I think BH is hot, but I prefer BH/cyc over bh/capcom for pure rushdown capabilities. I’m sure anybody else who still plays from Boston agrees haha.
JoeDoe, are you ‘Bear’? I don’t see anybody else using BH at CF besides Bear and occasionally myself. If you’re Bear, your BH is pretty good. I’ll have to do a bh vs. bh match for next tourney haha.
BH can be sick in the right hands. One hit from cyc/capcom = 50% damage that’s very hard to mess up and it’s fairly safe with the right precautions. And BH is a great stall character. I’d only use BH/Cable/Cyc in a tourney, but that’s just me.
deth-scynide, sorry i didn’t check the thread yesterday, i could have gone to CF and probably played a little. But, i had a lot of work yesterday anyway so probably it wasn’t a good day anyway. If you are going to the tourney then i’ll see you there.
AK, i don’t know if that is how people call me behind my back since i am a BIG guy and often with a beard. So maybe that is how i am known, but i havent heard anyone call me that ever, so maybe you are mistaking me for someone else. However i am always there, at least lately, since my job is near CF. So if you normally go there then you must have seen me, i am a BIG, black guy, who always plays BLACKHEART/CABLE/CAPCOM.
AK i think i know who you are you are the guys playing Cable/Strider/T.bone right??
if so then you have a pretty good blackheart yourself!! you always like picking weird teams and somehow you make them work so for that i give you mad props!!
By the way, why you stop playing spiral?? i think your spiral is insanely tough to play against you should pick her up again.
I’m in the thought process of making a blackheart tutorial/combo video with the help of lovepig and some others. Anything in particular you guys think I should display in terms of strategy and combos?
I was already planning on addressing:
—the right and wrong habits to have
—demon manipulation
—dash uses
—combos from certain assist (maybe all of them cuz I’m sure you can)
—gaurd breaks (solo and with assist)
—corner strategies (solo and with assist)
—assist infinites
—cross ups on incoming characters (solo and with assist)
—resets (solo and with assists)
—assist specific strategies
—assist punishment techniques (because I’ve never seen one vid of a bh user doing this)
—solid DHCs and follow-ups
—combos and uses for the blackheart aa assist
if there are any strategies and combos that you want seen, post them up now (teams and whatnot) so I’ll make sure not to miss anything… something tells me that this is gonna be a long video lol
just be sure to include practical shit only. and among combos off assists, include shit like AAA and then combo a sj. jab short strong roundhouse into ground reset.
or air to air jab situations. for instance when i air to air jab someone and they block i’ll jab short strong fierce xx backdash, but if i combo i’ll throw roundhouse demons.
and traps. Definitely show traps for all the top 4 characters with BH on point and on assist.
One thing I’ll say here before I add anything is to search for ANY vids featuring BH and make certain that you don’t accidently emulate something that was already showcased.
-Mechanics ov the Inferno semi-infinite would be helpful.
-Only showcase combos/setups/resets with the assists that matter (or are played)
*Sent Ground
*CapCom AAA
*Cyke AAA
*Doom AAA
*Magnus Proj.
*Storm Expan.
*Storm Var.
*Guile AAA (a la Mikeheart)
*Cable AAA
-Poke/demon blockstrings would be great for this as well…
-SJC combos (assisted or solo)
I have some practical combos for BH in the archive, but don’t have access to it at the moment so I’ll try to hit up training mode and find some off the wall stuff with him…also, I’d try to get in contact with Stilt-Man and Dasrik (the latter may be somewhat difficult to attain) and have them contribute if able <just my personal opinion there>.
What’s the ‘deadline’ before vid production begins so that I’ll know how much time I have to compile data?
I planned on doing all that, minus the stuff for storm variety. I don’t really know anything for that assist except for stall tactics like… call assist inferno (blocked into blocked assist). Your help would be greatly appreciated if you know something I’m missing.
As for contacting stilt and dasrik, I’m posting on here so that they can give input if they want to. If not, it doesn’t matter. I don’t even know of any vids on blackheart, but it’s not like what I’m doing is for my own credit. I’m gonna put a disclaimer at the beginning of it or something explaining that this isn’t all my stuff anyways, and then I’ll give thanks to anyone that gives me any material to put in the vid.
