How to tell if your Blackheart sucks

Spiral/BH/Cyclops is going to be a Spiral-centric team. BH will primarily serve as an assist char for Spiral to use to get a lead, as a DHC if she manages to land a good monster combo of some form (e.g. air combo into metamorph DHC armageddon), and eventually to turtle on a lead. These are all things he is very good at. The question will be whether you can keep your cool with Spiral and give BH a lead to protect, because if you can’t in the face of some pretty serious attack, then this team’s going to lose.

Does anyone know any good combos off capcom AAA?

Uh… inferno xx HOD…

Also, on Sentinel/Blackheart/Juggy/Hulk, dark thunder xx HOD (not rollable if you do it right). Also on the heavy people, you might be able to follow them up and tack on some hits. In the corner after killing a character, if you know the corridor will hit you can superjump before it hits and drop roundhouse demons on them, and go into infinite.

I have come to the conclusion that Sentinel-Y is BH’s favorite assist. If you have an AAA then sure, Commando is his favorite one of those (with a possible second choice of Guile), but overall I think BH can get along a lot better on a team with a game plan that doesn’t involve Commando than he will on a team that doesn’t involve Sentinel. If you don’t have Sentinel on the team, then some sort of projectile assist that gets in people’s way for a good period of time can potentially substitute (e.g. Doom).

e.g. BH/Sentinel/Commando will work. BH/Storm/Sentinel will work. BH/Doom/Commando can potentially work. BH/Cable/Cyclops doesn’t work. BH/Sent/Cyclops sort of works, but works better with Sentinel starting.

Who said I retired?

Soo did, like a month ago or so. He said you got a new job or something… don’t remember exactly what it was.

Yeah I got a promotion, I just took a little break. I’m not playin’ as often as I use to.

Look fool i kicked ur ass all the time in glendale when u use to come down and i want to play u for MONEY so i can shut your fucking mouth it’s simple YES or NO.I don’t even know why your talking all good but u fucking suck best bh i played is jamaal’s.So just to prove u suck let Dc-Static know when u wanna get your ass kick by the way u have always have some dumb fucking reasons to say u can’t play put u or shut up bitch.u know where to find me in video west your Bh sucks period.

wow thats a totally different point of view…

But on better terms i recorded alot of bh matches at the regional, most likely gonna make some type of Bh vid, a non boring that doesn’t just cosist of bh jumpin up with r.demons. If anyone wanna contribute to this vid just Im me at AdeoSaoBeoVay or just pm me.

yo glendale’s pimp im like the only regular going to video west that uses mag so u wanna come and see whose mag is better im me and well see whose team is the shit.

Even if he sucks [; I doubt it BTW…], he has posted much better info in this thread than you have on how to operate the character. Surprisingly most of that info is accurate. He’s trying to help people improve their game and help the community unlike you who is sabotaging it. He doesen’t need to expose himself to the risk of abuse.

If he posts something inaccurate we’re smart enough to be able to tell.

If you post again, please post on how to improve general BH play [if yours is any better] or simply don’t bother.

BH King, accept his challenge and videotape it. I need to see a good BH in action, and if I don’t, I need a good laugh.

TRUST ME, his challenge has already been accepted and I’ll be playing him the first chance I have to get to Glendale (or he could just bring his ass to UCLA on a Thursday between 12:30 and 2 and play me). As for video taping the match(s)…I’ll need someone with a recorder to be there. Trust me they won’t be wastin their time recording the match(s) b/c they’ll get to see some BH ocv action. :evil: This clown is all cocky b/c he beat me back when I was a noob so I think he’s going to find himself extremely disappointed after all is said and done.

BHKing: the semi-repeatable chain combo that leads into st. rh after HOD in the corner is indeed mashable. I’ve been playing with this one for a few months, but I’ve seen at least two occasions where opponents have unmistakeably mashed out of it. In serious games I’ll only try to do this if I don’t have a good DHC handy… BH/Sent DHC does as much or more damage in the corner for two meters than it does for three everywhere else, and nobody’s going to be mashing that. OTOH, if all I’ve got left for whatever reason is BH/Commando or the like, then yeah, I’ll see if I can get away with it. Why not? There’s rarely much reason not to, it’s not terribly risky, and if they don’t know how to get out of it then that’s a dead char.

As for the rest of this, I would be prepared to say that BHKing is at least decent, which would make him better than the vast majority of BH players out there. Hell, there are people who watch me play BH all the time in my own home arcade who don’t quite seem to get it. The easy-moding habits are a little too comfortable for too many people, even though the tactics those habits lead to suck.

However, until BHKing puts up some tournament credentials there’s only so much I can really say. Although video never hurts.

since we are talking about the newly buffed elite blackheart, how do you dismantle one ? Any particular match ups to exploit ?

As for u im down to play u for some cash and post back when u wanna meet up in for blackheartking wants to play for cash only 10dollars fuck that i’ll just whoop your blackass for frree bitch.btw i don’t think u improved it’s only your loud mouth has done the job for u but your game still sucks.yup still the same guy with 1000reasons to say when he gets his ass kick never runs out of reasons.wwhy don’t u 2 fools meet me in vw so i’ll beeasy for me just to whoop both of your fucking ass 1time.

haha i laugh at ure suck ass comebacks. dude ure the one who started this shit but ill finish it off with whooping ure ass just give me the time and ill be there.any1 who wants to see a real fuckover should come and see me play this foo. yo aaron we will show this guy who thinks hes somthing. come on over and have dan holla at me for the time

Thanks for the clarification. I was pretty sure that you could mash outta it but if I’m right it’s not the easiest thing to mash outta. Plus you risk doing an attack as you try to mash out which can turn into another combo for blackheart. I was thinking that if you connect the S.rh after the HoD you could jump in with two lks and follow up with a luancher as soon as you hit the ground. From there you can try to cross them up or throw into an assist or something. Any ideas? I admit this tactic would be more for show but it can also work to confuse your opponent.

so… who won?

honestly VW wont clarify anything if u guys play there, if your gonna play … play at ffa and let everyone watch like it was a tournament, honestly … timmy and aaron…i think you guys will get beat for one thing… timmy last time i played u … u didnt have mags infi down 90%… youll need that to win and another reason, u guys dont play much comp, just each other and readin & postin on srk wont get u skill either…you speak knowledge and crazy notation combos but can u preform?they are 2 totally different things… ive seen people talk crazy marvel shit on here but when it came down to it… that mumbo jumbo shit didnt really seem like he knew what he was talkin about, yah u read some tips here and there but it wont really help unless u practice it on good people and as for VW peeps weve been playing hardcore playa’s… best Blackheart ive been playin is jamaal cuz hes OG with his cross ups and tactics… but he still get beat here and there by VW peeps, but hey i could be wrong, you could win… prove me wrong … but yah as for time… anytime at ffa i guess

Edit: its a $10 minimum bet with as many rematch’s as u want, but each rematch will be double or nothing

edit 2 : i dont even think u guys can take out glendales biatch …thats how much we got better:evil: