I can't control it! - The Phoenix Thread

When simple random shit CAN kill you it becomes a threat. Not just low health, calling Phoenix “low” health is a under statement. For fucks sake you can’t even follow a simple conversation without putting words into other peoples mouths, it’s no fucking wonder you can’t keep shit straight. Please tell me, where did I, at ANY POINT in ANY OF MY POSTS say anything about her being low tier. I didn’t, I never did. It was never ever ever ever ever brought up by me. If someone else brought it up, take it up with them, but don’t assume I agree.

how bout everyone who didn’t say shit. There is only two explanations, they didn’t care enough to speak up or they fucking understood.

Opinions are great aint they.

I see what you are trying to get out but what I am seeing is despite your decent level of vocabulary you don’t get basic concepts. It undermines nothing, if you are too fucking daft to get I am not going to explain it to you further.

Again at what point did I mention mashing? You are amazingly skilled at both imposing arguments that you are prepared to counter (that were never fucking made) onto the person you are talking to and simply ignoring points they have made so you can continue with your own asinine argument.

Oh and please try and tell me that random shit happening in a tournament isn’t a match to match concern, please tell me that. Never did I ever say anything about that being a strategy against her either. Rather I said that random shit happening is a real concern for whoever is playing her.

You try and strip down any argument ignoring the practical and obvious real world implications. This isn’t one plus fucking one, sorry that is fucking difficult for you to understand. But I do agree with you, this argument is a fucking waste of time. Last word is yours, it’s obvious trying to have any sort of adult conversation with you is moot.

Hulk lvl 1 Meteor Crush = 100% on Phoenix ??? Thats just Capcom being cruel.

None of you guys are thinking about running Phoenix on any tournament teams are you?

I thought Justin Wong was planning to use Phoenix instead of Trish, with Storm and Chun-li?

I don’t think he knows about the life bar thing.

It’s funny that the people who are shocked by her health, come into her thread just to tell others that she is bad and shouldn’t be used. :clown:

The people who’re going to use Phoenix will use her, regardless of what others have to say about her.

If people want to use Phoenix, let them use her, but don’t be surprised if they drop 1 combo and lose 70-100% of their life.

Well yeah I expect a lot of losses with her until my skills are more refined.

Question here. If an assist with red life falls within Phoenix’s healing field when called, is that assist healed at all?

That not even important considering Phoenix herself is like trying to fed-ex an egg yolk.

I think that perhaps constantly calling regeneration bubble hyper might significantly extend her lifebar, but its completely counter-intuitiative to the whole point of trying to get 5 bars in the first place.

This, can we please just leave it at “Phoenix is not for scrubby players” and GTFO of here with the constant bickering?

I dont think people are trying to convince you to NOT use Phoenix. I think its more a matter of practicality.

Once you come to terms with the fact that you fuck up once with Phoenix and its ALL over for her, I supposed some sort of progression can be made in this thread. But we havent gotten there yet.

On another not, her all black Alt is sooooo sexy.

Most are saying that if you fuck up you dead, they are arguing whether she will be useful or not due to her health. Time will tell and so far we know she aien’t for scrubs. All we can deduce.

Well I dont think that its far fetched to say its very possible to get randomed out. All it takes is an ambiguous crossup or a fancy mixup, and we know for a fact that Phoenix is done in one combo.

Time will surely tell, I just wouldnt be unrealistic in the idea that Phoenix MIGHT not be worth the effort later on down the road given her ridiculously low health. Again, I’m not persuading anyone to NOT play Phoenix I love her design in MvC3. It shouldnt be offensive to state the obvious.

You have to use a strong stamina character in order to even think about having Phoenix on your team. If not and 2 of your characters get weak fast Phoenix will just be a big fat target waiting to be killed.

All I know is if I see Phoenix as a second character on my opponent’s team they better be prepared for a serious snap back.

Well to be honest most characters can pull 100% combos at a point. So its not really you fuck up your dead thats a problem since thats more a universality, the real problem is that random hits and spam can kill her. Like your opponent knows shes so weak and just mashes random supers and unsafe stuff to touch you, where vs most characters it would just be a waste but vs her its very scary. Who cares though, if you player her you get the benifit of basically the best character in the game with the potential of the most broken character in the game, so its a fair trade off.

I have real problem with Akuma’s ranking in SSF4.His health is way too low…

Ultra’s in this game, have invincibly frames and can completely take away around 60% Akuma’s health.
Ignoring his pressure options or his stun damage compared to the rest of the class, A mashed DP or Ultra owns him.

What hell can he do about Zangief?One or two SPDs and he’s basically dead, That’s Some BS. Although, I never played Akuma, however, I will gladly state my opinions based, on Youtube data(Shotouts to IGN!)and drug induced simulations within my mind.

My data suggest, He needs that Roundhouse loop back, with more health and some, of course like always, More damage.

Low health…What is this guy?A woman in a Capcom fighter??

Come on Capcom.

looks around Uh, I think you’re lost there brah.

Most people actually interested in finding out more of her options (discussing offense/defense/whatever) are fully aware that she can die to 1 combo or some random shit. She’ll die if Hulk sneezes on her guys. We get it.

Can we at least discuss what about her offense/defense looks good, or throw some random theories out there without random poster #152946 saying “lawl she’ll die in one hit” or posting that fucking Hulk vid again??

At least speculate on some teams, resets, her assists, etc. Honestly I’m not convinced that calling her out for an assist is worse than any other character. All characters get bodied when they are called out as bad assists. They all take stupid damage. People aren’t even used to punishing assists yet, and normal characters are taking at least 50% damage from bad calls. It’s only gonna get worse when people get accustomed to punishing. So I’m starting to doubt whether she really needs to sit on the sideline the entire match without using her as an assist. Her TK drive looks like it would be an awesome close range lockdown tool and combo-extender, for example.

I’m still trying to figure out the use for her TK trap though. I can imagine uses for the ground version, but the air versions? It seems so slow. Maybe the shield does block projectiles, as someone speculated. There’s got to be a reason it’s called a “trap” lol.

Ummmmm, turn right here, make a left, there you go.
