How to tell if your Blackheart sucks

theres about 10 other pages there, guy. I like the game, but I don’t like it enough to read 10 pages of what might be non sense.
Also Deathfist, Blackheart takes damage like a pixie. AHVB x 2 would bring him down to the 5% health area give or take assuming that BH took a shot or some chip damage. Unless you’re suggesting that it would be impossible to chip BH any. Any more stupid comments from you?

Next, there isn’t a whole lot that BH can do mid screen that would stall anybody long enough to not be able to fight back. He ain’t no Strider

Err… Blackheart takes damage like a pixie? You’re joking right…

Uh, DomoKun… between your earlier remarks and these latest ones, you’re getting real close to flat out retard status here.

There are a number of layers of stamina that the different chars have in MvC2. Rogue and Silver Samurai when they’ve got their respective defense powerups (power drain from certain chars for her, ice super for him) are the most resilient chars in the game. Sentinel is the most resilient when powerups aren’t involved, followed by Colossus. Cable and Cyclops are average, Magneto and Storm are slightly below average, Psylocke and Cammy are getting well below average, on down to the rock bottom with Akuma, Bonerine, Roll, and Servbot.

BH is in the second layer above average with Juggernaut, Hulk, and several others; this layer is below only Colossus, Sentinel, and defensed-up chars. AHVB does do a bit more damage than chains normally do to him because he takes more hits from it, yes, but even at that, two AHVB’s aren’t going to break out of the 70s-percent range for damage to him by themselves. The 95% figure is wacksauce.

As for your remarks about BH’s abilities outside of the corner… I’m simply not going to reiterate everything that you should’ve read in this and the other thread to know better than this. In short form, the j. fierce hangs out there forever and, used properly, can make him nearly unrushable, his tail is one of the best combinations of long range and speed pokes in the game, and if you set up the team right for him to get a good DHC, any solid hit at any point on the screen will kill most chars under practical circumstances. These combos can be done anywhere on the screen and they are indeed Cable-safe.

Do some reading. By your own admission, you haven’t been, and at this stage of the discussion, it shows, bad.

I play Blackheart!


No, you don’t, Maggie. Shut the fuck up.


LOL! Rick is mean. =\


It is now Wednesday, August 4, 2k4. Much has changed in MvC2. I have a question or 2.
1]How much has changed in BH play that I need to be aware of between this thread’s creation and now?
2]What patterns [exact patterns] interfere with Rushdown the best?
3]Who are the best people to watch video of?

i prolly shoujldn’t awnser but i can tell you what i think is kinda summary of what dasrik and stiltman have said

  1. can’t say exactly

  2. Jump back fierce demons , if mags tries to slide back you can either dash back fierce demons to hit him, or you can press rh instead of fierce and catch him in him slide. Use his quick pokes and fierce demons instead of rh if you think mags will follow you.

3)I don’t know, i’m guessing dasrik and stiltman ?

hope i helped at least a bit.

There’s not many good videos of me out there. But I’d say if you want to see good vids, it would be better to unearth old videos of Alex Valle. He has more guts than I ever will.

dasrik can you pls come by to “other games” and give me some advise on the baiken thread?


you no what i do with sent and blackheart i trap them in the corner
with blackheart assist and holding down hardkick missles all the way to the other side and keep repeating

You can superjump out of that. Just stay on the ground and wait for the ice column to go away. You have plenty of time if you don’t try to jump out too early.

lol no you cant not the way i do it

i press hard punch and blackheart assist at the same time and hold down hard kick real quick and repeat the process
the ice column holds you down for the missles
try it

It doesn’t work. Instead of NOT trying what I said and going on blind faith, why don’t you try it yourself. Have a friend do it if no one else plays BH/Sent. Stand and block the pillar, wait and then superjump out. It looks like a narrow escape but it’s really very easy. If you try to superjump out too early, you block the second hit of the Inferno and the blockstun forces you to block the bombs.

Dasrik is correct. There is no way to stop someone from escaping from the bombs. The best you can do is throw a second cr. fierce in order to shorten the window they have to escape; if they haven’t already gotten out by the time they have to block the second cr. fierce, they’re stuck and have to take the bombs as well. But even this can’t be done before BH’s inferno column goes away.

well i’ve been playing blackheart for about a year now and i find hes really good against top tiers but is weak against psylocks assist, a little tip for you guys that just jump around and throw demons like crazy… you gotta be more tactical and know when to throw demons and know when to throw…as i call… the pigs, pigs are good against magnetos rush down or storm since your throw them and they follow you, simply throw pigs and block as they rush. Ive been experimenting with allot of assists and i find that a good team combination is sentinal on ground ass,BH on ground, and storm on expansion. BH ground assist keeps them pined while you laserxxflight,laser rocketpunch with sentinal and is also good to start off combos with. Storms expansion assist helps reset the dammage don by crouching lowkickx2 storm assist at same time inferno HOD and is very unexpected at most times just look at team cable, ironman, storm. :slight_smile:

Are you kidding? Blackheart gets raped by top tier. He’s so freakin slow and has to super jump all the time and gets his ass crossed up.

You’re blowing chunks on questions one and four of the original quiz that gives this thread its name. If you’d actually read it, you’d have known better than to post this here. However, since I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt, and since it is usually a bit of a stretch to expect people to read all the back posts of a thread before replying in this day and age, I shall repost the keynote essay of this thread in its entirety here instead of pointing you back at it.

How to tell if your Blackheart sucks…

This thread might get mistaken for a troll, but I think that in discussing what BH is really capable of any more, there are so many bad habits that BHs around the country have gotten into that I would tend to say that most of them suck. So here’s a simple litmus test to determine whether or not your BH sucks.

  1. Do you think sj. rh and inferno/HOD are BH’s two main moves? (If you answer “yes” in whole or in part, your BH sucks.)

  2. Are you aware that BH’s tail represents one of the quickest range pokes in the game? (If you answer “no”, your BH sucks.)

  3. Do most characters usually survive your first solid hit with BH? (If you answer “yes”, then your BH probably sucks… I know of at least two team schemes where BH should be killing people on the first solid hit, with only a very few exceptions. BH/Storm is arguably an exception that can get you out of jail here.)

  4. Do you super jump to throw random demons a lot? (If you answer “yes”, your BH sucks. The only matchup where this is really a good idea is against another BH.)

  5. Do you have a serious application for air judgment day against top tier chars? (If you answer “no”, your BH sucks.)

  6. Do you play BH on a team where he’s got a serious DHC to work with? (If you answer “no”, your BH sucks unless it’s because the team has Cable on it, in which case you get a “get out of jail free” card unless you answered “yes” to question 3.)

  7. Does your BH get rushed down for giggles? (If you answer “yes”, your BH sucks.)

  8. Do you know at least two or three different ways to do serious damage to Cable, without getting shot in retaliation? (If you answer “no”, your BH sucks.)

Any questions?

I shall quote Stiltman, but a different way.

so do you think that BH infinite is crap since it builds up the others meter so fast?