I can't control it! - The Phoenix Thread

Good stuff

You kind reconfirmed what I’ve been saying about phoenix.

Not point/second/ and with morrigan assist.

imo i’d prob go with a mobile character or flier like storm (sents a strong possibility to) you want to get off the morrigan assist atleast 3-4 times. You should be golden with getting dph afterwards.

felica(bat)/phoenix/morrigan (AA)

Huh? Luvcheez DID win the tournament with Dante/Deadpool/Morrigan. Well I know he won a recent gamespot tournie anyways.

And yeah her meter building is silly. I think during a combo you could probably call her at least 3 times and get near a full bar from that plus one whole bar from w/e combo you did. So about 2 bars in total.

Did he? My head must be all fucked up from just waking up. Too many Dantes to remember which one won.

If he’s the one that won, then I’m a liar. He knew what was up. All I remember is that the guy that won did so 3-0 in the finals. Again, if I remember right. It might have been the semis with the hyper spam.

Yeah, I liked his team from what I heard. He has vids from about a month ago from him playing an older build. Same team too. I was thinking of running a team similar to that but sub out deadpool for Storm for sum top tier sexiness lol. And my focus would be getting Dante into DT form and keeping him there for the buffed stats.

I read your post that you linked too. You said Dante was ridiculous and C.Viper was the best in the game in your opinion. Why do you feel she outclasses everyone? And who are the other strong chars in your mind?

Why do people keep comparing Phoenix to Strider? All I see between them is a teleport, and other characters have that. Strider was nice because of his little orbs, and nothing like that has been shown in MVC3. Maybe the comparisons are just wishful thinking.

low life
Pressure with special

I can see the connection even tho its kind of vast, I just thinking she’ll do much more zoning and running away with the occasionally teleport mix up…I think thats gonna be the most effective and thats how i plan on playing her.

Theres no way C Viper is the best in the game. Its not even worth going into detail.

I wouldnt even be willing to entertain the thought since you would have to explain how Viper has more effective tools than Storm, which she does not.

your crazy, she’s top tier for sure.


chip damage? check
Air dash? check
8 way air dash? Check
Zoning tools? Check
Rush down ability? Check
Good damage? Check

Can this be done? In MVC2 it was 1 assist per combo. Has this been changed? Is there a special exception for non-hitting assists?

IDK about top but she is good and far from terrible.

I strongly believe as far as single characters ratings go she’ll be top 10. Not that matters in the scheme of things.

Wait I think you could get two off cuz of the ground bounce since you aren’t in the middle of a combo technically. I dunno gonna have to test.

Viper looks good no doubt.

Obviously my impressions had more than a little hyperbole in them. I was just salty about CViper spamming those captain corridors. She can’t really do massive chip and her hypers kinda suck from what I can tell, but as a point character she doesn’t really have any weaknesses on offense or defense, and she has one of the few overhead assists in the game.

That said, most of the characters in this game are bullshit, which is why it’s going to be so good.

Yeah this is something that needs to be known. I’m skeptical of the groundbounce thing since I’d imagine it’s still part of a combo, but I have no idea what the rules are for this game.

I like most chars being broke lolol. But I still wanna hear your thoughts on tiers. That kinda shit is of great interest to me lolz.

Calling tiers already? How can there be top without bottom, and so far, with exception of Ryu (and maybe Thor) nobody looks low tier.

I don’t know about character tiers, but you’re going to see a lot of characters paired up early on, with the 3rd members of teams changing depending on how people want to play.

Sentinel/Storm - looks to be pretty much the same as marvel 2, enjoy being SO lame.
Chun Li/Wesker - They work so well with each others assists that I don’t see how they could not be a dominant rushdown team. I’m surprised I didn’t see anyone with this seemingly abusable combination yet.
Dante/Morrigan - Dante can do everything pretty much by himself, and in between combos, he’ll need morrigan there to juice up his meter.
MODOK/Dormammu - This is my own personal trap-based combo. One does not simply walk into MO/Dor.

As for our girl Phoenix, I think we all agree you have to base your whole team around using her, definitely a specialist character.

I just think she’s going to have to be treated a lot like Strider, beastly on aggression, dies when you sneeze on her and needs plenty of dedicated back up to make work.

Theory fighting is TopTier yo!

If the game favors keep away a little more then rushdown, she might have a great chance.

If Teleport can punish pretty well(Looking at teleport vs Storm’s hail) she might have a even better chance.I would look more at jean then DP atm since, if jeans crap, people are just going to force her out.