Hulk is a cheap fuck

that hulk smash is such bullshit for noobs… all that fucking invinceablity

Heavily punishable on block. Just block it and kill him.

Cool story bro

Hulk ghey please nerf capcom.

lol Hulk is low tier


we need to nerf this character. i can’t block so he is unfair as fuck. please capcom make me wet by nerfing hulk

They already did.


mindlessly rushing down the hulk will just get you a face full of green salt, pick and choose your moments when fighting him.

Not that I think Hulk is overpowered or anything, but I don’t like seeing this argument used. Hulk can easily cancel H and charge away to relative safety. Totally understandable when people have trouble with it, especially if you cover his super armor with something like Tatsu/Drones

Doesn’t Hulk Smash = Gamma Crush? I don’t recall st. h having a ton of invincibility.

And charge away isn’t even safe. Most characters in the game can punish that. Now anti air charge into H followup is safe, but you can push block Hulk before he gets there and punish his recovery.

Actually, Hulk/Drones is annoying as fuck, but so is pretty much anything/drones.

OP, you are a bitch nigga

why is that?

Hulk is not that hard…at all. Even the most experienced Hulks could never hold a candle to the problems you would be having with a decent Zero. Hence, the reason why you were told that. Also, people here don’t take kindly to others who make a new thread to state how much they hate character “X”.


Play a keep-away, it’s going to fuck Hulk up.
(Example: Ghost Rider, Hawkeye, Morrigan, etc)

Hulk is the most imbalanced character in the game and one of the cheapest…if he had a price in real life, you could buy 30 of them with 1 dollar because he is so cheap.
sorry fags, but I just hate to see the arguments from people who defend hulk or who say that he isnt hard.
Hulk normals arent slow…my ass is slow, hulk normals goes at regular speed and deal massive damage even with few hits, so any guy who cant even string combos will totally rape you in a few seconds.
He has tremendous reach.
Huge health pool.
He can literally break out of a fucking combo using that HULK SMASH…this is possibly the most annoying part about fighting against hulk, even if you block his first heavy attack (which pretty much any hulk player starts with) and do advancing guard on him YOU CANT PUNISH HIM BECAUSE HE CAN BREAK OUT OF THE COMBO YOU JUST STARTED BY DOING THIS ATTACK AGAIN.

he has no weak spot, he is just 1 ton of green rape…I have tried everything against him, fast characters tend to have low health (with the exception of wesker) so I dont even dare bringing them against hulk because, zero for example, gets raped in one combo.

Its just ridiculous, the amount of power this fag has, with zero (no pun intended) weaknesses.

Hulk doesn’t break out of combos. Stop trying to attack him when he can react with armor. It’s entirely your fault for getting hit by his armored moves.

And zero weaknesses? Seriously? Hulk does terrible against characters with multi-hit moves (I have no idea why you’re getting hit as Zero when you have s.:h:, Shippuga, j.:h:, Buster, etc.), keepaway/runaway, and command grabs.

Hulk’s not that good. You’re just playing bad if you keep on getting opened up by Hulk’s s.:h: instead of other moves like Gamma Tornado or Anti-Air Gamma Charge.


Play Farmville. Hulk’s not in that.

Nick: Damn that shit was slick, good find haha