Bh fucking sucks.i’ll play stilt for some mm just to prove Bh sucks…
Good stuff.
Now I want to play BH…
New vids of Stilt are up on youtube.
Stilt what the fuck happened in the 2nd match?
Which part, the Crizzle matches you mean?
Stilt, about forward backward movement.
I heard somebody in one of your videos make a joke about moving forward…
I think you said before that blackheart is one of the most difficult characters to uproot.
Right now, I move forward the majority of the time, hopping forward and throwing jumping HP demons behind their head, lots standing LK, other normals, and random assists like doom to try and keep them in blockstun and/or force a mistake.
is there anything wrong with this?
Well, it’s a joke in my matches because I’m a pretty notorious turtle. Most of my game is “play it safe and keep it simple”. So it became a running joke back in Portland (where I’ve played the vast majority of my MvC2) that I didn’t even know how to move forward, so I played along with it with my caption.
Hopping forward with rh demons is generally a really bad idea because it’s not nearly enough better than just using the tail in terms of the area it hits in or the priority, it’s a lot slower, and it’s more or less asking to get hit with something, whether it’s a dash under hit from a Magneto or Storm, an AAA that’ll ruin your day, getting shot by Cable (which’ll also ruin your day), and so on. Hopping forward is good. But stick with the tail out of the air, preferably at the last instant before you get back to the ground where you can combo it quickly into another low short into some combo. That’s actually somewhat hard for a lot of people to block properly because it’s fast enough, and there’s also the option of just not using the tail in the air and hitting them just with the one on the ground to fool them into blocking the first time high when it’s low. Pixies used to do this in older games, and BH’s tail is a fast enough attack that it’s pixieish, except that BH getting away with this means you probably just killed someone if you have enough meter.
That said, there are characters that you definitely do want to move forward against, the main two being Cable and Sentinel. If you don’t move forward on those two, you’re going to lose. Period. Sentinel can be beaten by playing all-defense only if he gets sloppy, and the only reason you should ever be running away from Cable is if you’re way ahead with the clock running out.
this thread is still alive???
it’s been a while, anyways everyone is talking about team watts as if it is the next best thing. But to tell you the truth team watts has a major flaw and that is capt. commando. Trust me when i say that now days, you need to be three playable characters instead of 2 and one support( Capt. C). The only team that can get away with that is SANTRAx, Cause even MSP is getting their ass wooped.
So You guys try to find away of using a playable character as a support char. so in case the support char. gets switched in you can still put up a good fight. This will make your opponent think twice about snaping-out any of your characters.
i play BH (AAA)
Cable (AAA)
Sentinel (projectile)
Sentinel on point, of course. Very few times i meet player that want to snap-out any of my characters. Even msp players have to play me very carefully cause even if they switch cable in thinking that he is the weakest link in my team they usually eat a couple of Hbbeams for their mistake.
BH/Cable/Sent is better if Cable is started. Reason being is that it gives protection vs. Magneto teams and snapping in BH, and it can fight Thrax better this way.
If Sent dies with this team, it is way harder to win. So starting him is very risky, and Sent/Cable is not really anything special to begin with, unless you have a good Sent.
Watts is probably the best BH team because it really does fuction from all the parts, meaning everyone benefits from the assists. It’s a defense first team as well pretty much, you play defense, until you get a chance to kill a character with the DHC, then you sit on the lead with Sent. However it faces the same problem because if Sent dies, then BH/cap is tough to win with as well, but not as tough as Cable/BH though I think.
well i get your point cooscoos, but in my case cable/bh feel better than bh/cc.i guess it’s all down to the user.
- Do you think sj. rh and inferno/HOD are BH’s two main moves? (If you answer “yes” in whole or in part, your BH sucks.)
ANSWER: Those 2 moves can get you killed in the long run. sj.rh is just asking for one ov 2 things: a wavedash from Magnus/Storm under you for the cross-up if you fall into atrance…or CapCom smacking the crap outta you with the Corridor. Inferno>HoD is only good for two things…catching assists free while the point character is caught in blockstun, or end game chip finishes…Only the truly stupid players HoD Cable when he has meter (unless they can’t AHVB…in which case HoD is free!).
- Are you aware that BH’s tail represents one of the quickest range pokes in the game? (If you answer “no”, your BH sucks.)
ANSWER: All ov BH’s short variants promote severe poking opportunities…and if the ground versions hit meaty: c/,, Cyke>inf. or CapCom>Inferno/HoD (unless your opponent’s name is Cable…then you just Inferno>J.Day).
- Do most characters usually survive your first solid hit with BH? (If you answer “yes”, then your BH probably sucks… I know of at least two team schemes where BH should be killing people on the first solid hit, with only a very few exceptions. BH/Storm is arguably an exception that can get you out of jail here.)
