suggest it was likely. Ask a devils advocate question… get a devils advocate answer.
Of course after online mode has been around for long enough… many players who simply have no marvel scene in their area… will get chances to play with some of the best now and again. If they are good… I’m sure they’d get a lot of invites… but then again… dr… your point still stands… b/c at that point… they would still not be an unknown anymore…
Well, like what Beats said, they have that type of mentality, regardless if theyre rookies or not. Its like a true gamer playing a fighting game for the first time, he’ll adjust without much guidance or tips. The same with MSP/MSS. etc, they are attracted to the potential of those characters. I dont think its a bandwagon issue, its just they appeal to that style. Now, dont get me wrong, Id like to see more diversity as well, but in tourney play, they stick to whats effective, and not whats worth experimenting with. I play with freggin everyone, expanding my skills throughout MvC2. From the top, all the way to the bottom. If you dont play with every character, you’ll lose interest in the game, which is not what this game was created for. It was created to give you an experience that will last forever, making you want to explore all kinds of combinations within the game. You can play MSP, or…try MJG- Mags/Jin/Gambit. Just try different things, and you’ll appreciate the game much more than just staying in a small corner, working with one team.
Well, its about practice. But more importantly, learning about your opponent’s tactics. Learning their tacs will give you some confidence in how you defend against it. I know Mags/Psy can be very frustrating, but the key is calmness while being attacked. You have to stay calm, because if not, you’ll let the aggressiveness get the best of you. Have you seen a kung-fu flick, where the one guy is beating the crap out of the other dude, and all of sudden he calms down, focuses, and comes back to whip em’ up? Yeah, its kinda like that. Playing against Mags is tough, but not impossible. If you use low-tiers, you have to focus on their strengths AND weakness. For instance, if you use BB Hood vs Mags, use her grenades often, keeping Mags off of you for sometimes. Use the aerial grenades as well, combining with solid assist. Her super does a lot of chip damage, so pick the right oppurtunity to chip Mags, to convince em’ to tag out. Of course, you have to stay in the battle long enough to chip with it. Also, try to stay aerial against Mags, since he wants to jab/Psy infinite startup. While in the air, throw bombs across the screen, discouraging Mags from jumping in at you.
You can beat Mags, but practice is key to beating him. Play against the cpu, (picture the cpu Mags as an aggressive opponent), and work on tactics against the hypothetical opponent.
Now, this “Beats” guy has gotten into it with me as well. And, Ive been banned for about a week for our conflicts (I dont know if he was…hmmmmm) But he thinks just because hes featured as a “premiere member” hes some kinda of boss or mentor or some crap. Dude, everything you know about this game, everybody else knows too. Some are not as talented as you (me not being the case), so they might not know how to execute Mag infinites or Sent unfly or any other overrated move you use. With practice, that MadTitan guy could do everything you do, but he chooses to play with low-tiers (which isnt a crime), and you call him a scrub. Thats his choice, if he wants to play with low-tiers, he can do so. AND, IT IS FUN TO RUIN A TOP-TIERS REPUTATION BY DESTROYING THEM. And for the record, I was pulling you guys string, when I was flaming with yas. WHO DOESNT KNOW THAT DAN HAS MOVES THAT CAN BE CANCELLED INTO HADOKEN? LIGHT PUNCH/HADOKEN, HEAVY PUNCH/HADOKEN, LIGHT KICK/HADOKEN, HEAVY KICK/HADOKEN. THAT GOES ALL THE WAY BACK TO THE SF SERIES!!!DANG…YOU GUYS COULDNT TELL I WAS JOKING AROUND WITH YAS? I sat back and said to myself: “Dang, they dont know I know that stuff?” I LOL’d so hard at how mad you guys were about my Dan post. Im a cool dude, and I like to joke around sometimes, to test people’s tolerance. And obviously, you guys have no tolerance at all. If you dont have tolerance in MvC2, youre gonna lose a lot, like MadTitan says you do in Evo’s. Now, I dont want to start nothing with yas, but arguing with me, and now youre arguing with someone else, I should try to get YOU banned. Remember when I mentioned the possiblity of someone jacking someone’s kudos, and leaving them high & dry? I think its about to happen. And preppy will read this post from me, and say :“Damn, why does this guy keep doing this?” But, Im not flaming, Beats is the one who’s starting fights with good, solid, having fun while playing MvC2 type of people. So, before this gets ugly, I just want preppy to know who’s actually the problem here. Because I’m man enough to apologize for whatev I said or done to disrupt peace in these forums. Beats on the other hand, continues to flame with people about his mentality twards MvC2, and other peps mentality…L8
Infraction issued. This is a thread about “new players and god tier teams”, nothing else. Personal problems go to PMs. I will note that someone who admits to deliberately trolling (“I was pulling you guys string”) is going to look like a deliberate jackass and be well on his way to another vacation from SRK. Stop it. If you want to go to GameFaqs where the moderators suck and let the trolls run rampant, party over there. SRK is full of great players who often don’t mind sharing knowledge. Encourage that and take (positive) advantage of that.
