hey stilt, what’s this DHC with BH/Sent/xxx that you mention so often. I probbly already know it but I don’t feel like looking at 25 pages of thread just to see if I do. Thanx I appreaciate it.
Seems to me like Spiral/Sent/BH would have nice DHC’s. And a reason to do the infin.
Heck, I have an honest question period.
During BH’s infin, couldn’t you call Sent, land as the drones hit, and super off it?
Now, I know the super would be hella scaled because of the infin, but what if you dhc’d sooner?
Like, maybe after 1 or 2 reps, assist, DHC? It would give him a lot more DHC opitions since drones bounce for three hits, and the afore mentioned Spiral team would be good cause Spiral holds them there so long.
Just asking.
I repeat. The infinite is not worth it. You’ll do your BH a favor if you forget he has one. BH’s best weapons are DHC-based. His best DHC, in my experience, is the BH/Sent/AAA one, and you can’t do that with the same setup assists that get you infinites. Infinites will get oooos and ahhhs from bad players who don’t understand that you’re greedily grubbing the fools’ gold. The DHCs will kill someone. Don’t get fancy about it. Just kill them and be done with it.
If BH gets a DHC off that kills their first char and leaves Sentinel on point to hold a lead against a half-broken enemy team, he’s done his job. If you want him to do more later, Sentinel can triple-DHC back through to him and he can do it some more. Ultimately, think of the char switch flow for Storm/Sent/AAA… BH/Sent/Commando works basically the same way. BH wants to kill somebody with a DHC to Sentinel. Sentinel gets more help out of BH than he does out of Storm, easily, but basically his job is to play it relatively safe with the lead and/or come back if BH didn’t get one, and eventually you can triple-DHC back to BH to run just as you would with Storm. The strengths and weaknesses BH brings to the team are different, but in the simple flow of what each char’s job is on point and when they should swap, it’s basically the same.
Spiral/Sent/BH is pretty awful these days. It was vicious back in the turtle days, but you need close range help more than long range help now. Spiral/Cable/Sentinel is likewise largely obsolete these days for much the same reason. Clock was suggesting that Spiral/Sent/Commando might be good… and from my tinkerings, right now I think that’s probably the best Spiral team you could ask for.
Goof, I was asking, say you landed a hk demon for whatever reason, and it bounced them, couldn’t you bounce them off drones into a DHC? Or are you saying you need capcom for the damage?
I in no way was encouraging the use of his infinite, but was instead asking how, say if you landed the hk and had the opition, you could quickly switch from infinite to DHC?
Oh. Yuck.
I am 99.999999999% certain that you would not be able to successfully juggle them off of drones in mid-air to get the inferno/HOD to combo in a practical fashion.
blackheart, storm, cable. Is doing infinite worth it on this team?
I really like the way jamanis plays bh/tron
has anyone else ever seen that fucking rushdown bh!?!
To be honest, I’m still not sure what Jaminis can do with BH/Tron. As far as I can tell, Tron’s mainly there for Sentinel, and if BH gets caught on point he just kind of runs around and prays. Now, to be fair, I’ve only seen a couple of different videos (the one against Combofiend and the one against Julius Jackson) of his matches, but what I’ve seen hasn’t given me the impression that he’s got much of a game plan for what he wants to accomplish and how when he’s got BH on point. He seems to me like he’s got a better idea of where he’s going and why with Tron than he does with BH.
Not hating, that’s just what I’ve seen.
hi people
ive never been to this website before, and i would like to say hello to every black heart players out there.
im at illinois, and i dont really play in any tournaments but i do play with tournament players. if anyone here lives in illinois, my msn messenger is dionisiofrank@hotmail.com, my AIM screen name is xtrq74.
again hello to you black heart players. my for fun team consists of: psylocke/marrow/sonson and my main characters are blackheart/ice man/commando.
well i dont really have much thing to say, ide thought id say hi to you guys.
Yay!! I got 7 questions right… I thought my BH sucked for sure:( But question #7 is kind of confusing to me. Thanks for posting this up, StiltMan^_^
hi people
Well, if you want to play BH on a serious level, you should give him a DHC that allows him to really hurt someone when he gets a hit. The best two combinations are BH/Storm and BH/Sentinel. Currently my two favorite BH teams are BH/Sent/Commando and BH/Storm-B/Sentinel. I’m coming to the opinion that Sent-Y is probably BH’s favorite assist, and as long as he has both a DHC and a setup assist as his third char other than Sentinel he’s all right. Those two teams give him that.
You need to see more tapes. his bh/tron is sick as fuck. it was actually really funny to watch and deadly to get hit. really fast ghettO rushdown too
bh likes tron assist against magneto…
stilt: you’ve been preaching that team watts bh/sent-g/cc is the best blackheart team. jump fierce and drones stop magneto and etc.
