That, and the fact that you can do far nastier things like fatal DHCs or snapbacks off of every situation where you can get an infinite anyway, yes.
This is one element that I thought of since the time I first started this thread that people haven’t really explored much. If you hit someone with air-to-air demons, sure, that’s a DHC asking to happen… but it’s also a snapback. This is an element of BH’s game that I don’t know if anyone else in the country besides me has ever much used, but I’ve won tournament matches in matchups that people normally think BH’s got no business winning with that. Most recently, beating Jackson Chen’s Team Scrub with BH/Sent/Cammy… which on paper is an absolutely horrible matchup by conventional wisdom. BH hits his Sentinel very early with air demons, snapout for Commando, and he tags in Cable immediately while I’ve got no meter. Not an immediate disaster, I didn’t even have one meter, much less two, but it meant that he had to cold-tag around his Commando being in the middle for the rest of the game, which cost him the game and, since he was already down 1-0, the match.
So what was I going to do if I’d just infinited him? I’d get 30% damage and fill up his meter for Cable, instead of the critical snapback that eventually won the game in the long run. W00t. :rolleyes:
So yeah… just about anything else is better than bothering with the infinite.
cool beans i thaught so but i also wanted to know if you have any tricky ideas or moves with BH dash i know its good against Doom but is there any resets that i dont know of yet. And actually when they pick team scrub on me i usually go BH,SENT,Capcom i dont know if its a very good counter but it certainly makes for some very exiting matches.By the way Stilt you got any footage of that match BH/sent/cammy?
Blackheart 2 aka Samnang koy from Montreal is single handedly responsible for Isac Graham NOT making the finals of T5 this August. He also prevented Jiggabry from winning the tournament finals too earning himself the title of National champion.
He also won T3 as well making him arguably the best MvC2 player up North.
I only saw him use one team the whole time. Magneto, BH, Cyc [or Capcom during the second phase of the grand finals after the second game.]
Nobody has placed high w bh in a * really * big tourney in the past couple of years. Local and national are completely different tourney formats… :xeye:
I’ve placed in the top 5 in Seattle a few times in the last year with BH on the team, usually BH/Sent/Commando. Don’t know if that would be considered terribly huge-big though. It’s a fairly respectable tournament but it’s hardly Evo.
Eh… BH/Cable/Commando isn’t just awful but you’d better really know what you’re doing and hope your opponent doesn’t. If you know how to play it and your opponent doesn’t know how to fight it, it can be extremely nasty, particularly against Sentinel/Commando teams if you start Cable, and if you’re fighting against another Cable-centric team there’s not a whole lot that’s really that well geared to win a Cable on Cable fight against it except maybe Cable/Sentinel/BH… which isn’t based so much on winning the Cable fight (although it’s good at it) as it is on making sure you don’t actually lose the Cable fight and then winning the midgame against BH with Sentinel/BH.
Cable/BH/Cyclops is probably a better all-around team, since the team’s generally best if you start Cable. If you know how to use that team and keep your cool, it’s actually a lot better than it looks on paper… I’ve actually gone to Seattle and beaten half decent MSP players in tournament with that team without breaking a sweat to speak of. Cable/Cyclops, with a good enough Cable, is just good enough at protecting itself from the rush that having the extra space control for a distance with BH is gravy.
Both of these, though, are pretty much Cable-centric teams. BH’s main job is the same sort of thing that Storm’s job is in the old Cable/Storm teams… to give Cable a safe DHC to escape alive and turtle on a lead. He gives Cable a better assist than Storm does and, if Cable gets ahead early with it, BH might well be better at this job than Storm herself is in these circumstances.
Um… no. There are a few screwy things you could theoretically do with the ground dash (like evading blind hail, maybe, or trying screwy crossups with it), but in practical situations it’s not terribly useful. Certainly not enough that not using it at all means your BH sucks… and DEFINITELY not as important as having a way to largely kill someone on one hit, or being able to seriously hurt Cable without getting shot in retaliation.
man, i just started playing this guy and he is awesome. Everybody doesn’t like my blackheart, so when i pick him everybody’s like “Not him again” cause he rapes haha. Unless im fighting a really good person like a magneto/storm/cable/sen expert/rusher, then of course they’ll own me, but yeah i must admit he’s pretty fun to play with. people with range rule
i saw this guy in the arcade not too long ago who had blackheart on his team, and he was fighting againest a magneto expert. Now i think the mag guy had bad luck, either that, or the way blackheart was being used was a good lockdown. he had cyclops AAA, so he controlled space really well. he didn’t superjump much, but he did do a lot of normal jumps + FK demons (ocasinally FP demons) & dashes. & he sent out his cyclops a lot. From that day on, i became a blackheart player heh, anybody like that? thought he sucked till you saw him in action
Cliffs Notes version: jumping around with fierce while calling Doom randomly in close range is much easier than the Strider/Doom trap while generally producing the same effect.
Dasrik and Stiltman im a very good blackheart player over here in michigan adn iwas wondering how u guys though of my team i play BH with everybody pretty much first team is BH/cammy/Sent, BH/SonSon/Doom BH/Doom/Sent, BH/Guile/Doom or Sent and BH/Sprial/Sent or Doom do u guys have any pros and cons or tips on any of the teams the team i play the most now is guile BH Doom guile has sick advantages and there just fun to play with also found out that BH’s iad is good for crossups with doom and good for lockdown as well anything i should know???
Yeah… I mean, it’s not like I never use them, but I’m just very measured in when I use them. They’re great for things like cutting off flying Sentinels’ low altitude angles, making Cables who viper beam too much pay for it, ambushing Magnetos and Storms at the last moment. It’s not a useless move, but when you use it is as important for BH as it is for anyone else.
And the right time to use it is not, “constantly.”
I Inferno xx HOD more than I should. But it’s never “random”. Most of my opponents betray their full game plan 10 seconds into a match, so I just inferno xx HOD at their “superjump and do something” points. What’s sad isn’t that it works, what’s sad is that it has worked MORE THAN ONCE IN A MATCH for me.