Anybody can beat MSP online randomly. It’s when you can do it consistently that you’re leveling up. Doing it offline is much more difficult.
There’s no rating system for moves. There’s what we call a “win” system where people who can execute “win”. It’s cool like that. You don’t get an S+ if you can refly, a C- if you stink it up but still win.
There’s no “undiscovered” low tier team left, just a low tier team that nobody has played in a while. Play against Viscant or similar, he’ll use every team under the sun.
Some people around here are a bit salty and I’m one of em… i tend it figure that out later after I calm down…lol
revolta… I’ve seen your posts around. In spite of being a bit overzealous at times… you do seem to at least be trying to help some of the newer people… hehe… beats has gotten under my skin a few times. some people are good at that… but he mostly seems to share the opinion of the majority. Opinion that was fought about, argued, discussed, theorized, and formed… long before you registered here.
Most of my comments about beats or his success at evo… were spoken in anger and are not really relevant to the topic at hand… make no mistake… i’ve played him… he’s very good…
My opinion about how much honor or respect there is in winning with low tier hasn’t/won’t change… but my views don’t matter to the majority… and they showed me pretty quick how far new members get pushing their opinion…lol
A fighting game forum isn’t the best place to share opinion anyways… Opinion is only truth here after it equates to wins… anything else doesn’t garner much respect.
First off, I want Prep to know even though this isnt related to the discussion, I think everyone needs to know this about the 9’
Dude, I understand. What I was saying was that he was kinda insulting you about your style of play. Everyone has their own opinion, but sometimes those opinions are kinda harsh. He is good, but not a king, so hes not gonna be right about everything. I know Im new here, but Im NOT new to MvC2, so I can voice my opinion about that. Like I said, I was joking earlier, and now (as you can see from my avatar) Im showing you all the real 9Rev. Ive been a Psylocke stalker…uhh, fan since freggin XCOTA. Thats when I started playing with her, and Ive played with her all the way up to MvC2. I would consider myself top-tier as far as talent, and God-tier with j-stick practice (infinites, unfly…dangit…) But, this is what I like, MvC2 players debating about whats good and whats not. Not in a immature way, but in a respectful manner, which I present to you all as of now, the real 9. So, let me apologize to anyone who thought I was scrubbing in here, starting beef, and wasting people’s time talking to them. I kidga, the riddla, but when it comes to MvC2, I’ll wig-split ya. Im chill dudes, just having fun with yas…L8
revolta… I’ve also played for years… and I also know a lot… and I can also beat most people… but I’ve sorta learned that those things don’t mean all that much here. If you haven’t done well at a tourney or beat someone who has in MM’s… the vets around here will mostly ignore what you have to say. If you are helping noobs and they appreciate it… then keep doing that… but I’d call it quits on the giant debates cuz you don’t really get anywhere.
It’s probably a good plan to concentrate upon talking about the thread on hand and the topic on hand rather than have walls of text attacking or defending others. I don’t really care who is who, but good advice is gold. :tup:
I like to use team concept elements to beat god tier teams when I can… since you can’t really rely on your individual low tiers to scrap evenly w/the gods…
I sometimes use team vidkill (spiral/hulk/BBhood)… its just runaway knife chipping/meter building and trapping with spiral… then wait to see an assist on screen… and A1+A2.
Doesn’t require your toons to be as good as the opponents… if early in the match you instantly drop their storm, cable, capcom… assist…
Seems odd but damn does it work… and damn does it make for quick swings in the match…
example: (played by vidness)
where the fuck are yipes, wong, sanford @ or any other top WC player? Those guys need to teach some marvel.:sad:
Its like marvel is the game of hoarding knowledge rather than sharing it =(. So many underused techniques that could evolve but players sit on them for nationals or big tourneys and you can’t blame them really. I don’t post 100% of what I know but I do post a good bit of it.
sup shoultz, I don’t think very many top players read GS. Most are prob learning other games (SF4), so they would more likely contribute to a game that they are trying to play. I don’t think they’re purposely “hoarding” the info, imo they simply aren’t here.
nah, SOME top players hoard the info. STSFN, save that shit for nationals, has been around forever. The more intricate these games get, the more techniques have a power over the rest of the competition who don’t know about it. Depending on the engine, it really is a race to see who can discover the power techniques first.
Some people hoard it, others share. Its been like that since the beginning.
You gotta ask yourself the main question in this case. If you found a power technique that you saw NO ONE doing and you think you can change the game with it, would you share it? or get the loot for yourself?
Well, new players like myself usually go online to look for “the best team”, then find the top 3-4 teams and pick those. The character cast is quite intimidating when you see the globe for the first time.