How to tell if your Blackheart sucks

A couple pages back there was some talk about Spiral. I was considering starting to play Spiral/Sentinal/Blackheart, mostly because no one around here plays anything like that and I like playing all three of those characters (though I should admit right off that my Blackheart does in fact suck. But I’m going to use some of the things in this thread to try to remedy that.)

At first glance it looks to me like this team has some decent synergy as far as assists go, but I’m not too sure about reliable or useful DHCs. Any advice as far as the strengths/weaknesses in that lineup?

Regardless of whether I’ll be using him in that team, I’d like to get some experienced advice on using Blackheart as an anchor when the match runs down to one character left on each side (most likely this means vs. Sent, Commando, Cyclops, or Psylocke). How does your strategy change when assists are out of the picture? Examples of when it’s safe to play keepaway to maintain a lead, or when it’s better to play more aggressively would be nice.

Dasrik’s combo video over in General Gaming Discussion has the BH/Sent/Commando DHC I was reluctant to reveal earlier in it.

Bh just…sucks:p

Stilt why don’t you get aim fool, i’d like to trade some tourney war stories with the novel man himself:lol:

m/s-bot/p up 2 - zero against his BH …

pretty crazy since he said i would “NEVER” beat him with that team… told u nigga dont doubt my skills, shoula backed down now u just anotha one on the list :lol:

so is that bh king or which guy? anyhow i got a tourney vid from texas regionals and about to go up to Neb for a small tourney since stupid n^3 is canceled gonna up there to make combo vids. Any one interested in trading tourney vids msg me up, pm, or aim

eh whatever. I under estimated how much better you’ve gotten and picked Sentinel who I’ve been using in the arcade for 2 weeks now :frowning:

I spanked you’re better team of M/S-storm/P with my number one team of BH/Cab/Com though. If you hadn’t walked away b4 the match was over you would have noticed that I still had the equivalent of 2 & 2/3 of my energy at the end of that match :evil:

And until you beat my #1 team I still say so what to any of the joke matches b4 that. All this said and done you’ve definitely gotten better and I’ll have to use my best team to beat you from now on.

That thread doesn’t come up for me. Somebody post a link that does, please.

Mixup: Damn… I’d like to get AIM except that if I let anything of mine touch AOL I’d just feel dirty. I’ve got MSN, Yahoo, ICQ… no AIM. :confused:

Just for clarifying… that DHC doesn’t have be done with j. fierce the way Dasrik demonstrated it in the video. Anything where you can combo into Commando with some sort of reaction time enough that you can follow up with inferno/HOD at the right timing will do. The most common way I personally get in real matches is to hit someone with an air-to-air rh and then land next to them and st. short/fwd/Commando/etc. However, somebody coming in and running into j. fierce is also not a bad way to do it, call Commando as he did while they’re still bouncing around in the demons and do the DHC from that. Of course, there’s still getting it off of the old school cold cr. short, but as a practical matter that’s rarely going to happen.

i wonder if you can meet somone air to air mid-regular jump height

and jump short forward+commando, airsuper, frame cancel hsf?

That shit would be dope but the start up on bh’s super is the main issue i can’t test at the moment.

i hate to fight mstron with bh/sent/capcom, you spend more time blocking than magneto:bluu:

I don’t expect that would work. I’ve been trying to get a consistent hit off of a tag-in, which sets it up about as well as you could ask for, but getting back to the ground and throwing an inferno before they recover from getting hit by Commando is the trick. Doesn’t happen much.

You should be using Sentinel’s drones more than Commando’s corridor for your defense. And keep moving, don’t ever sit still on the ground, particularly not against this team. Sentinel’s drones should be making it very difficult to get any sort of effectiveness out of Tron’s assist at all, and if you’re defending your space on the ground with BH’s pokes and j. fierce demons together with the drones they shouldn’t ever have a spot where they just flat out force you to block. If they do, you did something wrong.

I’ve had a couple of different people try this on me at Lanwerx tourneys in Seattle, and neither case was particularly close, even on the second occasion where I was playing BH like absolute crap.

What’s the best way to play BH/Sent/Capcom against the same team?

I just had this match today, and my BH always seemed to be on the recieving end. My opponent would always be controlling the air. AAA or inferno would wind up in us trading hits. But he would get the upper hand since he would hit me with a sj.HK.

