How to tell if your Blackheart sucks

Fala andr!! beleza?? j tinha visto o pipipi e achei que era voc, mas no tinha certeza!! ^.^

Still playing better with watts, I’m startin to like playing with Cable, but still playing better with sent… I’ve already tried to play Cable/sent/BH, but it was a complete mess… =[
I think tha watts works better for me…

My team (BH/Sent-a/Cycke) do great against Scrubs and Santhrax, but I’m still having problems against MSP and Rowtron.

Any suggestions how to fight against these 2 teams would be very nice.

Nowadays, when I lose to these teams, I change for Santhrax for the win…

hey stiltman, I was going to ask you if you knew how to combo HoD dhc’ed to a HVB that OTG’s and forces a roll…my friend used to do it but I can’t pick up his timing that well, and its been ages since he used bh…wonderin if you could shed some light on me =)


can someone hook it up with good vids of black heart
i want to see how hes played

yeah. i want to see some BH in action too.

There are even more videos from the tiltmatic tourney where Stiltman faught killakelly. In those other matches, he faught some magnetos. Those matches are now up.

My question is slightly different…

Do you have matches besides those ones of you or other good players playing?

Also, I want to see if someone can get more matches of Samnang playing.

Well, here are 2 videos of me playing with BH that are in youtube. Enjoy and feel free to sugest/critic:



PS: Now that I’ve a camera, I’ll record more matches of me playing with bh than I’ll post here.

PS2: I’ve some more videos in my home. When I get there I’ll put them on youtube than post here.

Those matches (if you’re talking about the ones against Crizzle and Chunk) happened a couple months after the one against Kelly. Some of those matches, I’m actually a little mad at myself over, to be honest; I did much better against Chunk at the tourney after that one, but it didn’t get caught on tape.

Preppy has a few matches of mine on his site as well.

I’m hella rusty now due to work schedule; Kelly actually beat me in a couple rematches last month. Strangely enough, that same tournament I was the only person who beat Randy Lew (who was using Team Row), who went on to win the tourney out of the losers’ bracket. Not sure how that happens. :looney:

Okay, I’ve got two immediate reactions to those two videos, pipipi.

The first one is, if you’ve got either Commando or Cyclops, why are you also going for Sentinel-A? It’s redundant as a set-up and the drones are so good to mix with BH’s demons for space control that I can’t imagine wanting to get rid of it if you’ve already got a setup with your other assist.

The second one is, you’re super jumping way too much with BH. You should only be super jumping against Magneto to get out of a position that you just can’t save (i.e. he’s right in your face and you decide it’s better to take your chances and get out of there than try to pushblock him out), and even then it’s often better to take a normal jump and try to let Sentinel’s drones or Commando clear the area. BH is very hard to uproot from a ground position if the player can keep his cool and not surrender that spot; even I’m sometimes not very good at doing so when I’ve got a Crizzle or Chunksta’s Magneto in my face, especially when I’m out of practice and I forget it. (I got more or less wiped out in the Chunk match that’s up there, whereas I lost 2-1 and I was competitively in every game to the bitter end in our next meeting, and the main difference was, I didn’t give up the ground position nearly so trivially as I did in those videos.) It takes a lot of nerve, but BH will be so much more effective against Magneto for doing it.

Bump to get “buy my PS cheep dawgs!!!11!!1!ONE!” spam off of the “most recent post” list in the strategy directory.

only to be replaced by officer freindly giving little billy a poo ticket?

i really like bh/cable/sentinel-a

that said, i play msp but we all know, msp counter is santhrax. i can play santhrax as well, but would actually like a team to form a direct counter to santhrax. the more i think about it i think this team could serve as a counter to just that. i would probably run it sentinel first though, just because i think sent/bh vs sent/xxx is slanted in sent/bh’s favor because you do not have to get in the same ranges as every other sent/xxx duo. this is totally not including the little semi trap.

bh also could go first against sentinel or any other teams i might encounter in using this team as a counter to santhrax. i just wont put him against a cable or something like that.

i guess i would appreciate it if somebody could break down some of bh’s tricks for me with this team such as:
(assist punishing methods)-with bh all i can think of is inferno xx hod, and inferno xx hod inferno chest super on sentinels

(bh’s sj.fp or j.fp)-using this move is VERY effective for people trying to land close hits on you. but it seems that there are VERY many ways to do this move to increase efficiency. sj up/back fp ad/b seems to cover the range that most magneto’s will come at you. sentinel’s angles are easier to cut off. i was just wondering if anybody had any knowledge to share about this move. also, it seems like j.fp is pretty good for keeping people off and doing ghey random guard strings.

any information and team formation suggestions (order) would be very helpful with bh/cable/sent

Hey stilt How do u rate ur BH overall compare to other BH players???