ANSWER: Depends on what I’m going for/what team I’m against/what resources I have. Zone/keep-away teams (Scrub) get the poke/mind game treatment…meaning that you’ll have to play by their rules until they screw up somewhere that BH can get the upper hand…so there’s gonna be a lot ov blocking and ‘empty super jumps’ in that match-up. Rushdown teams, on the other hand, get earfed if you’re using something like Team Watts. Otherwise BH won’t have the resources to keep Magnus at bay and most likely take a snap out to the face…It’s all about what you know about your opponent/his team and your abilities to read out mistakes and punish him for it…
- Do you super jump to throw random demons a lot? (If you answer “yes”, your BH sucks. The only matchup where this is really a good idea is against another BH.)
ANSWER: RANDOM DEMONS GETS YOU KILLED!! ‘Empty super jumping’ is a hella lot better and it baits out lots ov stuff that the opponent may be praying to hit you with if you were going for demons (Cap Corridor, Hail). Normal jumping with fierce demons is the way to go here unless your opponent’s name is Cable or they have someone with a fast wavedash that can go under the demons (Magnus again). Once again…this is where the mind games occur…most players are used to the old school BH archtype (rain demons and abuse Inferno>HoD) cause players have the mindset that BH sucks ass…and he does…if he just does mindlessness…
- Do you have a serious application for air judgment day against top tier chars? (If you answer “no”, your BH sucks.)
ANSWER: See above…basically you bait something like hail out…and in predicting hail correctly you AJD and either catch them off guard if you predicted early enough…or trade hits and cancel supers (thus the stigma where you’d have to be gutsy with BH sometimes if you want to do any sort ov damage while they’re far away! AJD is great when used properly…just don’t abuse it…and tk’ing it in response to wavedashers is a surprise tactic…just pray they don’t pushblock you (call Doom if you fear this).
- Do you play BH on a team where he’s got a serious DHC to work with? (If you answer “no”, your BH sucks unless it’s because the team has Cable on it, in which case you get a “get out of jail free” card unless you answered “yes” to question 3.)
ANSWER: Yes and no. Basically I play different BH-oriented teams which include Storm/Sent/CapCom/Cable/Cyke/Doom…but I’m not giving team concept away here…
- Does your BH get rushed down for giggles? (If you answer “yes”, your BH sucks.)
ANSWER: I cannot lie…when facing someone on a tournament level I get earfed FREE by MSP and such…but at a casual level…where ppl are used to ‘generic BHs’ they get out zoned and out-prioritized!
- Do you know at least two or three different ways to do serious damage to Cable, without getting shot in retaliation? (If you answer “no”, your BH sucks.)
ANSWER: Damn straight…one on one…BH take Cable out…as long as you know what you’re doing and how to fight Cable…plus…there’s one super that no one has mentioned much that PWNS Cable if he gets too super jump happy (cough Crunchberries cough).
That’s basically the gist ov it…I’ll have some strategies up for BH later on…peace out guys…
ins’t it the same thing that stiltman posted like three years ago:confused:
Dark Thunder is ACTUALLY worth mentioning…
At first glance, Dark Thunder is a really craptastic special…it leaves BH wide open for about 2-3 full seconds, it’s EASILY seen coming, and if you guess wrong with it you’re pretty much pwned!! So what’s the use for this move:
LP DT + Drones snuffs almost any attempt ov Magneto trying to get under you and the Drones via wavedash (and that’ll happen if they predict nj.Fierce demons + Drones). This strat is for pixies!!
Unless the opponents’ assist has some sort ov invincibility upon startup, LP DT stops them cold (with the correct timing…once again, prediction is key). Just make sure you have sufficient backup in the form ov Drones or Corridor. This strat is NOT Cable-safe!!
Either version ov DT can be OTG’d into HoD, but it isn’t recommended unless they decide not to roll (HP DT is actually safer since they’ll just drop to the ground and you have some time to HoD BEFORE they hit the ground (keep in mind though, the random seed may screw with you and they’ll roll out).
HP DT can catch the likes ov Cable out ov the air if he predicts a BH sj wrongly and winds up in the air alone. Plus, if Cable tries to throw a grenade on the way down the grenade won’t touch BH the majority ov the time for the thunderbolt will kill the grenade, plus Cable gets smacked. At THAT height you can possibly JDay him and connect (since it’s far safer than HoD) but it isn’t 100% again due to the random seed.
I had some more stuff but I’ll have to test it out some more…also tinkering with combo setups using the pig (Fierce) demons as well as cross-up setups with BH. I have a few FDemon setups but I won’t post them just yet.
wow I havent visited this forums in a long time.
But anyways if Dasrik or perhaps other blackheart players out there can help me out.
Several days ago I came across a video where black heart is doing an infinite on someone by…
[goblin captured opponent] jumping LK, MK, land, standing LK, FK [goblins]… (FK was super jump cancelled) and then the super jump was immediately cancelled into a quick air dash… [repeat]
I’ve been watching that video and been trying it in the arcade, but I cant seem to understand when to SJ.
