Hugo frustration venting thread

A place to blow off some steam after some asshole zones you out the whole match, or mashes his way to victory.

I seriously don’t know how in the mother of god capcom thought Hugo was balanced. He has all the grappler weaknesses, except exacerbated by ridiculously slow buttons, no invincible moves, and a hurtbox that you could hit by accident.

Throwing out some frustrating situations:

-Making the PERFECT read on somebody’s jump with a BB, only to have it stuffed out because they used some random normal move in the air. Nice AA, Capcom.

-Having one of your normals punished on whiff because of their insane recovery

-Having all your normals stuffed at close range because they have the startup time of a Nasa space shuttle

-pressing a button in mid air while jumping over a fireball, and it somehow extends your hitbox backwards and gets you hit

-Perfectly timing an EX lariat or squasher through fireballs and normals, only to have them jump away because of the slowdown caused by the armor hits. or just flat out DP you out of it for free

_Accidentally hitting HP or HK while crouching, launching a move that has the same recovery time as most ultras, and eating a full jumpin combo as a result.(45-50 frame recovery time. THE FUCK, CAPCOM)

It really bakes my potato.

TBH only this one is a legit source for frustration. And even then that one is debatable.

All of Hugo’s jumping normals besides heavies have better projectile invincibility.

As far as the rest of these

  1. If you don’t have meter, st. HP will stuff everything and it’s safer than using LK. BB. We know this.
  1. Welcome to footsies.
  1. Either EX SPD or block and wait for an opportunity if they get in close. His light normals are slow but they have way more range than almost any other character. So that means you let him walk into your attack range unchecked. See #2.
  1. Then it wasn’t perfectly timed. If they DPd you out of it then they read you. And they earned that read.

I’ve never had this happen so I can’t speak on this.

I get frustrated at the sheer number of bad matchups he has. Last night I played 5 games and got a gouken, 2 roses, bison and vega… Then I had to take a break cos of the salt lol. Really fucking hard to keep motivated sometimes when you get runs of shitty matchups. Juri, vega, rose and gouken are my 4 worst they feel unwinnable to me.

I’ve only ever played charge characters so it’s a big adjustment switching to a grappler. I knew I was getting myself into a lot of hard matchups but damn it’s harder than I thought.

Despite this, my abysmal win rate and struggling to maintain even 1/3 of the PP I had with my old main… Hugos just so much fun to play. I’ll take 5 or 6 losses but those games where you can finally get in, scare your opponent into doing the wrong thing and then run a train on them for it are so satisfying that it makes up for it somewhat.

I hate going for CrLKxxLp Clap and having ultra throw come out.

Yes, because god forbid you use a move specifically designed for AA to try and AA somebody. and ST.HP is very specific on timing and hitboxes. it’s armor doesn’t actually cover the whole move, and you can be stuffed out of it a lot of times.

Not bad really, but it’s pretty fucking stupid that Hugo has a special literally specialized in AA and half the time it loses to air attacks.

I think you might have confused “this is frustrating” with “I think this is totally unfair”. Again, this is just venting frustrating scenarios, not me asking how to get around something.

Again, you seem to be confusing “Vent some frustration” with “Give me advice because I don’t know what to do”

I’m well aware how to react, I’m simply saying it’s frustrating when it happens. Frustrated!=don’t know how to adapt to it.

The timing was fine, it’s just the fact that if the guy throws more attacks out you slow down, thus changing the timing.

and DPing is rarely a “read”. it’s a shoto’s universal response to any attack they don’t feel like blocking. And there is really no reason a non-armor breaking one hit reversal should cleanly beat such a heavily armored move.

You don’t really need to “read” Hugo to use a DP. DPs will beat everything he does up close, save for maybe a very well timed EX BB. if you see hugo coming in at you, DPing is likely an even safer option that jumping. as long as you know he isn’t gonna be blocking, you’re pretty much safe to DP, doesn’t take a lot of prediction.

It only happens rarely, usually when I’m playing footsies or defending so that I have to switch between standing an crouching rapidly. both HP and HK have literally 45-50 frames of recovery on them. that’s the same or more than most ultras.

and they’re freaking normals. ultra hits, you get 3, 400+ damage. These normals hit, you get about 120, and they’re just as unsafe. I don’t know why they even exist.

You’re right, I confused frustrated with not knowing how to adapt.

