How to tell if your Blackheart sucks

Okay, absolutely no offense intended here… but no, BH assist only bounces them up, they’re perfectly able to move and do whatever they want shortly after they’ve taken one or two hits off of it. And if you’re actually getting a FAB off of it and getting away with that, then your opposition really, really sucks. :sweat:

So you can only combo off of the AAA going up…got it.

gief/mecha gief .

gief by himself is great, gief with mecha is priority. hit confirm AHVB like nothing.

not sure about HSF so much though. maybe gief crossup fly away land spit rocket punch super works. I donno. I’ve never tried it.

now that I think of it. akuma hurricane kicks work in a very similar fashion.

Yeah, and there’s also Iron Man AAA sort of, which is probably the best all around one that fits the bill. Too bad I suck with Iron Man on point.

sometimes i OCV MSP like nothing and sometimes I get taken out in one good hit by magneto and lose the game.

I really like Cable with BH AND cyke behind him.

call BH then sj. FP/jab xx grenade fall and then still get an action/AHVB on the way down is too good.

same with fp x 1-4 + BH

for everything else there’s cyclops.

BH/cable/cyc is easily my number two team

cable with BH AAA traps are to nice
and cyc puts em back in place if the manage to escape

but comp over here is to serious and i usually just stick to BH/sent/(capcom/cyc)

I’m wondering if bh/storm/capcom has any tricks

particularly storm/bh-AAA

Storm on point:
dlk, hk+capcom, hail, lightning storm, DHC HOD
Dlk+BH, Standing hk, hailstorm, lightning storm.

BH on point:
Any hp that touches the opponent with you standing on the ground, Armageddon, fast cancel Hail.

Against airdashing Magnus. jab inferno, j. short/fwd/Commando/air JD/instant DHC hail. Ghetto, but it would work.


yeah i use armageddon for hella frame kill. I know low short low strong xx armageddon frame kill to hail storm combos.

am i getting those combos right? you can combo, hk + capcom into hailstorm, then do a lightning storm cancel instantly and get HOD to combo?

or am i actually capable of comboing lightning storm after hail storm?

most of the shit i did today was just be insanely cheap and runaway + chip all day. HOD combos into hailstorm cause I start BH. The rest of just storm/capcom and BH to reset opponent whenever he super jumps (i.e. bait a super jump and call BH = opponent auto blocks and has to guess blocking on the way down).

I don’t understand what you just said.

Storm behind BH is so handy. all of BH supers suddenly become safe DHCs to storm.

way better than the bullshit Air JD into time flip that cable depends on. Or his less than exciting HOD DHC HVB.

and bh can alpha counter in much like storm can with inferno xx HOD I never knew that until today.

and storm proj is hella good. like it better than drones. short + storm roundhouse combos into HOD much like short + drones roundhouse will.

I’ve also done. c.jab + BH c.strong s.forward sj 1234 la xx LS. back into HOD.

that’s fun.

storm proj assist with demon back up is disgusting though.

I think StiltMan was saying that Blackheart has a lot of shit he can hit confirm and DHC Hail into and listed some options.

I like Blackheart/Storm/CaptCom. So many options and this one is decent. Well, I like Blackheart, period. :tup:


I like the following reset (amongst other things) with the BlkhrtStrmCpcm team:

w/ Storm

lk, mk (plus Blackheart), launch, sj.hp (into Inferno which knocks up) xx AD/UF or F (to cross up stunned opp), (you can either link it or delay, but delay of course for the reset) xx LA xx LS

solid reset option but could also just be used as a LA xx LS linker after sj.fp

…if you tweak it, you can use the 2nd hit of the Inferno to reset for free:

after launcher,, AD/DF to cross up and wait to see if they block the 2nd hit of the Inferno…if not sj up and finish, though you could just Hail and assume they won’t block the 2nd hit…if so you have advantage mix-up as they fall being they can’t call assist during that period

…or you can FSD into LS…which would allow you to DHC Blackheart being he is no longer on-screen

and this combo is so hot it slows the game down, literally (sometimes):

w/ Capcom

lk, hk (+Blackheart) xx CC xx CS (around 80pts for 1 bar…finally CaptCom doesn’t get cheated out of his dmg b/c of height)

for those who miss the LS xx HSF DHC, try this:

w/ Storm

launch (+CptCom) xx Hail xx HoD ~121pts

What I said was partly part of a brainstorm on uses for jab inferno. See, usually I personally will go up to meet a Magneto or Storm air-to-air when they airdash over the top of stuff like drones or j. fierce. However, just to take a chess move view of it, it’s basically a terrible idea.

