How to tell if your Blackheart sucks

no ingles mi amigo? nah. seriously i don’t get it.

puts !! no habla ingless, sorry freind !!

eita ! acho q exagerei um pouco!! fiz um comentario estupido!! bem agora s posso pedir desculpas!!! e sou um grande mentiroso!! pois sei todos os infinitos do BH!! o q estou querendo saber,! se h mais alguem de tal conhecimento!!! gostaria de ver oq saber fazer!! gostaria de assistir um VIDEO!!! se mostraren-me!!, eu lhes mostro um acerto de INFINITOS INFERNOS! e chato pra mim pensar q sou o unico a saber tal golpe??? fazer um infinito naum ta facil!! eu utilizo o cammando ! e o cable !! o ciclops e o mais indicado !! mas naum me dou bem com ele!!! futurante podemos jogar uns contras ! e colocar as diferenas de lado !! dizem!!! q os gringos sa os melhores!!! meus adversarios aqui sa uns piadas!! estou at ficando ruin jogando com eles!!! E GENTE!! VAMU APRENDER A FALAR PORTUGUES POCHA!! A LINGUA MAIS FACIL DO PLANETA!!! quando escrever!! naum tenha vergonha de errar palavras !! eu naum vou rir de ninguem!!! naum estou aqui pra isso !!! at mesmo eu erro algumas palavras !! imaginem quando vierem ao brasil !! todas aquelas gatas na praia com aqueles biquines minimos!!! HUMMM MARAVILHA RS!! todas molhadinhas, hummm!!! vai ajudar pra caramba!!! HEM… VIDEO!!! EU QUERO VER UM VIDEO, DO MELHOR BLACK HEART Q VCS TEMM !! MANDA PRA MIM!!! . um abrao friend cabelis :wink:

PM From Stiltman

Re: What’s the best BH team for killing Cable-Doom

Quote:Originally Posted by Deathfist
4 questions:
1]What’s the best BH team for killing Cable-Doom.
2]What do you do with that team?

3]What’s the best team period [BH or Not] for killing Cable-Doom
4]What strategy should I use with that team?

Stiltman’s Response:
Well, Cable/Doom is not commonly something where I’m going to get upset about seeing it if I’m playing the base BH/Sent/Commando. My usual strategy is basically to avoid being near the ground with Cable at all costs if I’m anywhere further than poke range, and get in Cable’s face and force the issue up close. Cable/Doom is annoying for winning chipping wars, so the big thing is, don’t let it be a chipping war. Rush Cable down.

However, if (as many not uncommonly be the case) you aren’t able to kill Cable outright, don’t lose heart, because the real strategy here is, just don’t let Cable beat you by himself, because if he doesn’t then Doom and/or the third character has to beat Sentinel by themselves.

If that third character is Magneto and they’re starting on BH, then you want to play runaway with the drones out there as much as possible and don’t let him assert Doom at close range. Try to kill Magneto without needing to go to Sentinel so that you can save the DHC for Cable. Although even if you do wind up with Sentinel against Cable, this is no big deal because Cable/Doom with no AAA is execrable for getting Sentinel out of his favored attack positions.

If I really had to fight this one with any team of my choice, I’d probably give some thought to something like Sent/Cable/Cyclops or Sent/BH/Cyclops if the base team wasn’t working. Sent/Cyclops pretty much ruins Doom rocks reliant teams.

Yeah… to add to that…

I wouldn’t automatically assume it’s a lost cause. The main thing, like I said then is, plan to try to get Cable off point and then exploit the fact that the rest of the team has to fight Sentinel with BH and Commando behind him. There aren’t too many third characters I can think of for whom that becomes a particularly happy fight. For Doom, it’s pretty much impossible.

But yeah, if a Doom team was bothering me too much I’d probably go to something with Cyclops. I’d also give Cable/Sent/Commando a bit of thought, with much the same philosophy as with BH on point: drones keep Doom’s rocks from asserting themselves.

Hey stilt who do u think has the best BH u ever played against in your marvel career???

Blackheart is a BEAST in the right hands, and looks badass too. Great assist for tracking down pesky storm and Iceman users.

I don’t use him that much however, my BH needs a lot of work.

I’m confused… :confused: if someone could help… :wonder:
StiltMan said that the infinite of blackheart easy to do with cyclops, or if you hit an sj.HK, it’s not so useful unless you’re using cable on second char so you can tag him in and go on… intead of that you shoud do + commando,, Inferno xx HOD xx DHC Sent… I do that but when sentinel comes and finish the HSF they still with some life left and I can only kill them if I have one more bar to do the HSF again, or if I’m in corner, if in corner than there’s a lot o ways to finish them… Am I doing something wrong or I really need 3 bars/start in corner in order to kill them? and sometimes even with 3 bars I can’t manage to kill them… :sad:
If anyone could help… I heard of something like HOD (whiff) xx DHC, but the timing still too tricky for me so it’s not practical for me… :sweat:

man i havent post for years, glad that the blackheart thread is still alive. Anyways, cyborg the trick with black is not the infinites or the combos. The trick of playing blackheart is being extremely annoying with him.

if you haven’t played against good blackheart players, try to look for stilt’s videos with him playing blackheart. Blackheart is the poke king in MVC2, and it is really strange to play against.