Minor thing that needs experimentation with as it MIGHT become big.

If you call Sentinel Drones and Magneto collides with them, depending on how the impact occurs and how far away your opponent is, you can on reflex [if you’re on the ground] hit hk and it will hit them. Then you can super them.

The perticular situation I’m discussing here primarily is one where the person is trying to come down on you from above for any reason, with descent from a superjump airdash trying to get in over the hp. It can be from directly above, or from an angle where he’s coming in real high [and hits the drones the wrong way].

The inspiration from this came from a problem opponent of mine. I decided to flowchart his Magneto out of the match in hopes of killing his Storm at a later date. I kept using jumpback hp, and he eventually sj and AD f, and it was then that I called Sentinel and blocked. He kept impaling himself and lost Magneto. At home afterwards I explored methods of making the situation worse and this is where I found this.

Also, jumping forwards or backwards, or airdashing with hk may combo off the drones. I may want to experiment further with this. IMHO, You should too.

Ever since discovering this thread I’ve been loving team Watts (BH Sent CC). but I started to consider, and then use, Cyclops instead of Commando. I even made a thread in the General Stretgy section asking about why I’d pick one over the other for team scrub. But I like this team way more than scrub… and the question remains. I never see anyone putting Cyclops into this team… how come? It seems much easier to Inferno HOD off a cyke assist. Now I could very much understand if the reason is about defense and what CapComs assist gives you there. But are there any other reasons I should know about why it would be silly to go BH Sent Cyke??

On a similar note, can anyone explain for me the timing for getting inferno xx HOD off of a commando assist? I seem to miss it a lot, and I want to adhere to stiltman’s rule #3 that one solid BH hit should lead to massive damage(he said a dead character, but one step at a time hehe).

Also, what exactly should I be doing if I land a standing or crouching LK-MK? commando assist during the 1st hit? or after the 2nd? Im a little fuzzy on this. if I could make every landed LK-MK into big damage I’d be a happy camper. It’s much easier with Cyke, but if COmmando is better I want to make that work.


this thread makes my want to play BH, good stuff.

^-^ teach meh tactics for the team i use , Sent , Cable , BH

It’s not harder to do inferno/HOD off of Commando than Cyclops unless the character you’re doing it to is either Sentinel or Juggernaut, in which case you can just do fierce dark thunder into HOD and it works just as well. It’s just a different timing. It is easier to do it on reaction if somebody walks into Cyclops at random, but this is fool’s gold for the most part because nobody who’s any good is going to walk into it very much.

BH/Commando and BH/Cyclops, in a lot of ways, are almost different characters. BH/Cyclops maximizes BH’s poking game (which is very good) and is probably optimized by just staying in people’s face and keeping Cyclops as a constant threat, much like you see Justin doing with MSP and Psylocke. BH/Commando makes the most of his zoning and space control game (which is also very good) to cut off the angles where aggressive opponents can attack from and defensive opponents can run away. The other thing is, BH/Commando can combo off of sj. rh a lot more effectively than BH/Cyclops can, which forces people to be a lot more careful with what they do – with Cyclops, as long as they don’t get hit near the ground, there’s only so much you can really do to them.

I personally find BH/Commando to be far more effective, because BH’s space control game is just that much more effective against most opponents than the poking game, so maximizing this element of it is very good. BH has to work a lot harder to control space and do damage with Cyclops than he does to poke with Commando, so IMO you’re taking a lot more away from him by taking Commando away.

(Although if you want diagonal space control instead of vertical, inferno/HOD on reaction if people walk into an AAA, and the ability to still combo stuff off of demon hits, you can substitute Guile for both of them. If it weren’t for the fact that Sentinel/Guile is an awful pairing that just doesn’t work very well, I’d totally play that team.)

I can’t get past a Bh team for nothing =/; but I do use Charlie Bh juggy (ground) for kicks though.