The “deadline” will be around the last week of August since I won’t be making the vid at all if it isn’t b4 September 2nd (when I start back at school).
my marvel skills are pretty second rate. but I will try and consciously work some shit out since storm is on my team. Where’s stiltman? maybe he knows some tricks.
actually, shit that’s already been showcased is aok. If it’s a tutorial type video, you should have all the good shit in there, so that way it’s all compiled in one vid instead of peeps having to search all over the place.
I forgot to put down that I’m gonna show good uses for BH’s throw. I NEVER see people using it but it’s so good at breaking those that play too defensive, thinking they can block all his stuff.
on another note, someone post some links to some blackheart vids. I can’t find any that showcase anything besides the infinites for the most part… I’d really like for some one to show me something new damn it but it seems BH is just too damn unexplored.
If you haven’t already…look through the Meikyousisui vids (especially the later volumes). I know that one ov them showcases the Inferno semi-infinite, and a few others have random BH stuff in them (I don’t know which ones for certain).
Dasrik’s vids definitely have some things as well…I can’t think ov anything else at the top ov my head atm.
I forgot all about the meikyousisui vids. But if I remember right they didn’t have much usable stuff for BH. I think an infinite from the HOD super but that’s it…
As for Dasrik’s vids. Are you talking about the two on zachd.com? If so, there wasn’t anything new in those. They showed the DHC to HSF, and the c.mp launcher stuff and that was it. If there’s other vids, let me know.
I unfortunately have bad luck with getting videos of myself playing. There was one fairly basic SHGL matchvid from way back when, but it doesn’t show anything that useful.
I hear lovepig plays BH. I dunno who he is, but I’d like to see it. Come to James Games, I might show up this weekend. Maybe.
Oh Wow…:wow::wow:
Didn’t think that you still roamed around here.
(Ugh…don’t get me started with Yugi-Monz)
It’s good to see you again.
Due to a situation my archive (laptop) hath been destroyed and I’ve lost whatever stuff I had on there (sigh including the 90% completed Doom guide…FUGG!!) so I may be out ov the game for quite a while unless the data SOMEHOW gets retrieved…
Yeah, I’m thinking of coming back. I came on like I do every month or so to check my messages and I got a message from someone relaying a message from Apoc saying he wanted to see me at Evo. It’s unfortunately not possible, but it got me feeling nostalgic so I thought I’d post again.
And yeah, those combos in the video? That was the result of sticking square pegs into round holes until the damn thing fit. I suck at combos as anyone who played me will attest to. But if you can do them, more power to ya. ^.^
edit: It’s been awhile and I don’t really play anymore, but I’ll dispense advice tempered with salt if anyone wants. Be aware that I’m rusty and old though.
I forgot all about that stuff we posted back then. Well… I didn’t forget to put that stuff in the vid but I forgot that it was posted on here. Funny, I read your post about how you learned all the combos you posted the hard way and I felt for you cuz I’m in the same boat. Kinda sucks when you think you came up with something cool only to find out that others already know about it.
Lovepig = Blackheart prince. He’s gotten a lot better since I first met him.
damn that sucks. I would have liked to see the doom stuff too since I’ve been getting into him more as of lately. Don’t worry too much about it thought for the BH stuff, cuz from what I see, I’ve got all that and much more covered.
P.S. Should I post up the type out of what’s going on it so far?
I developed a way to pull a Yipes Magneto Storm-a combo with Magneto-BH.
1]Dhp. If it hits, call BH, sj hp, ad df hp, hk, dhk.
-If you did it right, the person is otg’d by the inferno, and hit by the dhk before they are sent into the forced roll.
2]Continue the combo with one of the following…
-Hypergrav into whatever you want
-Sj cancel into the Rom infinite
-Shockwave super
NOTE: These are just what I was able to pull of since my Magneto sucks. There’s nothing to stop you from doing the slide infinite out of this.