How to tell if your Blackheart sucks

Your Blackheart sucks.

Bump for the benefit of those who might need to see this from the teaching thread.

I’d like advice in a cable(and possibly sent) scenario with bh on point. (OR-throw, Doom-rocks are assists).
Should I sj and bait the ahvb or fp and use demons, or play a chip game, or ?
For sent, skies or ground?

With my BH (which to say might not be too good), you have to make a decision based on the opponent. Do you want keepaway or in-close battle? Against cable, keepaway will get you AND your assist killed. So you need to rush, but how? With my BH, I rain rh Demons upon him. If the demons are going at a good angle upon him, I normally follow them, blocking. If he doesn’t throw out an assist to trade/get hit by the demons, I then follow up with some air shorts. When I land, I go into cr.shorts + Doom xx expl. Timings very critical here. You want the first wave of rocks to hit, then the explosion, then the 2nd wave of rocks. If you mess up the timing, you can very well eat some AHVB. But if you do it right, you can either sj, rain demons and repeat, or you can go into another explosion xx JD or HOD, if they don’t know how to guard cancel. I’ve seen them mess up the guard cancel many times to make the HOD almost worth it.

If cable has the upper hand, the second he sj’s, I normaly do an expl + Doom assist. The explosion makes cable release his grenade early. If cable tries to AHVB on the way down from blocking, rocks normally get him and he’s wasted a meter. At this point you get the upper hand again and get to rain demons.

Most important thing…when you see cable get low on energy, they tend to through out a random ahvb. Don’t get overconfident, and watch for this. Hope this helps.


The thing is, consistently jumping and demoning cables usually leads them to start with pre-emptive sj of their own, which does not bode well for me. I can’t really chip with Hod or the rocks because of the vulnerability after the hod or just a quick ahvb before the rocks. Does anyone know, if predicting a preemptive jump by a cable by using inferno is wise? I would most likely throw a doom assist out to cover if it is blocked, but if he is hit, can he retaliate with hvb?

Don’t EVER throw a blind inferno/Doom assist on Cable. That’s a very good way to get them both shot to death if the Cable player blocks it. BH is one of those chars that can be AHVB’ed as many times as Cable likes, and Doom’s an assist, so he can unload his full meter into both of you.

Raining demons all over the place is also not a terribly good way to fight Cable. I’m honestly quite shocked that you actually posted that in this thread when the quiz at the beginning of it pretty much bluntly asks, “Do you think sj. rh and inferno/HOD are BH’s two main moves? (If you answer yes, your BH sucks.)”

The way you fight Cable is to zone him down and take advantage of the fact that you have much better pokes than he does. Don’t go up unless he goes up first, and then only when he’s coming back down. If he’s not going up, normal jump forward. BH drops fast enough and has so little air on his normal jump that you’re not going to get guard broken in any practical fashion, and it’s faster than his ground dash. Force Cable to take backsteps and then follow every one of them until he’s in the corner. Then use Commando to keep him there.

*Originally posted by StiltMan *
**The way you fight Cable is to zone him down and take **

And how exactly are you zoning…


** advantage of the fact that you have much better pokes than he does. Don’t go up unless he goes up first, and then only when he’s coming back down. **

When Mr. Cable jumped…what do you think he did…There’s a grenade sitting over your head now. Now YOU’RE getting zoned.

If he’s not going up, normal jump forward. BH drops fast enough and has so little air on his normal jump that you’re not going to get guard broken in any practical fashion, and it’s faster than his ground dash. Force Cable to take backsteps and then follow every one of them until he’s in the corner.**

Once again, how are you doing the forcing. It almost looks like your BH is caught in headlights.


In this scenario, you must do SOMETHING. Cable is sjing, shooting, calling assists, grenading and viper beaming.

I know you dislike ‘raining demons’ because it looks scrubby, but having multiple projectiles falling onto your opponent can be effective. With Doom rocks as an assist, his BH is going to have to get close to him and NOT be afraid of him. He’s going to have to take a few chances and play some effective lockdown. In your post, I don’t think I saw anything that puts any pressure on Cable. What IF he just sat in the corner and turtled? How exactly are you pressuring him, Mr. Stilt?


If you don’t like to play Blackheart,


2 all challengersand NO not noobs!

NY huh? where in? Ill be glad to face someone thats actually challenging. Oh and guys,what do you mean by killing someone with the first hit?

Your pokes reach almost half the screen’s length. His are very short. If you’ve built your team right, you’ve got a DHC behind BH that means Cable dies if you hit him. At some point, Cable has to want to get away from you when you get close to him. When he gives ground, take it.

If he went up and threw a grenade at long range, then you hop under him. By the time he comes down, you’re most or all the way underneath him. If he brought out a horizontal assist, hop once so that you’re not under the grenade any more and either go up when he’s coming down or hop up again and perhaps call Commando. It depends a lot on what Cable’s doing… this is a waiting game, and an autopiloting Cable is actually one of the easier ones to beat.

See above.

Yes, Commando. You know, that guy that puts the vertical wall of light on the screen that makes it rather hard to go over your head without running into it? And since Cable doesn’t have an airdash, even airblocking it means he stays in front of you if you apply it right.

