I can't control it! - The Phoenix Thread

I’d say that the verdict is still out on Phoenix. People said broken when she was announced, but I think she could be considered somewhere in the middle right now…

It could go either way imo. With so many strong characters, she could very well end up at the bottom and only usable as a gimmick.

Most of these people who have their teams ready and are convinced of their balance will probably end up switching them once the game is in their hands. We’ll see.

I’m getting the impression that playing as Phoenix is going to be a very drawn out game of zoning with her two projectiles, guarding with assists and looking for the perfect moment to 'port in, and either beast a little then 'port away and start over, or pick the wrong time and die. I’m going to need a lot more convincing before I see any promise in her.

The problem is, DP doesn’t really have time to chip people out.

:rofl: I lol’d

I think of it this way, if she can get off 5 ice storms worth of chip before she dies, fine. Otherwise why waste my time?

High risk high reward. That being said, you won’t see many after the first week due to that nature of gameplay. Pretty much any team will have to be build around her and no calling her in. Meter management, means no level 3s or DHCs and only use them sparingly. So pretty much a two person team until you get about 4 up then bring her in. Either offensive or defensive, if bring her in and get attacked, just let your opponent attack, should have 5 bars up by then. If offensive, start her rushdown strategy. Try to deal as much damage before she dies.

Dph in the right hands will chip and slaughter people to death in matter of seconds. But also can’t make a mistake, flawless execution. Or get countered by Wesker/Ammy/Task with there counters.

maybe so but I’ve seen nothing that strikes me as amazing rushdown , an mad mix ups I’d like to see it though

You also have to find a way in. Apparently Wesker (with the best teleports in the game) can run away really good. Leaving you with no meter for HF and gettin your health back and having to watch your back while touching him. And you have like 30 seconds to do this?

I’d find it hilarious if the counters negated her normal attacks, but then they just got knocked out of their followup by the little fireballs.

I’m kind of curious how much chip TK Overdrive does in Dark Phoenix mode, because it seems like the kind of move that would eat through push block.

She is like 3S Makoto only more emphasis on her weaknesses and strengths. I think Dark Phoenix if played right will be the touch of death, where as if anyone touches her she just falls over dead.

I think it’s pretty obvious how she is going to play. Either you will rape face with her, or you get raped. Simple.

As for whether or not you want her in DPh mode all the time or not, I’m going to wait to make a decision on that personally. No one here has played her and really don’t know all the possible tricks she might have, or even how effective healing shield will be against a basic combo. I do know this though, if you have her out without 5 bars you are playing with fire, period.

I think most of the hype is based off of Seth Killian “Mind Melting” description…

Right now I’m seeing high risk, and reward on par with most of the other characters.

Where is this touch of death though? Her damage output isn’t that high really and her rushdown isn’t the absolute best either.

I am talking about DPh mode only. She basically does massive chip. I am also under the assumption that basic combo’s will cause lots of chip as well. In one video she shoots her dual fire shot, then proceeds to rush down. Dante blocks everything and is still taking solid damage, even from blocking her normals since apparently they shoot out little fire darts.

EDIT: I just rewatched the video and I think I am mistaken. She just started her combo as the fireballs were hitting him. Grrr I don’t know now.

in people’s asses. You can troll with Storm and Hail/runaway. Phoenix is like the final stage in a RE game. Complete the mission in the alotted time.

pft your just salty about HK making Ammy eat her own cold star lol.

Seriously though I am really want to see more of the DPh modes stuff cause at this point I am doubting her legitimacy as anything but a handicap.

I ain’t scared. Phoenix users, don’t be scared.

I don’t know if anybody talked about it but her teleport combines with projectiles in DPh are crazy.

Check out 1:37… [media=youtube]z7OA2Ik7qQc#t=01m31s[/media]

X-23 got hit by the Phoenix projective and then you see Phoenix dashing from the other side of X-23. That means, she activated the projectile and teleported BEFORE THE PROEJECTILE EVEN HIT.Imagine if Phoenix had jumped up to start a combo off of the projectile? CRAZY! You wanna talk Wesker’s teleports? Fuck Wesker’s teleports. Can he chip like Jean? He can’t cover himself like DPh can.

If I was going against Phoenix (especially when she reaches DPh), the WORST thing to do is run away. That just sets you up to get raped. SHE IS GOING TO CATCH YOU AND NAIL YOU DOWN!

4 homing projectiles on the screen in the blink of an eye. That explode. And you recover quickly. And you can teleport before they even connect. Imagine if you superjump before you send them. And you’re gonna have time to do it right after DPh activates.

Bring it. I ain’t scared. I’m getting Jean to level 5. Then we’ll see what you’re made of.

This has been THE INVINCIBLE SWORDSMAN saying:

I already said Jean can’t be used on point with her complete lack of any stamina. I think what the video showed more than anything is that going into DPh is a necessity. Not just a gimmick.

Also, I’m really starting to wonder if she can use HF in DPh mode and if it’s different than as normal Jean. And if KFC has any effect.

Nah I’ve just always countered DPh’s BS. Cuz too many niggas are thinking its Game Over when she comes out.

I’m just saying. You are going to sacrifice everything for 5 meters including your other characters just to have your life drained by an invisible leech and have to dodge every hit while laying down hits while having to gain meter?

Ammy loop that bitch.

I doubt she kills over dead when she gets to zero life though. You just… well literally can’t be touched, which seems to fall in love with her general gameplay.

I guess if you plan on playing Jean you’re gonna have to use to the idea of getting her to DPh mode, tagging her out. DHCing to get her back on the screen saftely throwing out some chip and tagging her back out. Well that is what I’ll do. Damn I wished I didn’t suck at MvC2, I am really not confident engough to play her outside of casual games.

DPhoenix is better off as an assist. There is like no drawback to it and she even gets faster red bar gain.

Can’t wait to see the scrubs wait till the last second to get out DPh.

she looks to be shaping up nicely. not an easy character to use but very powerful. will keep the scrubs away from her. right now she looks very underpowered, but i dont think we’ve really seen what dph can do, i think capcom is keeping her under wraps for now… hopefully.

we still have to see what xfactor does for her as far as damage and speed… she might be really crazy on kfc, with healing factor super at her side, stacking.

she looks very strategic meaning you will have to have a gameplan when using her… cant rush all day nor just play keepaway.

imho she needs 2 tanks to be played with… and the tanks in this game are shaping up to be decent… ie sent looks ok and so does hulk. maybe switch out a tank for a battery… maybe. but she is obviously supposed to be the last character out, which makes her a prime candidate for lvl3 kfc.

anywho the jury should still be out on her, i dont think her hp would be as low as it is without GOOD reason… ie shes got some really broken shit going on.

we just havent seen it yet.


I completely agree. That’s why I’m secretly hoping Juggernaut is one of the DLCs down the road. Sentinel still looks good for the tank spot (although a bit slower than his MvC2 incarnation).

This has been THE INVINCIBLE SWORDSMAN saying:

I really think Capcom is sandbagging her on purpose. No KFC activations. No HF when DPh. VERY LITTLE shown while in DPh.