Thanks man… I know that with him you should not be “flashy” but annoying…
the problem is that when the chance comes you should not waste it, if you know what i mean… ppl make mistakes then you punish them… I think that this is the point of being annoying, make ppl commit mistakes and then punish them… but lookin’ to me playing, I’m really not being as annoying as I should… but still, it will be a lot of help if I could do these combos when the chance comes.
I saw some stiltman vids… the guy rox… wish I was that good with BH… but still there’s a long road to go… lol (can’t manage to play against cable/doom or cable/commando yet… I find msp and santhrax a little bit easier to handle than those cable teams) anyway… do you know any other good player I should look for vids… I already saw, stilt’s, mikeheart’s and alex valle’s (only one, and against justin wong) vids.
I would like to see more valle and stilt vids do you know some place else to look for them, other than youtube?

Thanks for you help =]


well you wouldn’t believe me if i told you, but i saw justing wong play a pretty mean blackheart once. But it doesn’t matter which character he picks he usually comes up with stuff with them and beat every one.

And one tip about blackheart, blackheart is one of those few characters that you can only get better with experience. That said just play blackheart until you get a pretty good feel about him and you’ll see that you will be beating cables like they were nothing. As matter of fact even top players in the arcade that i go to and even in chinatown fair (it’s an arcade in NY) do not put up their cables against my blackheart.

One last thing play blackheart/cable/capcom in that order, and try to fight with blackheart not just cheese to get meter so you can give them to cable. I think that this team will solve your problem about blackheart not being deadly enough

Is there any video of that?
I never saw it… =[

I don’t know how to play cable, btw cable and sent, I play sent better, but I’ll give him a try, and play BH w/o wastin meter? that will be hard… but let’s try, one last thing, best cable assist in this team would be cable AAA?

By and large, BH should not be burning a lot of meter if he’s the first character unless he has a pretty good idea it’s going to hit something. With BH/Cable/Doom it can sort of be forgiveable if you’ve got someone pinned in the corner with Doom’s rocks in their face (BH/Doom inferno/HOD locked in the corner is probably more chip damage per meter than Strider). Regardless, I don’t tend to throw supers for sheer chip purposes unless it’s in an endgame situation where I’m ahead and I’m pretty sure it’s safe or unless I’m pretty much playing a straight chip-oriented BH team. Which, to be fair, BH/Cable/Doom is, but even there I’d be playing a half careful balance to at least make sure Cable’s got a couple meters to work with when he comes in.

Thank’s again… I tryed to play with BH/Cable/Cyc a few times, it didn’t worked well even though I don’t have a pretty good Sent… he works better with BH than Cable, I’ll give a try to BH/Cable/Doom… see if it works better than BH/Cable/Cyc cos’ I used to play Doom a lot more than Cyc so maybe it will help a little… my problem with savin meter with BH is that when I think somebody will SJ. and atack by reflex I do the inferno… if it connects I cancel it into HOD, if they block I have to cancel too, cos’ if I don’t then I’m getting punished, for sure, and as I “think” wrong a lot of times… I end up wasting metter, and i like to punish assists too, so when I see any unprotected assist, I “inferno/HOD” them… but I never saw that as a problem, but startin’ to think 'bout it would be better to have some meter when Sent comes in, it will help to punish assists way better than with BH.

Thanks a lot.

BH/Cable/Cyclops and BH/Cable/Doom are serviceable BH teams. I’ve found myself going back to BH/Cable/Cyclops as a mixup team against people who get too comfortable against BH/Sent/Commando from time to time. I’m starting to think that if BH/Sent/Commando isn’t going to work then I ought to either go with Sent-A/Cable/BH in various orders again. That’s actually a really good team for a lot of matchups, merely that two of the good matchups are not Mag/Psylocke and likely Sent/Commando, although I’m beginning to think that if it really comes to it I should just reverse the order against the latter.

BH/Cable/Sent-A is an order I never used for it when I used to use it in tourneys, I always started either Sentinel or Cable. However, BH has a serviceable DHC to both of the other two with that team, although there isn’t really a consistent DHC that goes straight from BH to Sentinel’s HSF without Cable in the middle, but you CAN DHC to plasma storm which is still pretty decent damage. Comparable to if you put Storm in the middle and DHC’ed to hail. With Cable in the middle you could do either poke into RP/inferno/HOD and DHC into HVB, which might or might not be able to also combo into HSF. If you did poke into RP/judgment day and DHC’ed to HVB, it would definitely go through to HSF.