But for real if you’ve been playing Hugo long enough to get 2000+ PP, then being frustrated about shit that you already know about sounds like getting frustrated at fish for swimming. I can see new players getting frustrated because it’s hard to figure him out if you haven’t played him before, but that’s what all of the stickies are for. At what point do you stop being frustrated at shit that is absolute?

s.HP is a 7 frame anti air essentially. and it’s has armor for 9 frames after that. The spacing and timing is specific, as with all anti airs, but it’s not that specific. Abel’s cr.MK is a 8 frame AA with no additional perks and he has no problem using it.

DPs beat everything everybody does up close, not just Hugo’s shit. If they see you coming and DP then well they knew you were gonna do something that DP could beat. Sounds like a read to me. People been doing that since ST.

His moves are slow but he hits like a damn truck. You need really good fundamentals to do well with Hugo. Also at least his moves connect properly when you make a good read. You have to look at the good as well as the bad.

hmmm… a venting thread!! can I join

Damn I hate it when I face Hugo

-I jump in? ex BB for free, and that damn HP with armor! Really? CaPCOM? Reaally!

  • I try to play footsie only to get hit by HP Claps on counterhit, then another HP clap, and MP clap and EX clap and LP clap and crLK into lariat 530 damage gone with only 1 meter spent. WHYYYYYYY!

  • I get caught by that run grab thing alot because it looks so similar to the lariat, CAPCOM is soooo lazy to make them have different animations

  • Everyone and their pets can now hit standing 720 with hugo, why why why!!! that is sooo not fair capcom!

  • Let me not start on crLK and crMK sheesh.

Where do I stop? let me search for more things to complain about instead of adapting to the whole matchup thing.

PS. I enjoy playing Hugo and against Hugo by the way :wink: just trolling for the fun of the thread.

Being frustrated has nothing to do with how good you are. you can get annoyed at anything.

I’m annoyed at people who play lame and run away a whole match. Even when I beat them, it doesn’t stop me from being annoyed. it simply irks me.

SRK has this weird thing were they feel like they need to try and correct people when they complain, even when the other person says flat out he’s just complaining to vent, rather than because he’s actually stumped on the problem.

people get frustrated with their character all the time, even after mastering them. every character has certain annoying traits that can bother people, it doesn’t mean they just don’t know how to handle them.

I’m not sure why people on this site get such a hardon for talking down to people.

Read what I said to the last guy who misunderstood the point.


What part of “venting” are people having trouble comprehending? I’m well aware none of this things are insurmountable, and I’m well aware of how to compensate for them. I’m simply saying they’re bothersome. that’s it.

Seriously, the urge to try and wave your epeen around is just too powerful, huh?

Hey look guys, I’mma respond to my own post and tell myself how to solve the problems.

-generally normal BBing a jumpin is risky, since the angle allows certain normals and specials to poke hugo out of it before he can initiate the grab. Instead, you can either try to S.HP it, or block and take the attack. For whatever reason after a few hits a lot of people have a tendency to nuetral jump in the air to try and reset the situation and come back in. this is when normal BB is far more likely to hit, since you’re coming from directly under them.

-Hugo’s normals generally make for better punishers than pokes, as their range, damage and hitstun allows you to perform strong punishes on people’s errant buttons. you can throw out a poke every now and again, ideally at a range where nobody else can punish you thanks to Hugo’s insane range, but generally hugo wants to be aiming for counter attack, not pokes.

-Throwing out normals up-close with Hugo is not advised, thanks to their slow startup. Hugo’s goal up close should be to block and look for SPD opportunities, whilst also attempting to regain some ground so he can start abusing his hard hitting long range normals. while the timing is tricky, this is also one of the best times to throw out an EX squasher or lariat, as the opponent will have minimal time to react and you can catch them out of a normal.

-Hugo ideally does not want to be in the air. His hitbox his massive and without the ability to block he becomes a giant target. in addition characters like shotos or sagat really want you to jump, as it sets up an easy reversal timing for them(particularly sagat, who has several moves to knock you out of the air). FADC+S.HP tend to be a better combo for this reason. FADC through a fireball or two to gain ground, then prepare a S.HP for when they try to start throwing normals to try and poke you out of your dashes. grouch MK is also your friend for that lovely knockdown(even if it trades it will be in your favor, as knockdown are invauable to Hugo)

-The ideal time to use EX lariat our squasher is when your opponent is doing something. despite all their armor there are several easy counters to them. in order to compensate for this, you need to catch your opponent at a moment were they CAN’T react, ideally overlapping your move with their own so they clash. a good range for them is around a deep-hitting S.MP range for Hugo. it’s enough distance that it’s unlikely it will be stuffed by one of their moves before it can get going, and short enough that they have very little time to react to it, and can catch them out of a normal or fireball.

