I can't control it! - The Phoenix Thread


oh dear D:<

Er… I wouldn’t go that far, seemed like she had a pretty good array of projectiles and she seemed really mobile too.

Sort of like the way SF handles Akuma taken to nth degree, at least the vibe I got from her.

WOW. The similarity is undeniable. Just that Sam isn’t on fire.

Well, a bit of theory fighting here, I’m theorizing both good team setups for her, and a good anti-Phoenix method.

With her healing field and Dark Phoenix, coupled with her low life, it’s clear to me that she’s gonna really need to hoard meter, and some good backup. That said:

(Prototype) Phoenix Team:

Storm A/Phoenix ?/Ryu A


Storm A/Phoenix ?/Morrigan A

Template is Point/Phoenix (main)/GTFO Assist

Your first point character needs to be versatile and powerful. Soften the opponent up, build about 3+ meters, then safely DHC to Phoenix and provide backup from there. I think Storm will work well for this. Whirlwind is very quick and will be able to build meter safely from a distance, she has good combo options even without a super ender, she can keep pace with everybody, and Ice Storm has to be one of the best supers to DHC, both into and out of. Phoenix Inferno DHC Ice Storm, or Ice Storm DHC Phoenix Inferno.

The assist is there to alleviate pressure and get people the hell off you. As Phoenix, you’ll probably need it, as one touch could spell death fairly easily. Ryu (Shoryuken) for a third with better damage output and defense, or go for Morrigan (Shadow Blade) for an assist that has more options on point but still has you covered with the invul DP.

Basic strat team based on keeping your characters safe.

(Prototype) Healing Field Variant:
Phoenix ?/Storm A/Chun-Li Y*

The twist here is to try and offset your low life with successful Healing Field usage. Use Storm as your safety valve to get out of trouble with Ice Storm DHC, But the main idea is to try and keep Phoenix alive and on point for as long as possible to wreak havoc. Use Hyakuretsukyaku to keep your opponent in place after you activate Healing Field, and get in there with some blockstrings to reclaim your life. Use Storm’s Whirlwind to give you some cover on your approach, teleport in, Blockstring > Hyakuretsukyaku > Blockstring and you just got all your red life back.

(Prototype) Dark Phoenix Team:

Zero A/Phoenix ?/Morrigan Y


Zero A/Phoenix ?/Amaterasu Y

Template for this is Battery/Phoenix/Meter Building Assist

You start off rushing down. Goal: build as much meter as possible. Zero’s good for this, with his long combos that build a lot of meter. You Call Morrigan for her Dark Harmonizer meter building assist whenever possible (Or Ammy for her Bloom), and when you get to 3-4 stocks, you go for a safe tag in to Phoenix (aerial exchange may be good for this).

Once Phoenix gets in, you fight with her, call Morg/Ammy til you get max, use Zero’s Ryuuenjin as your GTFO me assist, and sit on your meter. If they kill you, guaranteed Dark Phoenix. After that, keep using Morrigan/Amaterasu to build your meter back up for her Hypers, and try to tag out if your life drains a lot and they still aren’t dead.

Morrigan will be good for a faster option that doesn’t bleed quite as hard. Ammy will probably have a bit better synergy because of the full screen and slow hypers, but also bleeds hard and may cause a meter conflict if you aren’t careful.

Anti-Phoenix strat:

It’s simple, really. Kill that bitch first. Kill her first, kill her fast. She dies in 1-2 combos, so if she isn’t point at the beginning of the round, snap her in and mix her up. If she escapes, snap her back in next opportunity to get rid of her red life and keep her winded. Stay on that ass and you’ll kill her before she ever has a chance to get max meter.

If she gets Dark Phoenix:

Again, simple. This time, just wait her out. She kills herself for you. Once she tags out to try and recover that red health, snap her back in next chance you get and stay on that ass.

I’m theorizing that she’ll be easy to stop, but in the right hands she’ll be downright deadly if you let her have her way.

Man, pheonix is going to be such an amazing trap and or keepaway character.

P.S. Amaterasu and pheonix are a match made in heaven, alot of pheonix teams would probably have Amat in’em.

Phoenix look like she might be more of a point character. I couldnt see her as the last character left sounds like a risky uphill battle.

I can’t control it!

God I love when she activates that. Feels like the world is ending.

To beat MSP in MvC2, all you have to do is snap Magneto out and get rid of Psylocke. Then he’s crippled. Cake, right? :rolleyes:

I highly doubt beating Dark Phoenix will be a “simple” matter of running away until her health is sapped. Capcom made it clear that they spent considerable development time making sure things like these are useful. It’s possible that she can be beaten this way, but every single time, with ease? Don’t hold your breath.

I was watching the Phoenix reveal for like the 5th time and noticed that when she was comboing on Zero and then Dante, the combo meter was fucking sky rocketing, unusual for the attacks she was doing. She was in Dark Phoenix mode at this point. Maybe she has something like Rose’s soul satellite, but better? I did notice something around/in front of her when she was attacking?

(Posted this in the General Discussion thread, too.)

her fireball becomes two fireballs in dp mode which is why it looks like soul satellite

Yeah, I did notice that but it doesn’t look like she’s comboing into it, especially on Zero. I swear the combo meter jumps from 4 to 10 off a sweep. I’ll suppose I’ll find out next month.

*ahem teleport

A few things that should probably be considered:

-We don’t know if the Dark Phoenix rez can be baited and punished
-If tagging out after DP rez means when she comes back will she be reg phoenix or DP? Will she still have full life? Will it still drain when she’s tagged back in?
-We don’t know if her normals will be good AT ALL from this vid.
-Her zoning capabilities look limited atm (compared to MvC2 storm, cable, etc)

From past capcom games characters like this are usually all rushdown/big damage.

I’m gonna play her simply because I’ve wanted to play her in a FG since I was like 11.

I just looked her up on wikipedia, and it never says anything about pyrokinesis being one of her abilities. So why so much fire?

I was born in 90 and I got it. Altered Beast was manly. That, Maximum Carnage, Final Fight and Streets of Rage made me a manly man.

this is by far the most interesting character,

you can obviously tell she’s a keep away character, but she’s got great rushdown tools with healing field that will constantly feed her health, true to the name of phoenix, awesome, it still comes down to skill, high risk high reward, like off the chart high

Because the Phoenix is a ***fire***bird.

This has been THE INVINCIBLE SWORDSMAN saying:

What kind of ashes do you think she resurrects from? Cigarette ashes?

But pyrokinesis is not one of her abilities…

that’s kind of like saying Wolverine should be brown and furry because his name’s wolverine.

I see she kinda like Red Venom hmm.

Interesting character. Low health, good comboability and hopefully damage.


The Phoenix is a mythological flaming bird. That represents life and death cycle.

Phoenix is represented by fire and a bird. The fire represents both life and death and pruging( you know what fire actually does)

Jean is the preferred avatar for the Phoenix of the marvel universe hence why she gains the look and abliites of the Phoenix itself.

Fire, is not her thing usually, just when the Phoenix us manifested.

Well, the Phoenix Force has always been represented as some form of telekinetic flame. While it’s not flame per-se, it certainly is flame-like.