Also I’ve been thinking about black heart teams (not a fan of commando)
I was wondering if any of the said teams is worth investing time on…
- Black Heart/ Sentinel/SonSon
- Black Heart/ Cable/ SonSon
- Black Heart/ Storm/ SonSon
- Black Heart/ Strider/ Doom
This is currently the four teams im interested in, but due to the fact that I don’t have the game, and someones just lending the game to me. My time is limited so I can only specialize in one of those 4 teams.
Thank you ahead of time for reading, and many thanks to those that responds.
Ah, the BH corner inf.! I remember doing this one day and Sanford commented on the combo. Anyways there are 2 ways I do this inf, but the timing on sjcancelling the standing RK takes a little getting used to…you MUST sjc right after you hear BH grunt and the demons ‘begin’ to appear. Any sooner and you sjc without the demons EVER appearing…any later and the opponent is able to mash out the demons fast enough for the combo to not work…
The actual combo on the vid is:
jump in, nj.LK, nj.LK, /, [standing RK wait, sjc, adf, ad.LK, ad.LK, /], repeat brackets…
no need for the extra standing LK before the RK cause it pushes you a bit too far back sometimes…and the combo doesn’t work on just Sent…it works on anyone that is at least Magnus’s/Doom’s height…you just have to vary the hits and have it combo…
As far as the teams are concerned…sucks you don’t like Commando, he helps BH-based teams alot…I’m not much ov a SonSon fan even though I use her when I play Anakaris sometimes…Try the following:
-Blackheart/Sentinel/Cable or Doom or Cyclops
Start Sentinel off in this team to utilize the sent/BH trap (pin them down with repeated FP beams, drones and BH Inferno assists)…this trap annoys the hell out ov Magnus players if they don’t know how to evade it. The third character depends on your playstyle. Personally I’d go with Doom as the rocks will add another form ov trapping and chip patterns. Cyclops AAA sets up Blackheart’s sj.RK infinite and helps out with Sentinel’s stomp rush and fastfly combos. Cable is there for punishment as we all know how deadly a Cable with some sort ov meter is. If you play Cable make sure you still have Sent alive cause Cable + drones is an awesome traping/chipping tool.
I use this and the next BH-based teams personally. BH zones the opponent and has the Cyke AAA at his disposal…all while building meter for Cable…who will shoot shit in return.
Ah, BlackThrax…You can choose to start with anybody in this team as it’s so flexible: Sent on point to use the sent/BH trap; Storm on point to build meter, gain the lead, and switch in to BH to maintain the lead (don’t do this against Cable though); BH on point to use the BH/Sent trap (rain demons and zone the opponent while pinning them with drones) and then DHC to Storm and rushdown/runaway from there…Great team, and even though BH usually has a few problems with Cable, Storm/Sent is more than a match for him…
BH Clockw0rk is kinda good IMHO…but there are several problems with it…possible snapout from Magnus, Storm/Sent teams utterly destroy this as Storm can runaway from the Strider/Doom trap the majority ov the time, plus you’d have to be careful ov Cable (GODDAMN RANDOM CABLES!!)…
if u were watching it on youtube… it was probably my video. i have one up that done on magneto, and one on sentinel. the ONLY difference on sentinel is the standing lk. its true what death said, if u do that standin lk on anyone else, it will push u away and screw u up. but ive found it almost neccesary to use on sent. i would suggest practice on sent at home, because of his height, it may get u used to the sj cancelling. once u tune that, work on smaller people.
my 2 cents on a team… i use what has been referred to as Team Roadblock, BH/Cable/Capcom
Something weird happened that kinda needs explaining:
I’m playing at a friend’s last night and he was using BH/IM/CC while I had Mag/Cab/Doom…
As Cable is on point and Doom’s assist is out BH does HoD solo and hits both by luck…now the thing is that we were in the corner while BH was at the opposite side ov the screen…when HoD ends NO FLYING SCREEN and then he proceeds to link 2 more HoD’s (I don’t even get the chance to roll out) and nearly murders my chars…
My gripe is that there was no flying screen at any point in there. How the hell did he link 3 HoD’s in the corner!? I’ll try to look into this later tonight…
BH point left by himself can do HoD repeatedly by doing assist 1 + assist 2. Try to remember if the screen was flashing all rainbow colors and stuff… it probably was.
if BH (w or w/o more teammates) hits your assist, he can do repeated hcb+p xx HoD to hit your assist (of course you can escape with most character).
Another reason why this team is nasty: these are like the 2 best assist for cable in the game.
BH chips away if you sit at a distance from cable, Cyclops sets up for easy AHVB if you come in. They complement Cable too perfectly (as does metal zangief-a, but that’s a different story).
Alright that was most likely what happened since my friend does his supers that way often…
Sent y drones does Cable justice as well…but I’ll leave that for the Cable discussion forum…