-While the recovery on these normals is rather ridiculous, the moves themselves are actually quite useful assuming you can actually land them. C.HP acts almost like a DP, knocking people out of the air and away from you, stopping pressure. HK has an interesting property were Hugo’s hitbox sort of shifts backwards when he does it, allowing him to avoid certain close range attacks and counter them with the buttslam, dealing good damage and creating space. personally I don’t think these moves are so good they should have 50 frames of recovery, but they definitely have some interesting applications, even if they are risky.

There, is everyone happy now? can we stop trying to correct a bunch of venting complaints?

Today Im totally frustrated with Hugo. No Hugos at Evo. Getting wrecked online by scrub tactics that won’t work against my Guile.I’ll maybe play him in training mode randomly but its useless trying to put energy in a character for tournament play when Capcom thinks he is just fine and he is obviously not They think we want a win button which is not the case. Even Japan thinks he sucks. Only one Hugo in the top Japan. There are no Hugos in the top 100 on xbox. Dan, deejay have been in the game from the start of SF4 and they still can’t compete.

He is good against noobs and casual players but try that with a regular tournament player. Those early matches were against players learning the new Sf system and what Hugo can do, check the date. I doubt offline Hugo will every be a threat. Like they say Just gotta deal with it, adapt or pick a top tier. My choice is I don’t wanna play anyone else so I’m done with Street fighter for a while. I got IRL stuff to do that I’m slacking on. Nice knowing you Hugo and SF4. I like watching tournaments but I’m not gonna spend my free time playing this game anymore when it is not fun for me.

I mean @Attica2200‌ you still didn’t answer the question. And you probably didn’t read anything I wrote. I never said anything about how good you are. You’re the only one missing the point.

All I asked was at what point will you stop being frustrated about things that are absolute? You know very well what Hugo’s weaknesses are. You know that unless they patch them, you can’t change them. So when will you stop being frustrated about it? Every other post is you being frustrated with Hugo and now you make a thread about being frustrated with Hugo.

If your answer is “never,” then yeah, it’s like being frustrated at fish for swimming.

Why would I stop being frustrated? annoying things are annoying. they don’t get any less annoying just because I play more.

They don’t prevent me from winning, and I know how to counteract them. but that doesn’t stop them from being annoying.

The real issue is, why are you so bothered by the fact that they annoy me? does it affect you somehow?

I get annoyed at things, and I vent. nothing else to it. Feel free to ignore my threads and posts if you don’t like it, I honestly don’t mind. but telling me I just shouldn’t be annoyed is a bit silly.

Hey man, you are not alone.
I main Gief in the past and wanted to main Hugo in USF4, I thought his damn large body, big hammer-like fist and ugly face will become another killing machine for me.

And DAMN! This char is just ridiculous, as the reasons you said in the first post.
I mean it is still fun to play, but ONLY against noobs and several favorable character.
If you against intermediate or pro players (PP 1800+) , who know what they are doing and know what you are doing, it is freaking impossible to win.

Okay, people will tell me to learn set up or kara UT or what!? All his moves are so SLOW and can be stopped by some silly pokes with 3-4 frame start up.

St. HP for AA? People KNOW that! Character with 2 hit normals will destroy you easily.

I have like 3000pp in SSF4 with Gief. Now? Max ~1500pp and sometime as low as 300pp if you encounter several tiger, sim or WTF characters, lol.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not giving up Hugo yet. But I really need to vent this out!!! DAMMNNNNNN!

I’m not. I just wanted an answer. I got it.

Just popping into this thread as a Guile main to say how bad I feel whenever I play against Hugo. You guys need to play so much better than me to win! It’s crazy how I need to do so little and Hugo’s life is made incredibly hard.

Respect for all the Hugo mains! I wouldn’t have the patience to deal with his bad matchups.

It seems that people are giving up Hugo, I hardly see Hugo online rather than me, lol.
It is getting hard to win with Hugo, people get used to the match up and my PP is dropping like hell.
You need SO MUCH patient to play Hugo, as you keep playing but keep losing. Damn T_T

im tired of the overlapping inputs

absolutely agree with metrokard

Of the characters I have played, Hugo, Seth, and Elena are the more frustrating characters with overlapping inputs (seth getting spds by accident, elena getting reverse DP when trying for regular DP which is so weird). I really hate it with Hugo when I try to clutch/read jump and U2 only to get EX breaker, DD+MK and get Breaker, meatsquasher and get jump back or something

eh, just need to really tighten up. Lazy inputs are not good for me with these characters. I could afford to be lazy with my main Sagat and older mains Honda, Ibuki, and Hakan (to a lesser extent, SPD has high input priority)

My only frustration is not getting consistent meat squashers the same way I get 360 + P.