I can't control it! - The Phoenix Thread

You dont under stand, even if you had a permanent healing sphere for free it wouldnt matter. She would still die in one basic with air exchanges or combo to super. healing would really only help against someone or team that is chipping her to death. But who would do that when its safer to just try and land a short or jab and kill her?

Healing would have to give back permanent life for it to be useful in her regular form.

This. Healing hyper is to keep DPH on point.

I lol’d hard.

Not in a literal sense - she doesn’t “lose” red life. If she doesn’t get OHKO’d by any means she would outside Healing Field, that’s accounts for something.

This just doesn’t account only for chip damage. Even if the difference is negligibe, it exists. You can see by yourself in the recent gameplay vid #3.

This chick…was soooooooooo overhyped. And her rushdown isn’t even THAT crazy. Zero and Wesker seem to rush waaaaaay better from the vids we have seen.

That health is just ugh. It doesn’t even matter how good she is if she dies off a random attack.

And the thing is you can never use her as an assist vs anyone with a good hyper cuz if they see her and twitch hyper combo on reaction then Ms. Grey is fuckin done. So as an assist it’s done. On point it’s sooooooooooo fuckin done.


I didn’t overhype her. As soon as I saw what ZERO’S normals did to her, I just spend my free time figuring out ways to insult her atrocious health.

She just heals it back, which means you have to be in range for healing field to be effective. If Ryu Shinkuu’s her across the field like he did in that video, the field has absolutely no effect. The range on the field is small, and any character will still be able to 100% combo her with little effort with it on. At the very most, your opponent will have to DHC once - whoopie.

According to Seth, we still haven’t seen what Dark Phoenix can really do. Even from what we have seen, her rushdown is an entire tier above every rushdown in the game, because she can protect her own advances with homing projectiles and warp behind you instantly. Dante teleports above you, meaning you have a moment to react, and people have already tested his missiles and concluded he cannot use them to protect his own advance. Zero can’t protect his own advance at all. Wesker can combo into his teleports through his projectile, but not actually protect his advance, and his teleports are set distances from his current location; they are not set relative to his opponent, making them not quite as good for getting in, but superior for mindgames.

You misunderstood me. I didn’t even said that Healing Field is abusable. It’s nice enough to have this nice bonus of negating red damage while she’s getting hit. And that’s all - people will run away from her once the field is up - making good mindgames on DPh to chip people away or to start rushing them out.

You can read at my older posts that she’ll be safer with a good point character to act as a good battery. Phoenix was built to have her stronger form into play - if wasn’t the case, regular Jean Grey would be a different character altogether.

Why does everyone assume that the opponent is going to have meter to do 2 snapbacks, land a random hyper, then DHC into another hyper to kill Phoenix, but she won’t have the meter to turn into Dark Phoenix after they’ve done that? (Yeah, yeah, 4 vs 5, but close enough.) Most Phoenix teams are going to be battery/assist/Phoenix. She likely won’t even be on the field without 5 bars.

And if you are playing Healing Field style, who’s going to be able to keep you across the map to shoot you when you’ve got that teleport? I bet you coud teleport after the flash with a bunch of hypers and wind up behind them.

As easy as it is to kill her, it’ll be as easy for her to kill you. This is marvel, if you’re getting hit then you’re doing it wrong.

I understand you just fine.

The point is you don’t need to keep her across the map, because Healing Field sucks at softening blows. There are only a handful of characters in this game that can’t finish their combos with a ranged hyper, making the move entirely useless unless you are in Dark Phoenix form or just want to glitter to feel special before you die. Plus, the likelihood of Healing Field going down while Phoenix is being comboed is very high.

I assume you are talking about Dark Phoenix mode, because normal Phoenix is actually pretty low on the damage output scale.

other thing about healing field, it won’t heal that last hit at all. Think of it like ST tech throws.

LOL bullshit. The only people who’ll run away from her when it’s up wont know WTF is going on anyway. Anyone who’s got any knowledge of the game will know that her health is so low that even with the field they’ve still got the potential to down her in one combo. I wouldn’t change my strategy one bit because all that means is that maybe I’ll kill her in 2 combos instead of one. Not to mention that if I can get the other person to be healing field happy that’s just one more meter that they’ll burn which further decreases my chances of seeing DPh

I don’t know why you’re counting 2 snapbacks, but the problem with Phoenix is that in order to play her you’ll almost always be operating with a built in disadvantage.

  • If you start her on point you’ve got the chance of her dying to some random BS before you can try to set up DPh mode
  • In order to get the most out of her you’ve got to prep for DPh mode which means not only do you have to work up to 5 meters, but you’ve got to sit on it. Maybe you’ll be disciplined enough to use them judiciously when you’ve got other characters out, but when she’s on the field there’s going to be a little voice in your subconscious telling you to hold on to your meter which takes away options.
  • When she isn’t on point you’re one assist down. Sure you CAN use her as an assist, but make one mistake and she could die to a cross screen hyper. Let’s say I’ve got whoever on point who doesn’t have a far reaching hyper, but I’ve got Storm, Ryu, Deadpool etc. who does and 2 bars. I’m going to Hyper, DHC and kill Phoenix for free.

Hotobu gets it! On a side note, I will laugh so hard the first time I get to punish a Phoenix assist. I know there will be people out there willing to do it because they just don’t think before mashing that assist button. We just have to figure out whether she does Dark Phoenix if she dies as an assist or not.

If you’re going to insult you can at least spell my name correctly. I just find it annoying how people hype her up to be unbeatable with or w/o DPh

[spoiler=]Fuck the 'Nix[/spoiler]

I’m gonna pee on the bitch come Feb. Extinguish.

I agree with this. We all know other characters have rushdown, but alot of them need assists in order to make their rushdwon truly effective. Phoenix, as a single character, has more going for her when it comes to rushdown and she doesn’t seem like she’ll desperately need assists to get in. The only missing piece, when it comes to assists, is a good lockdown attack–and that’s where something like Chun legs, Doom rocks, Ammy coldstar, Haggar lariat, etc come into play

you don’t need any of that to kill phoenix though just land a standard combo

however she really is a all or nothing character I’ve not seen any thing special from wesker anybody care to share?

From Wesker? Teleport Mixups, great DHC’s with counter, a near-instant full screen punisher with Maximum Wesker/Phantom Dance, he’s deceptively quick, he hits like an absolute truck, and he’s got DOSE SHADES.

Wesker has the rare combination of speed + damage + average vitality.

People say he “hit’s too hard for someone so fast”

Like I said, most Phoenix teams are going to be battery(1 snapback)/assist(another snapback)/Phoenix.

This is true of everyone, just slightly more true for her. A Healing Field will mean they need to burn an extra meter (which they likely won’t have when she’s the first character, since you’re likely either meter starving them or dead) or do an extra combo to kill her.

Unless your battery is dead, no options are lost except for Healing Field, which you don’t need to care about anyway if you’ve got the meter for Dark Phoenix. If you use her Phoenix Fury, just DHC into your battery and start building meter again.

You’ve just listed three of the best characters at assist punishing of the entire cast. If someone has a full-screen hyper that does a large amount of hits and lots of damage, don’t use Phoenix as an assist unless you’re absolutely sure you can cover her. I’m pretty sure that’s true of any assist against them.