Here’s what can go right:

  1. You get a j. jab/strong, maybe jab/short/strong/airdash/repeat XX air throw. So basically you get maybe 10-20% guaranteed damage on a fairly trickshot air combo and maybe an air throw too, and you get a minor positional advantage again by forcing them back to the ground. W00t?

  2. Maybe if you finish with a rh, they’ll forget to block and you can hurt them more on the ground. But they’d have to be retards.

Here’s what can go wrong:

  1. Magneto can air combo into hyper grav/tempest/instant DHC hail.

  2. Magneto can air combo into rh and set up a reset once he gets back to the ground.

  3. Storm can do Storm/Sent DHC.

Okay, call me paranoid, but what I’m seeing in the “wrong” column is way worse than the “right” column is good. You may or may not get 10% damage or a little more in return for risking getting pretty much killed.

Now here’s a similar set of things for jab inferno.

  1. If you have Commando behind you, you can get j. short/fwd/Commando, which probably does like 30-40% of damage or so without meter. Not just awesome, but not too shabby either. If you have Storm right behind BH, you can tack on air JD/DHC hail, which might add another 30% or so. (Thus the example I gave earlier.)

  2. If you have Cyclops behind you, you can probably do the same combination, and if Cyclops bounces just right, you probably can also get back to the ground and do fierce inferno into whatever combo you want. BH/Storm/Cyclops is an obvious DHC to hail. If you started Sent/BH/Cyclops and you’ve now rotated order to BH/Cyclops/Sentinel, that’s a pretty wicked triple DHC through MOB to HSF. Or Cyclops might just utterly biff it, hard to say, this is one reason I don’t always entirely care for Cyclops with BH, because just slightly off the ground he messes up a lot of stuff that’s consistent with Commando. But it’s at least a possibility for a lot of damage if it bounces right.

  3. You can do j. rh as they’re landing. IF you can manage to do this early enough to bounce them back up in the air, a team like Watts can do the full DHC off of it with st. short. This probably can’t actually be done on a practical level but it’s a dream.

  4. You can launch into fierce/inferno/HOD. This folds out more or less the same as the previous examples as far as what you might do afterwards. The double inferno by itself isn’t just completely pathetic damage, although the launcher is probably a bit tricky to actually do.

Okay, now here’s what can go wrong…

  1. They can fly cancel to avoid running into it. But if they do, you can do either fierce DT or fierce inferno afterwards, so it’s very risky to do it. They have to stay on the other side of the jab inferno column, so the only assist they can really call is Sent-A, and they’ll get only the rocket punch anyway. However, if you follow up with an AAA into either DT or inferno, you can zone off pretty much all that flying space. Unfly mode might be able to help them out but it’s still a pretty dangerous plan.

  2. They can air super and immediately DHC into something that hits you on the ground from the other side of the inferno column. However, I think they just about have to anticipate in order to do this, because by the time the inferno comes out they’re going to be right in the middle of it at basically any airdash spacing at all. Storm might be able to stop short easier, Magneto probably has to super before he actually sees it. Mag/IM/Sentinel is probably the worst nightmare here if he anticipates right. Mag/Storm hurts, but less than IM/Sentinel. Storm/Sent might be painful but more likely it’s not going to actually bounce right on the HSF to do much damage. If they don’t have the meter to fully capitalize, then you don’t care anyway. If they just randomly super up there and don’t cancel it, it’s stupidly easy for you to do inferno/armageddon or any one of a number of other nasty things to them up there, and they can’t really see it in time to do anything about it. This is at best a push for them, and it’s really risky to burn a bunch of meter just hoping that you do what they expect; if you don’t do it absolutely every time they airdash then it’s not worth it at all, and if they’re guessing and not cancelling until they see a column then they’re asking to get hurt if you vary it a little and sometimes just wait to see what they do. Almost all the possible outcomes here go worse for them than you other than guessing right with Mag/IM/Sentinel.

