I try to do the Low kick into claps. Did I get the term wrong? sorry if I did.
After I realize they are a mashing wake up moves I stop trying to do it and just punish them
What do you guys do to people that keep on interrupting your hits or throws with jabs? Sometimes I try to back breaker out and get punished other times I Ex lariat but it goes overhead and I get punished. The standing H gets stuffed with jabs
I’m not gonna give up on this character. He is just too fun to play.
my timing with the claps are probably off after I knock them down. back to training mode!!
NOt sure if something is lost in translation but cr LK xx LP clap is not a true block string, and can be interrupted. however, its a great footsie string to buffer in because it will probably whiff in most cases, but in cases of counter hit, its a true combo.
You guys have to set the dummy on random counter hit to work on those cr. Lk or st. Lk counter hit into clap xx. Lk or lp lariat finisher. It’s the difference between winning and losing legit.
Yea i know, i was saying that after the super hits a person in the air the only thing that i know that combos after the super is U2. Cuz i’ve tried BB cancel from the juggle super and he just flys right next to them and since U2 has infinite juggle potential it connects regardless if they are on the ground or in the air when u catch them with super.
Like for example UT>LP clap>LP clap>super does 434dmg and then if u do U2 after the super u get 650dmg
Or if u do UT>MP clap>LP clap>super u get 454dmg and then do U2 u get 660dmg
So for me i prefer the console version of Hugo’s super. Its just so cool watching it juggle
ex bb is the only one with immunity, so i wouldnt use normal versions outside of combos.
EX BB surely catches devilsreverse, though only if they come at you. Ultra 2 can catch it if he wants to get away. It feels as if it grabs fullscreen, as long as the oppoenent is airborne, its grabrange is ridiculous, honestly.
Have to test it though… i mean, if it truly grabs fullscreen. but i caught a ryu backjumping from about 3/4 screen away
They funny thing with U2 is that the chances for it to whiff is larger the closer the enemy to you. This Ultra is design to catch the cowards, the manly men get to live (well, kind of, since it means they are getting closer to Hugo)
And what’s the deal with Hugo’s back breaker on wake up? I seem to get nailed with it every time, from (what I thought were) safe jumps, or timing a bait. It just seems ridiculously fast. Or perhaps he recovers quicker from hard knockdowns. Any info would be great.
Personally I think he looks a lot stronger than people are suggesting.
had some random ideas running thru my head, is it possible to kara palm with a normal like standing MP? and if so could would it be possible to use the the extended range to extend the range even more for a kara palm ultra throw?