Another one I’ve tinkered with, although I don’t like it nearly as much when all is told, is BH/Storm-B/Sent-Y. This is a really nasty DHC team. Storm-B into inferno/armageddon/DHC hail can do Storm/Sentinel like damage, and then you’ve got the real Storm/Sentinel right behind it. Storm/BH isn’t just awful when you’ve also got the drones back there, and we already know what Sent/BH can do. This is generally a pretty kooky team though, so I haven’t generally stayed with it a whole lot unless I’m completely goofing off. The chemistry with Sent-A/Cable/BH just works a lot better from every angle as long as Sentinel doesn’t die (which is actually pretty fatal to both teams, really).

E a Eduardo (Cyborg), tudo certo? Aqui o Andre (Jos) da Lets.

Back to english

I play with BH/Sent-A/Cycke, and I think that this team can do great against almost every top team. I actually have some problems with Rowtron and MSP. Basically against magneto. The first team I have to save BH x Cable, so I have to play Sentinel x Magneto. Against MSP the problem is psy as assist.

Someday I’ll record my 100% combos that I have with BH.


I don’t know if this been mention before but I like to know what do you guys think of a team of BH/Strider/Doom?

I’ve been playing around with this team for awhile and I personally see a lot of benefits. BH zones with Doom, chips and build meter for Strider. Strider comes in with a tracking AAA to stop runaways and do his usual trapping with Doom. Doom comes in and also gets the benefit on the Doom/BH trap. This team can cover a lot of ground to air with demons, rocks and Strider’s animals. It’s very trap oriented on all fronts and the DHC’s compliments each other quiet nicely, imo.

Sent-a, Cable-b, BH-b. Vs the 7 most common teams, what are the best and worst team orders for this team when using it against them, and briefly explain why?

Depends on what you’re thinking for “7 most common teams”. I’ll extrapolate wildly and assume this means…


The main reason I abandoned this team… okay, two reasons. I used to play it starting either Sentinel (typically in a Sent/BH/Cable order) or Cable (Cable/Sent/BH) in order to preserve DHC swaps one or two layers team. However, Sent/Commando and MSP messed the team up, so eventually I got rid of it in favor of Watts.

Against any team that starts Sent and has Commando, I would probably play it in BH/Cable/Sent order. The game plan here is, punish Commando with Sent-A and try to hurt Sentinel as much as possible with the poking game, and use as little of the meter as possible until they’re forced to abandon the mouth beam for fear of getting counter-shot.

Against a team that’s going to start Storm, I’d start it as Sent/Cable/BH. Play the runaway game, keep them from running away from you in turn with BH assist, and outwait them.

For Combofiend I could see starting either BH or Sentinel in either order. This would be a touch-and-feel thing as to whether they’re more prepared to chase down Sentinel or chase down BH with Mags. If you start BH and can get a DHC that’ll kill Mags with Cable left on point, IM against Cable in this situation having to come from behind is freaking hopeless.

For MSP… well, this is the main reason that I finally abandoned the team in favor of Watts in the old days. I’d probably have to start BH these days just because I know that starting Sentinel doesn’t work too hot on Mag/Psylocke with this team. From there I’d do my best to punish Psylocke as painfully as possible with both countercalls and find a way to kill her.

With MSS, I could potentially see starting either Sentinel or BH on this team. If I started Sentinel I’d be going for keep-out more than lockdown on Magneto. However, having the rocket punch instead of the drones for BH can be a bit of an adjustment in fighting Magneto, so be prepared, both with this matchup and the previous one.

For Team Row, I would probably start Sentinel. Keepout tactics again, and save the meter to get Cable in there and try to kill Mags in the process. However, I could see myself starting BH and aiming to go for some way of killing Mags with a DHC, possibly just to Cable to fight their Cable after with identical assists with me having BH besides, or all the way through to Sentinel and run away the rest of the game.

If they’re going to start Cable, it’ll depend on how confident you feel in using BH as an assist to help Sentinel take away the air from Cable and attack him. If you do, go for it. If you don’t, start Cable yourself and be prepared to DHC to Sentinel if you’re losing that fight. Either way, it’s best to learn to fight Cable with Sent/BH.

There are three main reasons to use this team:

  1. You’re tired of Cable (or anyone else) running away from Watts and you’d like to have a Cable as a safety net of your own in case you can’t manage to manufacture a hit.
  2. It’s a three-point team, so you discourage people from attempting to snapback unless they can hit two characters at once, because there’s a limited benefit to it other than trying to manufacture a guard break.
  3. You’d like to have BH’s assist power for a greater proportion of the game by having two viable point characters on the team with him who can both use him.