And you’re poking, stalking him, putting out Commando to give him a reason to worry about having you close to him even if you’re not actually within poke range, and judiciously sj. rh’ing here and there as the opportunity arises. Meanwhile, you’ve got your handy-dandy DHC sitting in your back pocket so if some of those judicious rh’s or pokes actually hit something, Cable doesn’t survive it.

Um, it doesn’t just look scrubby, for most matchups it is scrubby. About the only matchup where raining demons around is the most effective game plan is against another BH.

Well, we can play theory fighter until the cows come home. The options can be poking, jumping in on him, keeping him there with Commando and going up with him if he tries to super jump out, and if he’s just going to sit there block I’d eventually jump in with short/fwd, st. rh/drones/inferno/HOD and let him chew on the chip damage without an opening for a guard cancel, or DHC him if he takes the hit. If he’s in the corner, he can’t just trivially take the hit whether or not I’ve got the meter to DHC, and BH can put some non-trivial chip damage down if Cable’s just going to sit there and block.

I reiterate, Commando??

Originally posted by Big_marcus86
I’d like advice in a cable(and possibly sent) scenario with bh on point. (OR-throw, Doom-rocks are assists).

Dude wanted advice with this team. OR = Omega Red. Doom= Doom. So that would make his team:




You should actually TRY reading. It’s fundamental. Also, while you’re on a roll, give him advice against Sent with this team. Personally I think it’s a lost cause.

I read the piece. I’m describing how I’d do it. I would recommend having Commando around for fighting Cable with BH. If you don’t have him around, you’re working at a much more serious disadvantage than usual, and thus getting less from BH than you would otherwise.

If you must have Doom, then you’d continue with the zoning, but it’ll get harder without Commando… BH will have to physically impose directly and can rely less on assists when Cable leaves the ground. If you ever touch Cable directly though, poke him long enough to get the rocks in play and on him. Jumping forward with pokes while Doom’s coming out is usually a very good way to go about it. If he’s on the ground, keep the rocks on him to stay on the ground. He’ll get up occasionally, so keep going up with him at an angle that lets you poke him backwards so he can’t get past you. He is still going to want to back away from you, but with this team you won’t have a single DHC that’s liable to kill him on your first hit, which is a problem. Your best way to beat him will be on chip damage. Get him in the corner as before, put the rocks on him, and while the rocks are forcing him to block get the inferno/HOD chip damage on him shamelessly. Together with a full round of rocks, that should chip him for close to a quarter of his life per meter. If you keep him in the corner long enough it should hurt.

But you still need to play very conservatively, although aggressively, to get him there. There are ways BH can do things that don’t get him shot, and dropping the rocks around and making sure you’re not on the ground at the same time as Doom will have a lot to do with it with that team.

Well, the reason I try to use the rh. demons on cable is because any random demon hit can setup OR assist into 100% combo(gives them 3 meters though). I usually try to sj. moving forward on his way down for safety. I still have a few questions :

Is BH ahvb able after a successful inferno hit on an airborne cable?
What is your exact 100% combo?

Cable can’t shoot BH until he lands and/or rolls from an impacted inferno. With the assist version, it’s just a brief bounce around midair, but when he’s on point, he stays spiraling through the air all the way to the ground. I suppose it’s theoretically possible that if he managed to roll from a low-altitude hit he might be able to AHVB you from there, but I would tend to down that would ever happen in practical terms if it’s even possible.

My typical combo for BH/Sent/Commando is whatever poke into Commando, whether it’s off of sj rh hits, j. fierce, or whatever, inferno/super, whiff-cancel the super into HSF and repeat as desired. It’s not quite as damaging as Storm/Sent but if you ever land it in practical circumstances, the other guy’s char is usually going to die or will at least be maimed enough that they’re not likely to be a significant factor for the remainder of the game.

Stiltman, I’m going to give you a situation.

Lets saying you’re fighting a cable with about 2 meters, and your blackheart is doing its stuff chiping and putting that pressure on like you’ve been suggesting.
When that inferno XX heart of darkness comes in, I usually let the last hit of the HOD hit me, so that my Cable flys back to stand up with a Blackheart still finishing up his dash into the screen. Thus, leaving your blackheart open to AHVB x 2. If I remember correctly, AHVB x 2 on Blackheart would leave you with about 6 points of life on your character, give or take a few.

Well, Stilt had that situation in the corner, and if a cable takes the last hit, BH wont go into fly screen.

Edit: I have bad hearing, i sometimes cant discriminate p’s b’s or v’s

It’s APB, not APV.

Wiggle the stick up and down.

So don’t do it when they’re not in the corner. Duh. :confused:

seriously :lol: that’s just too funny :stuck_out_tongue:
if a good bh user is even going to go for chip, which shouldn’t be necessary unless it’ll kill that character, they’ll always use JD. (unless in corner ofcourse)
so how would you counter that domokun?

Another amusing fact is that he said AHVBx2 would bring BH to under 5% health. AHVBx3 can’t even do that to a full health Hulk who has the same stamina as BH making the statement even more retarded.

I guess he didn’t read the entire thread. If he did, he’d have known there are far better, smarter, safer things you can do with BH than a mid-screen inferno HOD.