Well, there’s a pretty simple mindset to start off with in how to play BH v. BH fights.

Go the beginning of this thread. Take a look at all the easy-mode bad habits that most really bad BH players get into that good BH’s shouldn’t. You know, throwing lots of sj. rh and praying for a hit or at least building the meter to chip with inferno/HOD, randomly inferno/HOD in hopes of catching them napping when they’re doing the same to you, etc. All that stuff you’re really not supposed to do.

And then do it anyway.

Seriously. BH v. BH matches are very ugly, because all of that stuff that doesn’t work against most chars does work against BH himself, for the most part. The main intelligent thing that you can do that will seperate you from a mall scrub BH is to zone them into the corner while you’re doing it. They’re going to be playing a fairly retreating game because they want their angles for the demons to be right. If you’re coming forward on them, that means they have to go backward to keep it. Let them. And when they’re in the corner, don’t let them out again. When those angles suddenly stop working and they don’t have any more area to back away, the close range game that a bad BH player doesn’t know how to use will be exposed.

On another note…

Please post a link for this video that actually works. The link you gave goes to a thread that doesn’t exist. I would like to see this and examine what BHKing might have done wrong… because a top flight BH really should not lose to Mag/Servbot/Psylocke.

sorry there’s no vid on this. These matches weren’t recorded b/c they we joke around matches. I’ll tell you right now all I did was what most scrub BH users do b/c I wanted to see if my friends could finally get around it. I didn’t even start BH for most of the matches. I just fucked around with sentinel trying new stuff. You’re right though, a top flight BH should not lose to M/Serve/P, but when it’s casual fuck around play who really cares? (not me if you couldn’t figure that out)

Now back to the subject…When playing against another BH/Sent/Com I’d try a tactic of using your Commando assist to cancel out the demons coming at you while advancing to get them into the corner. Like stilt said, it should be an easy match once they’re in the corner. Just play smart and do get yourself killed from being over anxious.

if aaron goes to the ffa night tourney it will be taped by shogo and put on, and if i play aaron i promise to use that team :slight_smile:

aaron ? … its your call , bring timmy too

Any updates on this stuff? Is there a tourney site we should be looking for over APEX?
i dunno wassup with the apex i guess they will have it up later
bullshit i coulda got 2nd if the stick didnt start to act up. ohh well … aaron what happend no sho?

i think shogo will post some of the vids on denjinvideo

come on big Dan you already know the only way I would have been able to make it to that tournament is if you got me a ride there. If you want me at the next tournament hook me up with a ride :stuck_out_tongue:

Btw I’ll be looking for your matches on Denjinvideo :slight_smile:

I know of an infinite w/ reg jump. It still is on a bouncing HK demoned person, but i think its easier:

(If close)
j. backwards, HK, dash forward, repeat
(if distanced)
J. Forward, HK, Dash forward, repeat until close enough to do close(whoa)

I dont know if you know this already, just trying to help

lol my mag was doing nothing that night… no herb to take me to the higher status:( , by my sent was a beast machine :slight_smile:

I’m not all that familiar with the normal jump versions of his infinite. I’ve done it a little bit in training mode and that’s it. As far as I can tell, it works much the same way – rh demons have basically the same properties regardless of where they’re thrown from. So if you can manage to keep your opponent bouncing without super jumping, that’s basically it.

I’m personally not enamored of BH’s infinites myself, for a lot of reasons. The first one is that if you want to build an infinite-happy BH team, that means you have to take away Commando and give him Cyclops instead… which I think is a step down for BH himself. If your other char likes to have Cyclops, I could see an argument for it (e.g. BH/Cable/Clops… which, in the end, I think is a little better than BH/Cable/Commando overall) but for BH himself? No.

The other reason is that basically every situation where you can start an infinite, you can do something else a lot more damaging for a lot less effort. In my case, that’s DHC’ing some poor fool back to the stone age. :smiley:

I have to cosign with Eric as far as the infinite goes. It seems nice and all to keep them juggled forever without worry, but the infinite doesn’t do enough sustained damage - which wouldn’t be too huge of a problem except the infinite also gives them a chunkload of meter, the very thing they’d need to perpetrate a comeback. Even if I had Cyclops, I would go for just doing as much damage as I could right off the bat.