to say that you don’t think I could take out GB is extremely harsh words. I played him not that long ago and OCV’d him a few times. I don’t think that much has changed in such a small amount of time. Personally I’d love to prove you wrong but I don’t have any way of getting up to FFA. If you get me a ride I’d don’t mind hookin them up with gas money and what not. Hell I’ll even get the blunts
ohh shit blunts … i found my new friend! … hit me up with directions sometime and we will take u and timmy to ffa, just be at VW and we will pick u up, cuz where u live is kinda far … belive me GB will beat u, hes beatin combofiend and others
<<to say that you don’t think I could take out GB is extremely harsh words. I played him not that long ago and OCV’d him a few times. :P>>
I wonder when that happened…
Was this the last time we played when I beat like 7 times in a row and you kept sayin I normally don’t play like this but this stick really sux
Edit: BTW BlackHeart sucks
When they were makin this game, somebody said how about we create a charachter just for those loosers who can never learn any real moves or combos and we’ll give this character just one move which will be better than any other move in the game.
And then the manager said “That’s a great idea. We’ll call this character BlackHeart and he will be able to jump up and down thowin his little demons and annoyin the hell outta everyone.”
And that’s exactly how BlackHeart made it into this game.
It’s a true story
Haha I smell BS!! You beat my BH/storm/xxx team twice and that’s when I first started using her. And then you beat my BH/cab/cyc team once. That adds up to 3…NOT 7! Plus I even showed you mid match that I was jumping back throwing FP demons without even pressing the FP. Eh, Who cares you can have those shit wins. Cuz I came back and OCV’d you both matches we played after that with my bh/cab/com.
And about BH being put in the game for people with no real skills…what exactly is cable :lol I’m not seeing much of a difference here.
“I say we put a guy in this game that does nothing but jump back and shoot a gun while calling out assists to save his ass b/c he has no real strengths…You know what that’s not enough. Let’s give him a cheesy ass super that he can link into itself over and over again so that even scrubs can have a chance at winning against the good players just b/c they sneezed while playing a match.”
And that’s exactly how Cable made it into this game.
It’s a true story
aiight i see dan. me and aaron meet up with ya’ll. we’ll see whose the shit. im not saying im the shit or nothing but when glendale’s pimp comes out of nowhere saying hes gonna kick my ass in marvel. i said fuck that . u guys probably will beat me but fuck it all it just a fuckin game. whenever we’re out at VW ill give u a call and we’ll go over to FFA. latez
R.I.P- this thread
If anyone has real practical game advice with BH please try to revive this, instead of having people bitch back and forth.
damn niggas be high … u guys makin up how chars are made lol … timmy yah hit me up im down to put down some if u or aaron wanna play me also
edit: go this sunday a lot of peeps are gonna be there for comp, and they can watch the matchs with u and GP… ill try and make it later on the day if i can or have time
all characters require skill, bh has his demons, cable has his links and more, and mag has his ss psycloke n infinite. Its all in how u play, if u can’t catch a cable that only runs back and shoots and assist your not good, if u can’t beat a mag that only depends on infinite to catch or depends on psycloke then ur not good, and if u cant hail the fuk out of a horrible bh that only jumps and demons you shouldn’t even be on the machine.
given that most of those basic moves are what determines a match, but its the overall game play and mental match that is made.
As for people posting alot when they can’t perform… hehe i’m one of those people. i can tell u how to do infinites and combos, and most of the average players know, but i still lose to no name scrubs that do miricle mistakes.
See everyone thats going to N^3 i’ll be there to get ocv’d
Well, looks like this thread just went back into the shitter.
Do people think your Blackheart is annoying?
If no then your Blackheart sucks :lol:
<<<Haha I smell BS!! You beat my BH/storm/xxx team twice and that’s when I first started using her. And then you beat my BH/cab/cyc team once. That adds up to 3…NOT 7! Plus I even showed you mid match that I was jumping back throwing FP demons without even pressing the FP. Eh, Who cares you can have those shit wins. Cuz I came back and OCV’d you both matches we played after that with my bh/cab/com.>>>
Whateva dawg
I don’t really remember exactly how it went down and I don’t really care. U can tell everyone u OCV’d me 30 times in a row. I don’t really care. It’s just a game to me. But just for the record, I know u didn’t OCV me (there are very few people who can do dat to me and ur definetely not one of them) and when we played it was when I first started usin storm 2 so I don’t know why u makin excuses again cuz I’m not.
<<<And about BH being put in the game for people with no real skills…what exactly is cable :lol I’m not seeing much of a difference here.>>>
I don’t see much difference either,(at least we agree on somethin)
That’s why I can say u got no real skills because you’re usin both Cable and BlackHeart. I could learn how to use this team in 10 minutes and beat u wit ur own team but I don’t wanna become a scrub.
sorry dan ure ass whooping will have to wait till later(lol) cause i gots church on sunday.dude u should know that. anyways, its gonna be all day so we’re gonna have to wait till ill spank all ya’ll. haha oh yea damn, vladie wuts up eith the trash talking last time i saw u play u were getting whooped on so we is gonna have to see how much uve got to show. aiight peace:cool: lol
oh yea dan. u said i should get my own avatar so here she is wut do think? haha
Yea become
<<<vladie wuts up eith the trash talking last time i saw u play u were getting whooped on so we is gonna have to see how much uve got to show. aiight peace lol>>>
Sup man
Mah bad. I wasn’t tryin to talk shit, I’m usually betta than dat.
I hear you got a lot better. Can’t wait to play u guys.
What r u guys doin today. We could prolly pick u guys up
Call up Dan and let us know, yea
<<<Do people think your Blackheart is annoying?
If no then your Blackheart sucks>>>
That’s a good one
Do you want me to say it flat out?
If you complain about people picking certain characters, then say “I don’t want to pick those characters cuz I’ll become a scrub”… YOU WON’T BECOME A SCRUB, BECAUSE YOU ALREADY ARE A SCRUB.
Hey take it easy there big guy Vlad’s talkin a lot of shit but he’s still the homie. On a serious note I’m glad you got better Vlad. Can’t wait to play you :evil:
Now so that this thread doesn’t die I’d like to say…This is more of a how to tell if your blackheart is good rather than how to tell if your blackheart sucks…
If people ask you not to pick him against them. Your BH is good :lol:
haha :lol: this is tru. also vlad knows we is just playing around dont worry he wont trip:rolleyes: naw im j/k. but seriously yea we're gonna hit up FFA u know. go and get somecompetition. latez
your msp vs. my Mspbot ??? … if im high… say good bye:), i dont care how good u got im fuckin anyone up that plays me when im faded:evil: … like now:D
as for yer av… shes aight im not a real fan of her