So why did your old team cable/sent-a/bh use sent-a instead. i remember you and another guy maybe josh wong used to say sent-a>sent-g for bh.
unless it has something to do with cable/sent-a >cable/sent-g against mag, which i would disagree with, although it is questionable. then again no team scrub users use sent-a. just a curious question.
The old Sent-A/Cable/BH team was more for Sentinel and Cable. Cable gave Sentinel a counter-AHVB to keep opposing Cables honest and BH gave him a trapping assist and a way to keep Cable down while he went over the top. Sent-A was more for Cable than he was for BH, although he set things up for BH too and was a good assist punisher. On BH/Storm/Sent, though, I use Sent-Y instead, because I’ve come to the conclusion that he just likes that assist way too much to leave it behind. Besides, I’ve since found ways to set up stuff with Sent-Y that does as much or more damage as the stuff Sent-A did, as safely to Cable, so I consider BH/Sent-A pretty much completely obsolete. I still think Sent-A is better for Sent/Cable/BH, but it’s not for BH’s sake.
If you don’t have an AAA, Sent-A is better than Sent-Y for fending off the rush for Cable. Team Scrub uses Sent-Y mainly because it’s already got Commando so it doesn’t need Sent-A as much. However, I have it on good authority that Genghis has been known to rotate between both of them from time to time depending on the matchup.
I don’t know about Jaminis’ BH/Tron… it looks fairly random to me. It doesn’t seem like he has a whole lot of rhyme or reason to what he’s doing or why, and BH is mainly there for the assist help to Sentinel. OTOH, I’ve only seen two videos of it so far, so…
My BH sucks, but I’d certainly like to make it better. However, I disagree on some things.
As some of us are aware that when you inferno XX HOD, you ground dash into the next screen rather very slowly. Leaving you vunerable to a fast AHVB from cable, or a quick magneto rushdown.
Also, someone wrote back there that there is a use for the ground dash, which isn’t useful at all. just slow and leaves you vunerable to be hit.
If you ask me, I’d rather not have my opp underneath me at any time, but it happens from time to time, so can we start working on a BH worst case scenario guide sometime?
BH doesn’t really have a infinite, its more of a psuedo infinite if what I’m thinking is what you’re talking about.
Someone also said that using Capcom aaa to inferno XX HOD is “impracitcal”. Theres nothing impractical about it. Its simply a person and their taste. If you ask me, Cyclops is for those who have slower reactions and short attention span. If you wanna prevent they getting under you, you want cyclops. If you wanna prevent them from getting on you or over you, you want Capcom.
I see where stilt goes with BH/Sent and yes, thats a very excellent move. inferno XX HOD, HSF. You can defintly whiff it tho if the HOD doesn’t bring em high enough. However, most of the damage from HOD comes from that last hit which you won’t get.
Someone back there also said something to the extent that being random losses games, which is not true at all. Its like randomly swtiching characters. If course, you ain’t gonna get them if they expect you to keep hitting them, but you’ll certainly get them when they retaliate. Sometimes its instict, sometimes, you can see it before it happens, you don’t know till’ you’re a split second from being there.
You’re not really vulnerable to Magneto. It forces you to block and call an AAA if you have one, which is bad, but not awful and you can escape.
No shit. That’s why you cover it with an assist, or only use it to escape when the opponent superjumps and throws shit down on you.
The worst case scenario for Blackheart is if his assist is out and the opponent is directly in front of him in a good position to hit him. ie. Magneto evades Cyclops while BH does jumpback fierce. You are forced to either block or stick an attack out to stop him - either one is a calculated risk.
BH doesn’t mind excessively having his opponent underneath him since he has his air short which keeps the opponent from attacking below him. But it’s still a bad place to be regardless because you can easily be crossed up.
Another interesting tidbit - if you superjump fierce, then airdash forward, you don’t have to worry about people attacking you from below AT ALL. Try it out sometime.
HOD HAS to whiff for HSF to connect reliably. However, it’s worth it because of the way DHC damage scaling works, especially if you only hit with the top row of drones (then the followup is going to hurt a LOT).
…Hence making it not random at all.
I was watching some tapes of BH matches, and i noticed at the available option, no one has ever tried for a guardbreak with him. Does anyone else consistently use Gb’s? (I use j. fpxxfp litxxJD)
Wow, a trick that I actually used before. Guess I’m getting better
I sometimes use the Inferno xx HoD one. Just make sure you don’t start too soon or the Inferno targets offscreen :bluu: .
I stick to this guard break: call doom, j. fp, Inferno xx HOD
2 all challengersand NO not noobs!
IF any of you want 2 :evil: me and ur own risk then so b it message me and only if you live around my location :lol:!!!