  3. Magneto can try to stop his airdash with a blind mag disruptor or a hyper grav. The hyper grav is potentially the more dangerous option but it’s basically a fishing expedition and you can probably mash out before you get to them anyway.

  4. Storm can lightning attack backwards if she thinks you’re going to do it, but this will pretty much defeat the purpose of airdashing forwards in the first place, and is also somewhat dangerous in exposing her to counters from BH still on the ground. The risk to you is basically zero since she can’t come down through the inferno column anyway (it’s still between you and her), whereas the risk to her if she guesses wrong is not negligible. So ultimately this isn’t really “gone wrong”…

I don’t know… anyone think of anything I missed that can go wrong or something else you can do if it goes right?

jab infernos is old new for me. (storms/sent/mags run into it all day when they’re not patient)

it’s especially good in the corner against ANYONE b/c if you bust two standing/crouching hits plus commando into jp inferno xxx hod, it can’t be pushblocked and escaped from b/c the column is a little bit away from the end of the screen and the opponent is only half way in it. (also note the the jp inferno stops assist like commando so you can use it on a scrub user once you get them in the corner without fear)if they call commando the jp aa to hod stops the hit from attacking and pops him up so that he gets hit by the hod

on another note, some storm combos I like:,, s.rh + bh assist, sj. LA uf, LA uf, LS this is a reset
the first LA hits b4 the bh assist, the second goes just under the enemy so that they get crossed up by the delayed hit from the bh assist right into the LS

In corner on sentinel…

ad.df.rh,,, s.rh, bh assist,,, lk whirlwind,, lk, LA, LS
I posted this on on youtube but the damn thing is all blurry and stuff. the delayed hit from bh assist brings sentinel back up from the whirlwind so that you can airdash up and combo the last part.

I also put some vids on youtube of how to go into the blackheart infinite from storm-a assist.

I think both work. What I wrote is a full blown combo. dlk, hk+Capcom, Immediate cancel to Hail, mash, lightning storm the moment the thing ends before your Storm is able to move and it will combo. You can even let a small amount of electricity escape, and DHC long before it touches allowing it to move and hit during the frame freeze into Blackheart’s HOD. I think you might even be able do airdash down + an attack [whiffs…,], then typhoonXX Hail for a second Hailstorm in the same combo.

From experience BH/storm/capcom doesn’t go anywhere beyond casual. Storm needs a good sentinel to back her up, and blackheart it isn’t good enough for that kind of game.

Stick to cables and sentinel they are the main game for blackheart

by the way i just heard that sanford is playing team watts, i always played him with my blackheart but he never showed any interest in picking blackheart up. I would stay tuned to sanford game he always improves some shit on the game he picks up.

Sanford was always an ‘under the radar’ Blackheart player…ppl just never caught sight ov these things. His BH = RAPEage to the 10th degree…

I would love vids.

All my bullshit is oldschool.

deth-scynide do you usually go to CTF? cause lately i’ve seen a couple of dudes playing blackheart. IF you have i know that for sure you’ve seen me in chinatown fair probably even played against me once.

I’ve seen sanford’s team watts, and it’s alright. his blackheart is above average but not there yet. In time if he sticks to it i bet he’ll be teaching how to play blackheart.

I’m there once in a while when I can (I have fatherly duties to attend to these days). I have a feeling I know who you are…I’m the spic that usually plays the team on my AV (LOL) and don’t think we’ve played each other yet.

I’m actually heading out there in a bit today so if you want to meet up and chill I don’t mind bro…